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The Stooge Fan's I.Q. Test

The Ultimate Challenge!

Author: Ronald L. Smith
Paperback: 103 pages
Publisher: Contemporary Books (1988)
Avg. Rating: [5.00/10]
In Print? No

From the back cover...

"Sharpen your nit wit! Flaunt your nyuk knowledge! Here's a first --- a quizbook that's full of yucks whether you know the answers or not! The Stooge Fan's I.Q. Test contains an incredible collection of photos and facts that nobody's ever seen before! Ron Smith has uncovered interviews from long-forgotten files and created comic questions based on his own correspondence with the Stooges and their relatives.

The answers to more than 400 Stooge stumpers are included in this zany book. With fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, matching, and true-false questions, find out if you're as smart as you thought. There are plenty of wild and wacky tidbits of Stooge lore to be learned. There are even some pictures that are a sight for sorely poked eyes!

So tease your brain till it nearly falls on the floor and revolves in a circle... and try to up your Stooge I.Q.!"

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