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The Official Three Stooges Cookbook

Author: Robert Kurson
Paperback: 211 pages
Publisher: Contemporary Books (1999)
Avg. Rating: [8.00/10]
In Print? No

From the back cover...

"If you want to cook, go to the source... The Three Stooges. The Stooges are always cooking --- turkeys that squawk when carved, clams that bite, pies that fly through the air. It is impossible to watch The Three Stooges without craving burned toast and a rotten egg, or a plate full of Curly's Woo-woo-woo-woo Chinese Fondue.

The Official Three Stooges Cookbook stirs together all that is delicious in Three Stooges films. Some recipes, such as those for Cackle Soup, Roast Stooge, and Filet of Sole and Heel, are actually prepared by the Stooges in their films. Others, such as Sloppy Moes, Porcupine Potatoes, and Curly Fries, are inspired by the Stooges' hilarious, and sometimes baffling, relationship to food. No matter which, every Stooge recipe is paired with a real recipe to create something delicious and fulfilling.

In addition to more than 90 scrumptious recipes, discover the Ten Commandments of Stooge Cooking, find out Curly's weight (it will surprise you!), and learn the true art of seltzer bottle warfare.

Synthesizing all that is delightful and delicious in Three Stooges films, this cookbook contains 75 zany recipes inspired by the Stooges plus quotes and 60 original photos."

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