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The Complete Three Stooges

The Official Filmography and Three Stooges Companion

Author: Jon Solomon
Paperback: 562 pages
Publisher: Comedy III Productions Inc (2002)
Avg. Rating: [9.71/10]
In Print? No

The Three Stooges are the greatest comedy team of all time. Their great body of work spanned almost forty years and includes over 200 films. This book pays tribute to the great comedy genius of The Three Stooges with a detailed study and analysis of all of their films. This is the definitive source book from respected Stooge expert Professor Jon Solomon. This is a one of a kind book. The 562 page book presents all of the film work of The Three Stooges from their beginning in 1930 to their last in 1970. Each film is meticulously analyzed and added to the chapters are anecdotes and information regarding the film itself, the supporting players, directors and producers. There is no book quite like this. It is a Stooge fans dream, but it is also informative and quite entertaining for non-stooge fans who are interested in entertainment.

Note:  Author Jon Solomon originally intended this to be independently published, and detailed Cast & Crew information was not planned for inclusion.  Once C3 partnered on this project, it was decided to add that additional information.  The sources utilized in good faith by Mr. Solomon, primarily The Three Stooges Scrapbook, did not reflect many of the updates and corrections made after Scrapbook's 1982 publication.

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