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The Abbott and Costello Book

Author: Jim Mulholland
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Popular Library / Big Apple Film Series (1975)
Avg. Rating: [ Unrated ]
ISBN: 0445083727
In Print? No

Shemp Howard and Joe Besser are discussed, and appear in some photo illustrations, in the chapter discussions involving their encounters with Bud & Lou, in the movies and on television.

From the 1975 edition's back cover...

"What Chaplin was to the Twenties, what the Marx Brothers were to the Thirties, Abbott and Costello were to the Fabulous Forties!  Abbott was slim, elegant, fast-talking, sardonic, a con artist who could prove the hand was quicker than the eye and that two plus two equalled five.  Costello was plump, sloppily dressed, stuttering, supremely good natured, the ultimate sucker who wouldn't know what to do with an even break if he ever got one.  Together they created a magic all their own --  from their first encounter on the burlesque stage, to their meteoric rise to fabulous fame and fortune as Hollywood's reigning kings of comedy.  Now they've come to life again, in their great routines, smash screen hits, uproarious, often outrageous private lives.  Here is the team that made the entire nation fill the movie houses with pure laughter.  Here are the days of our lost joyful innocence, when a fat man asked a thin man who's on first, and started making cinema history."

1977, a mass market paperback edition was published by Popular Library.

(Refreshing the page will alternate the editions pictured.)

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