Regal Theater and Black Culture, The
Shemp plays Smokey Moe, an inept fireman who marries Emmy after she jilts Fire Eating Sam. Smokey invents a powder that is supposed to put out fires, and he and Emmy concoct a scheme to impress the Fire Captain by putting out a fire in their own home. But unknown to them Sam has switched the invention with blasting powder.
Shemp Howard
Smokey Moe
Daphne Pollard
John Sheehan
Fire Eating Sam
Donald MacBride
Chief Nozzle
Fred Harper
Sam Hearn
Edward Trevor
Sheldon Leonard
Man in park
Unidentified HIS FIRST FLAME 1
Woman in park
Unidentified HIS FIRST FLAME 3
Wedding guests
Working Title(s): | THE FIREMAN'S BRIDE |
Prod. No.: | 1794-1795 |
Shooting Days: | 6 days From: 1934-10-08 To: 1934-10-13 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
SHEMP HOWARD...................................SMOKEY MOE
DAPHNE POLLARD..................................EMMY
JOHN SHEEHAN.....................................FIRE EATING SAM
DONALD MACBRIDE................................FIRE CHIEF NOZZLE
FRED HARPER.......................................FIREMAN
SAM HEARN.........................................FIREMAN
This short starts off where we are in a city park on gorgeous Spring Day. The trees are in full leafing. The flowers are blooming a beautiful array of bright colours and the sun is high in the sky and shining brightly and beautifully and the birds are merrily chirping.
There are two young ladies each sitting on their own individual park benches. The lady on your left is a beautiful, refined young lady. The lady on your right is a cute, happy go-lucky young lady who is sitting on her bench, swinging her feet to and fro, backwards and forwards, crossing them in front of herself and swinging them behind herself and is snapping loudly on a gum stick and is reading a book entitled:
We are now seeing a clip of the inside of her book where these two steps are shown:
1: "To attract the victims attention, always keep the love light shining in your eyes."
2: "When the victim approaches always drop your handkerchief to get his attention."
We are now on the face of Emmy, the cute yound lady with the book as she is now smiling in glee as she is happily reading her book. Emmy is now lowering her book and is batting her eyes in delight and glee as she is reading. She has now shaken her shoulders and cracked her back loudly as she is now sitting back in her bench reading her book and waving her feet back and forth and chewing on her gum stick.
Emmy now has a look of wonderment on her face as she is glaring at the beautiful lady who is sitting there reading a newspaper and has now dropped her handkerchief to the ground.
Quick glance on Emmy as she is sitting on her bench, holding her book and watching the beautiful lady.
The beautiful lady has now dropped her handkerchief and is acting like she doesn\'t know she did as she is sitting back in her bench and is still reading her newspaper.
We now see a young, good looking gentleman approaching her bench and is picking up her handkerchief.
YOUNG GENTLEMAN to the YOUNG LADY: (As he now has picked up her handkerchief and is politely removing his hat and says in a carrying manner): "I beg your pardon, did you drop this?"
YOUNG LADY to the YOUNG GENTLEMAN: (As she is looking at him nonchalantly as she takes the handkerchief from him and still glancing at her newspaper says): "Thank-you!"
YOUNG GENTLEMAN to the YOUNG LADY: (In a happy state replies): "You\'re welcome!"
YOUNG GENTLEMAN to the YOUNG LADY: (In a polite and carrying tone of voice as he is smiling at her says): "You look awfully lonesome here, how about a little walk?"
YOUNG LADY to the YOUNG GENTLEMAN: (As she is smiling happily and is getting up to go for her stroll says): "I\'d love to!"
All the while that the refined lady and the good looking gentleman were engaged in their conversation, Emmy was sitting there watching them in a stat of joy as she now lets out a big sigh of happiness.
The refined lady has now taken the arm of the good looking gentleman and they are strolling away in happiness.
We are now back on Emmy where she is sitting on her bench and is smiling and sighing in total happiness about the refined lady and the good looking gentleman. As Emmy is sighing in delight about the lady and the gentleman she now does a double-take look as another gentleman appears.
We are now on Smokey Moe dressed in his fireman\'s uniform and is walking and skipping in a happy and gleeful mood. He goes to kick a piece of debris under the other ladies bench and on his first kick he misses it, now he goes to kick it again and he hits his foot hard on the bench. He now has rubbed his foot and is limping away in pain.
As Smokey Moe is coming closer to Emmy, we now see her frantically thumbing through her "Love Book" to see what she should do to get his attention. She now has found out what to do as she throws her book away over the back of the bench. She is now taking a handkerchief out of the front of her dress, she is now sitting on her bench trying to look dignified with her head cocked back, one arm on the back of the bench and her legs spread apart.
Emmy is now sitting there with a huge smile on her face holding onto her handkerchief. Smokey Moe is now walking passed her in a quick pace. She has now thrown her handkerchief out in front of his still supporting a huge smile to try and get his attention, hpoing he would pick it up and return it to her.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As she is sitting on the bench smiling gleefully and he is now turning around and giveing her a look of wonderment says): "I saw ya, you outta be ashamed of yourself, you want to start a forest fire? Come on, pick it up, pick it up!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is straightening his jacket and hat and is looing at the handkerchief shouts to her once again in a gruff voice): "Pick it up, can\'t you respect a uniform?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (Emmy is now walking elegantly over to her handkerchief and is bending over to pick it up. He is looking at her madly and says to her as she is starting to walk away): "There is a time and place for everything, you know that, I get it!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she has now picked up her handkerchief and is strutting by Smokey Moe and is waving it in his face and is saying mischievously): "Yoo-hoo!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is holding onto her handkerchief and is standing by his side smiling gleefully says to him in a sheepish voice): "Nice day!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is giving her a look of wonder and responds to her in a questionable tone of voice): "Is it?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is smiling happily and has now twirled around in happiness and gives him a little kick on his leg and falls into his ches and tickles his knees as she points to the park bench): "Nice quiet little spot for us!"
As Emmy is tickling Smokey Moe\'s knees, (it sounds like someone is playing a kids noisemaker), he is stomping up and down in ticklish madness and is pushing her away.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is shuffling backwards and is pushing her away in madness and has a mad sounding voice): "Cut that out, I know ya, I know ya!"
Emmy is now lifting up the hem of her dress and is showing Smokey Moe her thigh in a flirtatious state of mischief as she is saying \'yoo-hoo\'. She is now twirling around her leg to be flirtatious, (sounds like someone is playing a xylophone).
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is watching her twirling her leg flirtatiously says to her): "What\'s the matter, are you muscle bound, or have you got in grown heels?"
Emmy is now still flirting with Smokey Moe. She has now tickled his chin with her handkerchief and is smiling sweetly at him.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is sheepishly looking at him in glee and still flirting with him says): "You\'re a nice fireman, won\'t ya sit down?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is looking at his watch and says to her in a happy voice as he is running over to the bench and is now sitting down): "I\'ve got ten minutes to kill, why certainly!"
Smokey Moe is now sitting on the bench, and Emmy is standing by the bench with a sheepish look on her face.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is fixing his hat and says to her in a mischievous voice): "I suppose you want me to tell you the history of my life!"
As Smokey Moe is now starting to talk, we see Emmy taking a flying leap to land in his lap but she lands hard on the bench right by his side.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is moving away from her slightly): "Cut that out!"
Emmy is now getting up and is rubbing her leg in pain as she is now slightly limping to the back of the bench and is saying, \'Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, damn it\'.!
SMOKEY MOE: (As he is straightening his hat and is watching her limp to the back of the bench says): "What is that, a chipmunk or something?"
Emmy is now climbing up to the bench over the back of it and is smiling happily and sheepishly as she is getting up on the bench and is now tickling Smokey Moe on the chin. Emmy is now playfully tickling Smokey Moe on his chin and is saying, \'Tickle-tickle-tickle, kitty-kitty-kitty\'.
Smokey MOe has now reached over and tickled Emmy on her cheek and says, \'Tickle-tickle-tickle, kitty-kitty-kitty.\'
Smokey Moe and Emmy are now playfully tickling each other and saying, \'tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.\' Smokey Moe is leaning backwards and then slightly forward and then falls on his knees while Emmy is leaning sideways on the bench and is laughing happily.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now approaching him and says in a more quiet tone of voice as she is tickling his chin, tickle-tickle-tickle-tickle\'.!
Smokey Moe is now approaching Emmy and is tickling her again on her chin. Emmy is now approaching Smokey Moe and is tickling him one last time and has her feet propped up on his chest as Smokey MOe is reaching over and giving her one last tickle as she is approaching the end on the bench and is now falling off on her head causing her to do a somersault.
Smokey Moe is still sitting on the bench and is now backing away from her as she is now standing up and looking away from her as she is now standing up and looking at him in a loving and flirtatious sort of manner as she is standing by his side smiling sheepishly and joyfully. Smokey Moe is now regaining his position on the park bench.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is pointing a finger and is starting to tell his life history once again): "Well, I\'ll tell you the history of my life, I was born right about there......"
As Smokey Moe was starting to tell her his life story, she once again takes a flying leap to land in his lap and as she is doing that she has now pushed Smokey Moe right off the bench onto his side. Emmy is now standing up and is holding her hands smiling sheepishly, but yet gleefully.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now standing up and putting back on his hat and is now sitting back on the bench says): "Cut that, hey, cut it out will you lady?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As Smokey MOe is now sitting back on the bench. Emmy is now climbing back up on the bench and is hunched over and is walking over towards Smokey Moe who is now looking away in a horrified state as she says to him with a look of determination on her face and is using a deep tone of voice): "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love!"
Smokey Moe is now laying on the bench looking up at Emmy with a really worried look on his face as she now has him by his shirt and is pinning him down with her foot.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she now has him pinned down with her foot on the bench and is holding tightly to his shirt collar says): "You could learn to love me couldn\'t you?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As Smokey Moe is laying on the bench pinned down with Emmy\'s foot and says in a total state of pain): "Not, without difficulty!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she still has her foot on his face and Smokey Moe has a hurt look on his face. She is shaking him by his shirt in madness while Smokey Moe is on the bench in pain): "You have no fire, you have no love in your heart!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is still laying on the bench with a hurt look on his face as she still has her foot in his face): "How can I have fire in my heart, when you have your foot in my face?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she still has him pinned down in pain as she is rubbing his hair in a happy state says): "Oooh, oooh, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is still laying there in pain and is putting up his arm in defense as she is still rubbing his hair as he is trying to get loose): "Cut it out lady, what do you want to pick on me for?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she still has him pinned down and she has her hands on his shoulders says): "I want to get even with my sweetheart, \'Fire Eating Sam.\'
{They just showed a picture of \'Fire Eating Sam\', he is about 6\' 2", wearing a fireman\'s uniform, holding onto his fireman\'s hat with the number one on it. He has a humongous sized axe in his right hand. He has a moustache and a giant mischievous smile on his face and he is going bald}.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (Still pinned down on the bench and is looking at the picture of Fire Eating Sam and is now jumping up quickly and is shoving Emmy off of him and is shouting): "Fire Eating Sam, my worst enemy. I\'d do anything to get even with him!"
Smokey Moe is now standing up in a state of furry as he is viciously ripping up the picture of Fire Eating Sam, and is stomping his feet madly while Emmy is standing behind him looking at him in a state or worry.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is turning around and is looking at her with a mad look on his face and says in a mad voice as he stomps up and dowm one last time in madness says): "Why, I\'d even marry you!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is standing there with a really happy look on her face and glee in her voice says): "Do you mean it?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is looking at her in dismay and says in a gruff voice): "Mean every word of it!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is smiling at him in happiness and is using hand gestures of joy and has joy in her voice says): "Then, we will marry in the little fire house around the corner!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (Smokey Moe is now giving Emmy a look of happiness and love as she is looking back at him in glee as they both hug one another and he and he joyfully smiles at her and pushed her back and states): "You\'re gonna become Mrs. Smokey Moe!"
Emmy is now holding her hands up in happiness and is giving him a look of kindness and love as she is now running up to meet Smokey Moe and give him a giant hug and he is now running to meet her and they miss each others arms and fall flat on the ground on their faces.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is getting up and is looking around for her says): "Here I am, Emmy over here!"
It is now the day of Smokey Moe\'s and Emmy\'s wedding. It is a truly perfect, beautiful Spring day. We are now at the fire junction where we see the following sign on the main entrance door.
We are now inside of the fire junction where we see the firemen hustling and bustling around getting everything decorated for the wedding event. One of the firemen is standing on a ladder and is hanging some fire hoses from a chandelier along with a wedding bell.
FIRE CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As he is talking in a deep gruff voice about the decorating): "All right, bring that up here will ya? Bring it up here, tie it right on top there. Becareful don\'t stop, no brick."
CHIEF NOZZLE to the LADDER FIREMAN: (As we see the fireman falling off the ladder and Chief Nozzle is shouting at him in a mad voice with his hands on his waist in madness says): "Fine, that\'s fine, have I got to do everything around here myself?"
We now see the fire junction with a bunch of firemen standing around and Chief Nozzle is now leaning on the ladder as he and the ladder go crashing to the floor and the other firement are now helping him up.
OTHER FIREMEN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As they are helping him up in a state of panic says to him mischievously): "That\'s very good Chief, you\'ll get a raise for that!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle is now sitting on the floor with the ladder on him as he is looking up in dazement says as the other firemen are helping him asks): "Who did that,? who did tha,? somebody sneaked up on me!"
We now see a beautiful white Arabian horse in his stall with a stable maiden brushing him as Fire Eating Sam is walking in a side door with a look of mischief on his face as he is picking off a garlic clove from a garlic stalk and is eatting it happily. The horse is looking at Fire Eating Sam and the horse flinches back and gasps in wonder as the horse now gets a whiff of the garlic.
FIRE EATING SAM to the HORSE: (As he is looking at the horse in madness and is breathing garlic breath on the horse): "Who did it."
We now see the poor horse neighing in a full state of panic as he has now gotten a full smell of the garlic and is not liking it. Fire Eating Sam is now in a full state of happiness as he gives the horse a smile of happiness and is happily walking away thoroughly enjoying his garlic snack.
FIRE EATING SAM to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As we see the Other Fireman looking around the fire junction at the wedding decorations and Sam is now looking at the Other Fireman in a state of wonder asks): "What\'s all these sites, I thought the Clam Bake was next Thursday?"
OTHER FIREMAN to FIRE EATING SAM: (As the Other Fireman has a happy look on his face and says to Fire Eating Sam happily): "It\'s not a Clam Bake, this is a wedding, Smokey Moe is getting married!"
FIRE EATING SAM to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Sam is still chomping on his garlic and is laughing hysterically as he is looking at the Other Fireman who is standing there with his arms crossed and has a big grin on his face as as Fire (Garlic) Eating Samy says laughing hysterically): "Smokey Moe is getting married, ha, ha, ha, ha, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, ha, ha, ha, ha, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, what, what, what, dumb cluck is gonna marry that mug?"
We now see Emmy sneaking into the fire junction in a beautiful white, taffeta full length wedding gown with pricess style sleeves, medium length white veil with a plumé on top.
OTHER FIREMAN to FIRE EATING SAM: (As the Other Fireman is wearing a huge mischievous smile and is inner twining his fingers and is pointing in the direction of Emmy says mischievously): "There she is now!"
FIRE EATING SAM to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Sam is abruptly stopping his laughing and is using a mad a tone of voice as he takes another chomp on his garlic says as the Other Fireman is looking at Sam in dazement): "Why, thats\'a my girl!"
FIRE EATING SAM to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Garlic Sam is shouting to the Other Fireman with garlic breath and the Other Fireman is flinching his head back from the smell): "Oh, she turned me down, hunh? I\'d like to know why?"
OTHER FIERMAN to FIRE EATING SAM: (As Sam is still happily chomping his garlic snack as the poor Other Fireman is now flinching and pushing him and his garlic away and has a look dazement on his face and is shaking his head in a state of \'pea-ewe,\' about the garlic): "I\'m your best friend and I cannot tell you!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the FIRE JUNCTION: (Shouting in a full state of happiness): "Here comes the Bride!"
We now see Emmy making her grandé entrance as she is smiling and skipping in joyfully with her flower boquet in front of her face as she does not see the fire hose in front of her and she now trips over it and embarrassingly goes crashing to the floor. The other firemen are shouting, \'hoo-ray\'! Emmy has now awkwardly stood up as the firemen are shouting once again clapping their hands, "The Bride, hoo-ray!"
We are now on Fire Eating Sam and the Other Fireman as Sam is chomping his garlic and the Other Fireman is standing there flinching his head back and rubbing his face from the garlic. Along with the rest of the fireman and the wedding guests as Fire Eating Sam is furiously approaching Emmy smiling gleefully as she is looking at Sam with a look of a whipped puppy on her face.
FIRE EATING SAM to EMMY: (As he has a mad look on his face and is shouting at her madly with garlic breath): "Oh, you throw me over, hunh, I wanna know why?"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the REST OF THE FIREMAN: (As Sam is talking to Emmy and Chief Nozzle is giving the fire junction one last cleaning): "Come on boys, let\'s get this place cleaned up here, take that ladder off of here."
EMMY to FIRE EATING SAM: (As she is looking at him in worriedness as the flowers are wilting from his breath says): "Well, Sam, if you\'d only stop eating garlic like I asked you to, things might of been different, even the flowers can\'t take it!"
FIRE EATING SAM to EMMY: (As he is happily chomping his garlic snack and is slapping the flowers and is looking at Emmy mischievously and Emmy is looking at him in madness says): "Eh, what harm is there in a little garlic?"
EMMY to GARLIC SAM: (As she is looking at him in a thorough state of madness and in a mad voice): There is no such thing as a little garlic!"
CHIEF NOZZLE: (In general conversation to the rest of the firemen and the wedding guests as he is looking around the fire junction in approval of eveything says): "Well, the flags are all up, the flowers ready, looks like we\'re all set. Let\'s start the ceremony!"
OTHER FIREMAN to FIRE CHIEF NOZZLE: (As the Other Fireman is approaching Chief Nozzle in a state of worry says): "Wait a minute Chier, we have no minister!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle is looking at the Other Fireman in wondernemt as he is holding his hands together and says in a happy and questionable voice): "No minister? what, that\'s all right, I\'m the Justice Of The Peace, I\'ll marry them."
We now see Smokey Moe happily sliding down a fireman\'s pole on the way to his wedding dressed in a tuxedo with his fireman\'s cap and knee lenght rubber boots and his trousers rolled up.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is happily spreading her hands and is using a happy tone of voice): "Smokey!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now happily noticing her and is smiling from ear to ear as he is also spreading his arms and is using a happy voice): "Emmy!"
We now see Smokey Moe tripping over his boots as he is clumsily running over to give Emmy a giant kiss, but he has now missed her and has now give Fire Eating Sam a giant kiss.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is staggering from being hit in the eye with garlic and is blinking his eyes in pain says to her in pain): "Emmy, Emmy, quick get a doctor, I\'ve been poisoned, I\'ve been poisoned!"
FIRE EATING SAM to SMOKEY MOE: (As Sam is walking away in madness still chomping his garlic says): "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is hugging him and is patting him on his head and is saying to him in a re-assuring voice): "That\'s all right you\'re all right!"
We now see one of the fireman approaching an older late 1800\'s to early 1900\'s style fire engine and is now blowing its whistle playing "It\'s A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonigh!" As a sign that the wedding ceremony is about to commence. Smokey Moe is awkwardly grabbing Emmy as she is slightly loosing her balance as he is leading her up to the front alter where Chief Nozzle is now ready to perform the ceremony.
As we now hear "Here Comes The Bride" playing and Emmy and Smokey Moe are happily marching up to the alter we now hear the telephone ringing. A fireman is now approaching the telephone and is answering it in a state of worry and dismay.
FIREMAN to the TELEPHONE: (As he is now answering it in a state of mischief): "Hello, hello, what, what, we\'re having a fire? I\'m sorry we can\'t come to any fires today, no, we\'ll be glad to come some other day, what it\'s the Chief\'s house!"
As the fireman was taking the message about Chief Nozzle\'s house being on fire we now see Emmy and Smokey MOe and the wedding guests all happily gathered in front of the Chief as he is now happily and proudly conducting the ceremony.
CHIEF NOZZLE to EMMY, SMOKEY MOE and the WEDDING GUESTS: (As he is now in a full state of pride says in a happy voice): "Hold hands!"
FIRE CHIEF NOZZLE to the WEDDING GUESTS: (As the wedding guests are happily holding hands with one another. And he has noticed that they are holding hands says to them smiling): "No, no, not you, you two." (He is refering to Emmy and Smokey Moe).
We now see Chief Nozzle getting ready to read the wedding vows to Smokey Moe and Emmy as they are grabbing each others hands mischievously as Emmy and Smokey Moe are looking at Chief Nozzle in dazement.
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE and EMMY: (In a very serious tone of voice as he is reading the vows): "Now, do......"
As Chief Nozzle was starting the reading of the vows we see the Other Fireman patting Chief Nozzle on the shoulder in a state of panic.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Emmy and Smokey Moe are standing there giving the Other Fireman looks of madness as Chief Nozzle is now looking at him in madness and shouts); "Go away!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Chief Nozzle is standing there in pride and the Other Fireman is standing there with a really worried look on his face as Chief Nozzle asks Smokey Moe): "Now, do you promise to take this woman your lawful wedded wife, to love, honour, and cherish, this day, for the rest of your life?"
As Chief Nozzle is asking Smokey Moe these vows we see Smokey Moe, Emmy and Chief Nozzle looking at each other in a close group to be sure that Smokey Moe is understanding his vows. The Other Fireman is still persistantly tapping Chief Nozzle to get his attention.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As he is still holding the vows book and is looking at the Other Fireman in madness and shouts to him): "If it\'s a fire, I don\'t want to hear anything about it!"
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As he is now still patting Chief Nozzle on the shoulder in a state of panic says in a panicking voice): "But Chief!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As he is giving the Other Fireman a quick glance of madness and is looking around the fire junction and shouts in madness): "No buts about it, I put up signs all over this town no fires today!"
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As he is saluting the Chief and is looking at him in worry as he is running off the stage says in a low painc voice): "Okay, Chief!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Chief Nozzle is pointing at Smokey Moe asks): "Where were we?"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As he is giving the Chief a look of mischief and is answering back to the Chief in a rapid paced voice that is mischievous): "Do you promise to take this woman, hecka, hecka, bottom, written up of this eeba, eeba, sequel, eeba life!"
We are now back with the taking of the vows. Chief Nozzle is standing there looking at Smokey Moe and Emmy with a dazed look on his face as he is still holding the vows book.
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Chief Nozzle is now swaying to and fro and is using hand gestures to support his words as he is asking Smokey Moe in a sing-song faced paced voice): "Do you promise to take this woman, to be your lawful wedded wife, to love, honour, obey, understand and hold for the rest of your natural life?"
We now see Smokey Moe with a look of dazement on his face as he is straightening his hair and Emmy is standing there with a mischievous smile on her face.
EMMY to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As she has a look of mischief on her face and is answering Chief Nozzle in a mischievous state for Smokey Moe): "Course he does!"
We now see Smokey Moe looking at Emmy with a look of puzzlement on his face as Chief Nozzle is looking at the two of them with a worried and panicked look on his face.
OTHER FIREMAN to the TELEPHONE CALLER: (As the Other Fireman is back in the Chief\'s office and has a look of dazement on his face and is saying to the Other Party in a state of mischief): "Well, keep it burning a little while longer, yeh, I tried to tell him, but he wouldn\'t listen, he\'s in the middle of the ceremony."
CHIEF NOZZLE to EMMY: (As Chief Nozzle is now looking at Emmy in a serious manner asks her seriously): "Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband......"
We now see the Other Fireman approaching Chief Nozzle as he is patting him briskly on the shoulder in a horrible state of panic and fear about the fact that Chief\'s house in now becoming a huge pile of ashes.
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (In a full blown state of panic and fear): "I\'m sorry to interupt you Chief, but there\'s a woman out here saying......"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE and the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Smokey Moe is now stomping his feet in madness and shaking his fists madly): "Wait a minute, ain\'t there nothing sacred here?"
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As he is persistantly patting him on the shoulder and is not taking get out of here for an answer because he desperately wants the Chief\'s attention): "But Chief, but Chief, it\'s your......"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle is now shouting at the Other Fireman in madness): "No don\'t try and tell me what my duty is, don\'t bother me, I don\'t want to hear about any fires!"
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (We now see the Other Fireman taking off his hat and is looking at Chief Nozzle in a really painful manner. Says in a low and worried voice): "Okay, Chief!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to EMMY and SMOKEY MOE: (With an apologetic look on his face and pride in his voice says): "I now pronounce you man and wife!"
We now see Emmy and Smokey Moe looking at each other in total happiness.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (In total happiness): "Smokey!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (In total happiness): "Emmy!"
We now see Chief Nozzle giving Emmy a kiss on her forehead as the other wedding guests are now approaching Smokey Moe and Emmy and are giving them their well wishes.
SMOKEY MOE to his FIREMAN FRIENDS: (As they are gathering around and giving them their well wishes as they are also monkeying around with him): "Come on, cut it out fellas, cut it out, wait a minute now, ther others, look out for that cleat, it came off the other window, cut it out, come on cut it out, oh come on, becareful, it\'s me, you know, Cinderella suit here, come on here, wait a minute!"
Emmy is standing there totally happy as she says \'Whoosh.\'
We have now pains takingly made it through the wedding ceremony as we see Chief Nozzle walking briskly into his office and is now approaching the Other Fireman who is sitting at the Chief\'s desk with his hat off and is working on some paperwork.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle has patted the Other Fireman in a state of madness and has a mad look on his face and a mad tone of voice): "Now what was that you wanted to talk to me about?"
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As the Other Fireman is pointing to the report paper and is looking at the Chief in a total state of sadness and in a sad voice says): "It\'s too late now Chief, the house has burned down."
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As he is bending over with his hands in fists in madness and has a mad look on his face is shouting to the Other Fireman): "Well, anyone who is sap enough to have a fire today, deserves to have their house burnt down."
We now see Chief Nozzle pointing at the sign on the door.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle is turning around to leave and looks at the Other Fireman with a look of mischief on his face as the Other Fireman is mischievously looking back at the Chief as the Chief asks): "By the way, who\'s house was it?"
OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As the Other Fireman is at the Chief\'s desk answers mischievously): "Y-O-U-R-S!"
We now see Fire Chief Nozzle turning around in a horrible state of panic as he is now raising his arms in panic and has a horrible look of panic written all over his face. Chief Nozzle has now attacked the Other Fireman as we see him ducking underneat the desk for cover as the Chief shouts \'W-H-A-T!\'
We now see two other fireman standing in the sidelines watching the after wedding events taking place in glee.
ANOTHER FIREMAN ONE to ANOTHER FIREMAN TWO: (As the First Other Fireman is looking at the Second Other Fireman with a big smile on his face and has joy in his voice): "I bet Fire Eating Sam was plenty burned up about Smokey marrying his girl."
SECOND OTHER FIREMAN to the FIRST OTHER FIREMAN: (As the Other Second Fireman is standing there holding onto his hand and is smiling gleefully says): "I don\'t think so, in fact I heard them mention something about giving them a shower!"
We now see Fire Eating Sam crouching down in a full state of mischief as he is now connecting a fire hose to a hydrant.
We are now back in the fire junction where Emmy, Smokey Moe and the wedding guests are happily dancing and celebrating the fact that Emmy and Smokey Moe are now hitched. All the while the fire hoses are now filling up with water. that leads into the fire junction. Emmy, Smokey Moe, Chief Nozzle and the guests are standing right underneath the fire hoses on the chandelier, as a photographer is getting everyone ready for pictures.
WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER to EMMY, SMOKEY MOE and CHIEF NOZZLE and the WEDDING GUESTS: (We now see the guests standing their professionally, smiling. Emmy and Smokey Moe are smiling mischievously as Smokey Moe is resting his head on Emmy\'s shoulder and Chief Nozzle is also smiling mischievously); "All right folks, now ah, strike a happy pose, ready, go!"
As the photographer has now snapped the picture we now see Fire Eating Sam turning on the fire hydrant and releasing water through the hoses and is soaking down Emmy, Smokey Moe, the Chief and the guests. The Wedding Guests are now running away and shouting in a horrible state of panic as Emmy and Smokey Moe are standing there having fun. The other firemen are now joining in on the fun as they are sliding around slipping and falling underneath the hoses in full state of happiness.
One year has now passed since we were at that very memorable Wedding Ceremony at the fire junction. We now see Smokey Moe happily working on an invention of his called "FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER FORMULA." As we see Emmy sitting on the side of a chair happily working on her knitting project. She is now loosing her balance and has now dropped her knitting thread.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is picking up her ball of knitting thread and is approaching here in a state of wonderment as he asks her in a very carrying voice): "What do you got there?"
We now see Emmy with a mischievous look on her face as she is pulling away from Smokey Moe and is hiding her knitting project as Smokey Moe is now looking back at her in carryingness.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is holding her knitting project and is using a sweet, mischievous tone of voice says): "I don\'t wanna show you!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As she is still hiding her knitting project and has a mischievous look on her face as Smokey Moe is now looking at her with a pleading look on his face as he lovingly says): "Oh, come on!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now in a full blown state of mischief as she is hiding her knitting playfully from Smokey Moe says in a playful voice): "No, I don\'t wanna show you!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he has a look of loving and carryingness on his face as she is sheepishly looking back at him hugging her knitting): "Emmy, you really mean?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (In a full state of pride and a proudful tone of voice): "Well you better make some extra money, cause soon there will be three mouths to feed."
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he has a look of devilment on his face and responds back to her in devilish mischief): "Don\'t tell me you got a tape worm!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is looking at him gleefully as she says to him as she quickly shows her knitting project and then hides it says in a super joyful voice): "Guess again!"
We now see a light bulb going off on top of Smokey Moe\'s head as he has now figured out, (he thinks), what Emmy was so mischievously happily playing about.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now in a thorough state of joy says to here as the two of them are looking at one another hystatically over joyed): "Emmy, you mean there\'s gonna be a little, why didn\'t you tell me? A fella can\'t guess those things, oh kid!"
We now see Smokey Moe happily kissing Emmy on the head as he is now leaping in joy and clicking his heels together and shouting joyfully, \'whoa, hoo, whoa, hoo!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now in a thorough state of glee and delight about the fact (THAT HE THINKS THEIR GONNA HAVE A KID), as she is sitting there in all smiles and joy about the event also): "Hey, hey, now you take it easy kid, you\'re like a queen. You\'ll sit there all day, boy I gotta tell the boys, you sit there, hold tight I\'ll do the work!"
We now see Smokey Moe running around in circles in happiness but yet in a state of panic about what is yet to come as Emmy is sitting there looking at her husband with a look of puzzlement on her face. Smokey Moe is now running over to the telephone and is now dialing down to the fire junction to the men down there the good news of him and Emmy becoming a mommy and a daddy. Smokey MOe is now shaking in a slight state of fear and anxiousness as he is now happily dialing the telephone.
SMOKEY MOE to the TELEPHONE OPERATOR: (As he is now in a total state of happiness and is having a hard time waiting to reach the boys at the fire junction to break the good news to them about the happy event that is gonna take place): "Hello, Belview 21084, fire house, fire house, Mike, this is Smokey Moe, yeh, go over to Henley\'s and get a half keg of beer and charge it to me yeah. Oh is ever a man blessed. Honey take it easy ah whoa!"
All the while that Smokey Moe was running around panicking, like chicken without a head about (what thinks is Emmy), gonna have a kid. Emmy was sitting there with her arms crossed and watching her freaking out husband in worry. As Smokey Moe is shouting gleefully \'whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!\'
We now see Smokey Moe taking a shoe and is throwing it against a window and is breaking it and picking up a piece of it and is running around in circles in a state of worry and is saying, \'Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, oh, boy!"
{All the while that Smokey Moe thought he was gonna have a kid we now learn that they are getting a Pekinese Poochie}:
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is standing up and is putting her hands on her hips and is looking at him madly and shouting at him frantically): "What\'s the matter with you?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is looking at her in total dazement and using hand gestures to support the size of kid says questionably): "Ain\'t we gonna have a little Smokey Moe?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As Smokey Moe is looking at Emmy in wonderment as she is standing there looking at him in madness and says in a questionable voice): "Smokey Moe, no, Aunt Emma is sending me a Pekinese."
We now see Smokey Moe in a total state of madness as he is shoving Emmy down into her chair madly and is now running frantically over to the telephone to call the boys back and break the sad news to them that he is getting a "Little Snippy, Snappy, Yippie, Yappie, Mean, (so called), dog instead of a precious little Smokey Moe.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now thoroughly mad and is shoving her down into her chair by her head says to her madly): "A Pekinese, get down there what do you mean? Oh, the boys, the beer!"
Smokey Moe is now running over to the telephone and is picking up the receiver and is calling back the fire junction to tell them to cancel the beer because he is not having a kid.
SMOKEY MOE to the TELEPHONE OPERATOR: (As he is shouting into the receiver in madness and is stomping his feet in madness): "Hello, hello, Belview 21084, yeah, come on make it snappy. Fire house, Mike, this is Smokey Moe, you know me, always kiddin\', I was kiddin\' about the beer, what they got it!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (In thorough madness shouts to her): "Oh, there\'s seven buck now and let alone a dollar ten for that window, we\'re gonna ask you."
We now see Smokey Moe in a state of madness as he kicks his foot against the floor and goes falling onto his back as Emmy is still sitting in her chair working on her knitting project.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now cleaning up the broken window and has a mad look on his face says to her madly): "Well, we\'ll have no \'Peeka-Noses\' around here. I\'ll tell you that right now, unless my invention works!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: ( Smokey Moe sitting in front of the fire place as he is igniting a match to test his invention as we now see Emmy putting down her knitting project as she is now noticing what he is up to as she now has a worried look on her face says as she is standing behind him): "Hey, hey, wait a minute, look at the way the house looks now!"
We now see Smokey Moe kneeling down in front of the fire place with a lit match and a mischievous look on his face as he is getting ready to test his invention as Emmy is standing behind him with her hands on her waist and is looking at Smokey Moe in a worried state.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he now has a serious look on his face and is saying to her in a re-assuring tone of voice): "Well, I\'m positive it will work this time!"
Smokey Moe is now setting a sheet of newspaper on fire to test his "FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER" Invention as Emmy is now standing behind him in a really worried state.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is using a low toned voice pitch): "Yeah?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now bent down in front of the fireplace setting the sheet of newspaper a blaze and is using hand gestures to support his statement): "Yeah, I hope so. If it works we\'ve made it, here it goes now, here it goes!"
We now see Smokey Moe tossing a pinch of his "FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER" Powder onto the burning newspaper and it worked. Emmy and Smokey Moe are now dancing around in a state of glee about the fact that his invention is a success.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he now has a look of happiness on his face and is rubbing his hands together in joy and is shouting in a happy tone of voice as she is standing behind him with her hands on his shoulders and smiling in glee): "It works, Emmy, it works!"
We now see Smokey Moe and Emmy hugging each other and dancing around in glee about the fact that Smokey Moe\'s invention is a true success.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now patting him on the shoulder and stomping her feet up and down in happiness as they are dancing in happiness as she shouts): "Oh, it works, it works, it works, it works!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As she is twirling him around and he is getting dizzy says to her in a happy voice): "Wait, don\'t spin me."
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now totally happy about his invention being a success says to him happily): "Why don\'t you go down and show it to the Chief?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As Smokey Moe now has a hurt look on his face and says to her in a state of dismay): "Ah, he wouldn\'t listen to me, not since the time I almost burnt down the fire house!"
We now see Emmy standing there with a look of puzzlement on her face as Smokey Moe is standing there with a look of wonderment on his face.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is looking at him in a carrying way says to him in a supportive tone of voice): "But what is the use of having an invention if you can\'t demonstrate it?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is standing there with a look of mischief on his face as he is happy. Emmy is looking at her husband in dismay as he says): "I got it, we got six rooms here haven\'t we?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is asking him in a questionable tone of voice): "What is it?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (In a total state of mischief says): "I got an idea?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she still has her hands on her waist and is worrying about what her husband is scheming says): "Yes, what about it?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY : (As he is now thinking in a state of mischief as she is standing there in a total state of panic says): "Well, we could struggle along with five for a little while couldn\'t we?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is standing there with a dazed and worried look on hier face as she says in a low supportive voice): "Yes, what do you mean?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is using hand gestures to support his scheme and has a look of mischief on his face as she is standing there with a horrified look on her face): "Well, I could start a little fire in one of the rooms!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she now has a mad look on her face and is using a worried voice says): "Start a little fire in one of the rooms?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he has a look of devilment on his face and is using hand gestures to support his plan says in a devilish voice): "Just to show it to the Chief, and I will take my powder and zoot, and it\'ll go right out like that!"
We now see Smokey Moe standing there with a devilish look on his face as Emmy is standing there with one hand to her face as she has a thinking look on her face about Smokey Moe\'s idea.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is no thoroughly confused about the whole idea says in a questionable voice): "Oh?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now in a state of determination as he asks Emmy in a mischievous voice): "Now, what room do you want me to burn?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is standing there with her arms crossed and is using a mischievous tone of voice as she is responding in agreement to Smokey Moe\'s idea): "Well, the one we have the lease use for. I think the......"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now in a total state of panic and is shouting back at her in a worried tone of voice as she is standing there with her arms crossed and looking at her husband in a state of worry): "Oh no, don\'t, lets not burn the bathroom."
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is standing there in a full blown state of devilment as she is using a mischievous tone of voice): "I know, let\'s burn the nursery?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now in a state of worry as he has a worried but yet slightly mischievous look on his face says to Emmy who is looking at him in a state of puzzlement. As Smokey Moe is getting ready to answer his wife, at first not thinking, then when now realized what she said flinches back a tad and says): "Yeah, cut it out now, cut it!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now totally into the idea has her hands on Smokey\'s shoulders and has a devilsh look on her face as Smokey Moe is now standing there starring at the floor in a perplexed state as she says): "And to make it look more real, I\'ll stand in the window and shout for help!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he smiling in glee with a mischievous smile on his face as Emmy is now grining from ear to ear and she has a look of mischief on her face says): "That\'s a great idea, but hollar good and loud!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is totally excited about the plan is using hand gestures to support happy mischief as Smokey Moe is standing there with a big mischievous look on his face as she is saying back): "Yeah, like this, help!" (She used a mousey sounding voice).
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is using hand gestures to support gusto, give it all you have as he has a look of happiness on his face as Emmy is looking at him in wonderment says to her): "That sounds like you got heartburn, give it heart, You keep hollaring until I tell you it\'s good!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As she has her hands cupped over her mouth and is practicing her shouting as he is now jabbing her in the backside with a straight pin to help her improve her "H-E-L-P" as she has a hurt look on her face): "Oh that\'s great, that\'s great, wait a minute give me that pin back!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As Smokey Moe has now put the pin back in his lapel and has a look of wonderment on his face as Emmy is smiling gleefully and is taking him over to his invention and is saying in an upbeat tone of voice): "Listen, get that thing and take it over to the Chief!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As Emmy is in a total state of joy and Smokey Moe is now excitedly running over to the fire place and is getting his invention to take it down to the fire junction says): "Firehouse!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now in a total state of glee and is bent over in happiness and is using a happy tone of voice as Smokey Moe is now grabbing his can of "FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER" in a state of panic as she says): "Yes, take it down to the Chief right away!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is running around in circles in a state of nervousness and panic as Emmy is standing there with a look of glee on her face as support that she knows his invention is gonna be a success): "Don\'t tell me what to do, wait a minute, I gotta get this, it might be something, ain\'t it?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now happily helping Smokey Moe gather all his invention materials as he is fully nervous as she says): "That\'s all right, get going."
Smokey Moe and Emmy are now running out the front door as Emmy is standing on their front veranda. Smokey Moe now has all his different invention materials in his hands as Emmy is giving him a look of happiness with a big smile for moral support as Smokey Moe is now really nervous about showing his invention to the Chief.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is giving him a big kiss and smile of support says to him): "Now listen, do your best with the Chief."
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is standing on his front veranda in a state of happiness as Emmy is looking at him with pride): "Don\'t forget Emmy, keep the home fires burning!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is smiling from ear to ear as Smokey Moe is skipping off in pride with his invention. Emmy is now giving him a big kiss on his forehead and patting his shoulder as she is now happily watching Smokey Moe walking away in pride with his invention to show it to the Chief): "Good-bye!"
We are now at the fire junction where we see Chief Nozzle sitting at his desk with paperwork in his hands while Fire Eating Sam is standing next to him only paying half attention to what Chief Nozzle is saying as he is now leaning against the desk with a look of blankness on his face as he is playing with his fingers.
FIRE CHIEF NOZZLE to FIRE EATING SAM: (As Chief Nozzle is a serious state and Fire Eating Sam is now not pay any attention at all): "Now, be sure to put the right time down here when we roll. Then when we send them downtown we make up all these sheets, there\'s no......"
As Chief Nozzle is now trying to explain to Fire Eating Sam about how to complete the time sheets we see Fire Eating Sam completely ignoring Chief Nozzle as he has a look of wonderment on his face as he is taking a giant axe and is happily chopping away at his finger.
CHIEF NOZZLE to FIRE EATING SAM: (As Chief Nozzle is watching Fire Eating Sam chopping at his finger in puzzlement as Fire Eating Sam is now having fun): "Say, what\'s the matter?"
FIRE EATING SAM to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Fire Eating Sam is in a full blown state of mischief as he is chopping at his finger as Chief Nozzle is looking at him in a state of dazement as Sam says): "Hang nail!"
We now see Chief Nozzle flinching a tad at what Fire Eating Sam had said. Chief Nozzle is now back happily completing his paperwork at one desk while Fire Eating Sam is standing up at another table also completing paperwork.
We now see Smokey Moe running into the fire junction in a total state of pride about his "FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER" Invention as he is proudly approaching Chief Nozzle.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is now in a full state of excitement and is running up to Fire Chief Nozzle in pride and is showing Chief Nozzle his invention while Chief Nozzle is sitting there looking up at Smokey Moe with a dazed look as Smokey Moe says): "Chief, Chief, my \'FIRE PUTTER-OUTTER\' works."
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (In a full state of madness as he is standing up as Smokey Moe is looking at with a hurt look as Chief Nozzle is shouting to him madly): "Nothin\' doin\', I don\'t want any part of it!"
We now see Fire Eating Sam standing behind Smokey Moe and Chief Nozzle with a really devilish look on his face as Chief Nozzle is now leaving in a total state of madness. Smokey Moe is now chasing after Chief Nozzle and is holding a can of his invention and is begging the Chief to at least look at it.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is running behind Chief Nozzle begging him to look at his invention says in a begging tone of voice): "Ah Chief, pleas look!"
FIRE EATING SAM: (As Fire Eating Sam standing there in a total state of devilment as he is laughing devilishly loudly in a really mean and nasty tone of voice says in a state of dis-belief): "Fire Putter-Outter, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hanh, hanh, hanh, hanh, hanh, hanh!"
Fire Eating Sam is now in a really mean and rotten mood as he has now discovered a can sitting on Chief Nozzle\'s des that is labelled "FLASHLIGHT POWDER".
FIRE EATING SAM: (As he is having a conversation with himself as he is holding the FLASHLIGHT POWDER and shouts in a really devilish tone of voice): "Fire Putter-Outter, I make it a further uppa powder."
We now see Fire Eating Sam meanly and nastly opening the can of \'Flashlight Powder\' and is now switching Smokey Moe\'s "Fire Putter-Outter Powder" with it. Not known by Smokey Moe. Fire Eating Sam has now successfully completed the mean, nasty, and evil deed.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is running behind the Chief fully begging the Chief to look at his invention says as Chief Nozzle is continuing to walk away completely ignoring Smokey Moe): "But please Chief, I tell ya, it works great now!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Chief Nozzle is now turning around giving Smokey Moe a really nastly look and is shouting at him meanly as Smokey Moe is now opening a can of (WHAT HE THINK IS HIS INVENTION), and is helplessly trying to show it to the Chief with a sad look on his face as the Chief shouts to him): "Will you go away?"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (In a persistant manner about demonstrating his product is begging Chief Nozzle with a dazed look on his face): "Now, will you listen to this, now look at this, what does that coat cost, $27.50, don\'t it? now watch this, I\'ll show you how it is, that is how much I think of this."
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Chief Nozzle is standing there in madness and a look of worriedness on his face as Smokey Moe is now taking a match and is setting his uniform jacket a blaze): "What are you trying to do?"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As he is now in a full blown state of mischief as he is setting his jacket on fire as Chief Nozzle is looking at Smokey in a state of perplex as Smokey Moe says): "Now don\'t get excited, don\'t get excited, look at that, that\'s number one ain\'t it, I blow that out, (he is refering to his match), I just take this and go like that, (he is now setting the other side of his jacket on fire), see that, see that, now watch it, I take a little of my powder and there\'s nothing to it and I just give it......"
We now see Smokey Moe jumping up and down in pain, (not knowing his invention has been exchanged with "Blasting Powder") is shouting \'whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, as his burning suit is now starting to burn him, as he is now jumping up and down from pain. We see his powder jumping out of the canister and is now landing onto the burning Smokey Moe. All the while that Smokey Moe is now doing his demonstration, (unsuccessfully), Chief Nozzle is standing there with his hands on his hips as he has a really horrified look of panic on his face. The beautiful white Arabian horsey is also standing there looking at Smokey Moe with a panicked look on his face.
We now see Fire Eating Sam laughing evily at the poor burning Smokey Moe. All the while that the burning out of control Smokey Moe was jumping up and down in pain was splashing his powder, (not really), out of the canister onto himself and wondering why his invention isn\'t working. It is because poor Smokey Moe, (not knowing what Fire Eating Sam had done) is throwing "Flashlight Powder" on himself instead.
As poor Smokey Moe is now totally on fire because of sprinkling "Flashlight Powder" on himself instead of his "Fire Putter-Outter Powder" is running around in circles shouting and screaming in a horrified state of panic and pain. We now see Fire Eating Sam laughing hysterically, busting a gutt at what nasty and evil deed he has now done to the poor innocent Smokey Moe.
SMOKEY MOE: (As he is a full blown state of panic is running around the fire junction in a horrified state of rage is yelling): "Hush, hush, hush, help, fire save me, save me, save me!"
We now see a fireman sliding down the pole fast as he and other firemen have heard Smokey Moe\'s cry for help as Chief Nozzle in now in a horrified state of panic as he is now trying to help put out the burning Smokey Moe. Chief Nozzle is running frantically trying to catch Smokey Moe as he is now not having any luck. Fire Eating Sam is still laughing evily.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Chief Nozzle is now yelling in a hysterical state of panic as the other firemen are now trying to get the burning Smokey Moe extinguished): "Save that man, put that fire out, put that fire out, put that fire out!"
All the while that Smokey Moe was running around in a frantic state of panic while several firemen were taking towels and slapping in a state of panic putting out the burning Smokey we hear Fire Eating Sam laughing evily and happily about his ugly and devilish deed.
As the firemen were putting out the burning Smokey Moe we now hear the fire alarm bell going off signaling that there is an actual fire? now taking place.
CHIEF NOZZLE to his FIREMEN: (As the other firemen have finished extinguishing Smokey Moe, Chief Nozzle is now running around shouting in frantic state of panic shouts): "An alarm boys!"
We now see Chief Nozzle running frantically over to his desk as he is now taking down the address of where the fire is at. Smokey Moe is now staggering slightly as he is now taking off his burnt jacket and is tossing it on the floor is running in a state of panic over to Chief Nozzle\'s desk and is picking up the clipboard to see where the fire is at. While the other firemen are now frantically panicking as they are now hitching up the horsey\'s to the two fire wagons. We now see two really beautiful 1900\'s style horse drawn wagons heading for the fire. One wagon is the fire truck and the other one is the hose wagon that reads "Hose Co."
We now see Emmy standing in her living room quarters as she now has newspapers thrown all around and is running around with her hand on her head as she has a \'look of panic\' on her face as she is standing at the \'busted window\' shouting in a \'so called state of panic\'. She has now set a trash reciprocal full of newspapers on fire as she is now mischievously and gleefully smiling and clapping her hands as she is now happy about thinking that she is going to be a help in making Smokey Moe\'s invention be a true success.
We now hear the fire trucks drawing closer to her house as she is looking into the mirror and fixing up her hair and is dancing around gleefully with a huge smile on her face as she is clapping her hands in joy.
We now see one of the fire trucks passing by her at first as she is hanging out of her window and is yelling in a \'state of panic.\' The horsey drawn hose truck has now noticed her and her \'cry\' of panic as it comes to a screeching hault.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As he is he driving the wagon shouts to the other firemen as he is bringing the truck to a hault): "Whoa, watch it boys!"
The hose truck is now parked in front of her house as the other firemen are falling off of the back of the wagon and are yelling, \'oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!\'
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As he is getting off the wagon shouts in panic to the other firemen): "Get the hoses out, hurry, now!"
The other fire truck has now returned to the scene. We now see the hosemen all running around like chickens without heads as they are dragging the hoses and falling down and getting up as they are now approaching Emmy\'s house to put \'the so-called fire\' out. Emmy is still leaning out of her window yelling help as the firemen are still bumbling around trying to get to the \'fire.\'
Chief Nozzle and Smokey Moe are now fighting over who is going to use the nozzle on the hose.
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Chief Nozzle is getting control of the hose from Smokey Moe): "Come on now, I got it, I got it, come on Moe, I got it, why don\'t you let go?"
We now see the firemen all staggering around, falling, bumbling around as they are fighting with the fire hoses and are trying frantically to get to the \'fire.\' Emmy is screaming out \'help\' from her window as the firemen are now in somewhat of an order and is now approaching \'the burning house\'. Chief Nozzle is running in a frantic state to her house we now see him knocking over another fireman without notice.
CHIEF NOZZLE to EMMY: (As he is approaching her in a state of panic as she is yelling \'help\' out of her window): "All right lady, we\'re coming to get you down!"
We now see Smokey Moe approaching Chief Nozzle and is trying to warn him about the \'false alarm.\'
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is looking at Chief Nozzle in a panicked state as Chief Nozzle is looking at him in dazement): "Not now, wait a minute now, Chief will ya?, this is my house, and my wife. Never mind the water. Will you please let me use one of my fire putter outters?"
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (Looking at Smokey Moe in panic and is shouting at him in panic as Chief Nozzle is pointing at the house as Smokey Moe is standing there holding a box of what he thinks is his \'Fire Putter-Outter Powder\' and has a begging look on his face): "Putter-Outter, don\'t bother me with that stuff, there\'s a fire here to be put out."
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is now looking at Chief Nozzle in a serious manner and is saying in a serious tone of voice as Chief Nozzle is now looking at Smokey Moe in madness): "That\'s what I\'ve been trying to tell ya!"
We are still hearing Emmy screaming out of her window \'help\' as Smokey Moe is begging the Chief to use his "invention", instead of water. Chief Nozzle is now in a state of panic as we see another fireman approaching him and falling down.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle is now in a full blown state of panic shouts)"Hold up that hose, what\'s the matter with you?"
SMOKEY MOE to the OTHER FIREMAN: (As Smokey Moe is setting down what he thinks is his invention, (but is "Blasting Powder" instead says to the other fireman): "Never mind the water boys, this is my house and my wife I\'ll take care of this!"
We now see firemen in the background holding onto a hose with a look panic on his face as Smokey Moe is looking at Chief Nozzle with a begging look on his face.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is now down on his hands and knees begging and pleading with Chief Nozzle to use his \'invention.\' Chief Nozzle is now looking back at Smokey Moe in dazement as Smokey Moe is beggingly asks): "Please, I beg of ya, please!?"
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As Smokey Moe is still down on his knees begging. Chief Nozzle has now caved in and is looking at Smokey Moe in carryingness says): "All right, then go ahead!"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is getting up and kissing Chief Nozzle\'s hand in gratitude and has a thankful look on his face as Chief Nozzle is looking at Smokey Moe in wonderment sasy): "Thanks!"
We now see Smokey Moe picking up what he still thinks is his \'Fire Putter-Outter Powder\', (but is "Flashlight Powder\'), while Chief Nozzle is now in a state of panic as he is wiping the kiss off of his hand.
We now hear the firemen yelling in panic in the background as Smokey Moe is tossing up some of his "INVENTION?" to Emmy.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is gleefully tossing up the stuff to his joyfully receiving wife some of the "INVENTION?"): "Here you are baby, catch, I\'ll be right up. You\'re doing great. That\'s it!"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is strutting back to Chief Nozzle in pride says): "Now, with a little of my powder, it\'ll go right down like that!"
We now see Emmy taking one of the cans of what she thinks is Smokey Moe\'s "Fire Putter-Outter Powder\' and has a look of devilment on her face as she is now happily smashing it against the floor of her living room quarters and is causing her house to blow up as we see a giant explosion take place, now causing a real fire to happen. Emmy is now yelling out of her window in real panic as the house in now engulfed with flames.
Here we go again with the other firemen as they are blumbing around falling, getting up and are now dragging the hoses to put out what now is a real fire.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is now really panicking as he is wondering why his invention did not work is yelling at Chief Nozzle): "Get the water!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to SMOKEY MOE: (As he is looking at Smokey Moe thoroughly mad as Smokey Moe is looking at him with a horrified look of dismay. Chief Nozzle is pointing at the trucks and is yelling at Smokey Moe): "Get the water, hook that hose up, hook it up, get that water!"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey is running after Chief Nozzle in a full blown state of panic as Chief Nozzle is now running to the trucks to get the hoses connected): "Come here!"
We now see poor Emmy standing in her living room quarters that is burning out of control as she is screaming and yelling, \'help, help, help, help, help, help,\' in a real horrified state of panic as she is now leaning out of her window and is yelling in panic. "Smokey, Smokey, come on and save me, help!"
We now see Smokey Moe extending up a ladder to the window where Emmy is now trapped as she is helping Smokey Moe straighten it up.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As Smokey Moe is climbing the ladder in panic and shouting in panic): "I\'ll save ya baby, I\'ll save ya!"
Emmy is now going back into the burning house as she now has a horrified look of panic on her face as Smokey Moe is now putting on his fire coat in panic as we now see "THE DEVIL HIMSELF, FIRE EATING SAM" lumbering in, in a devil-may-care pace as he is walking up to Smokey Moe in a mad state.
SMOKEY MOE to FIRE EATING SAM: (As Smokey Moe is totally panicking out and Sam is just standing not carrying about what is going on as Smokey Moe says): "What are you standing around, duded up, that\'s my wife burning down!"
We now see Fire Eating Sam blowing into Smokey Moe\'s face with garlic breath as Smokey Moe is now walking away with a look of pain on his face as Fire Eating Sam is now nonchalantly walking in the other direction.
Smokey Moe is now running over to the ladder to rescue his wife as Sam is now showing a bit of kindness as he is picking up a hose and is handing it to Smokey Moe. Emmy is still screaming in panic for help as Chief Nozzle is now yelling at the other firemen in panic about getting water hoses over to the fire.
SMOKEY MOE to FIRE EATING SAM: (As Smokey Moe is taking the hose from Sam and is climbing the ladder to the panicking Emmy says to Sam thankfully): "I got it!"
We are now on Chief Nozzle and the other firemen as they are once again bumbling around in front of the trucks and are now connecting up some hoses and are taking them over to the now actual fire.
Smokey Moe is now climbing up one ladder to rescue the screaming and panicking Emmy as Sam is now climbing up another ladder in an act of kindness to also help Emmy.
SMOKEY MOE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As he is now up on the ladder with a hose is now turning around with a look of panic on his face as he is yelling): "Water, water!"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Chief Nozzle is yelling at the other firemen in panic): "More water, more pressure!"
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As Smokey Moe is now up on the ladder and is trying to use his hose but is getting no place fast shouts): "More water to keep the trees from burning down, come on!"
We now see Smokey Moe standing on one ladder holding onto one end of a hose while Sam in standing on another ladder and is holding onto the nozzle end of the same hose. We now see Smokey Moe throwing his half to the ground as he is now climbing into the toally engulfed house.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As Smokey Moe is in a state of horrified panic as he is climbing into the house to rescue her says): "I\'m coming, Mrs, Gayle!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As Emmy is still standing there yelling in a really horrible state of panic as Smokey Moe is now trying his ever loving best to bring his wife to safety is now in the burning house and saying to Emmy re-assuringly): "Take it easy now, will ya, we\'re old timers."
We now here the firemen yelling in panic as they are now getting the water pressure up to snuff the best they can.
We now see Chief Nozzle and a bunch of firemen as they are now on Smokey Moe\'s front veranda and are getting ready to bust in.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Chief Nozzle and the other firemen are yelling in panic as they are rocking to and fro with a hose): "Ah, onea, ah, twoa, ah, threea!"
Chief Nozzle and the other firemen are now breaking down the front door and are entering in with the hose. We now see these same firemen exiting from the house through a side wall in single file as Smokey Moe and Emmy\'s house is now burning totally out of control.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE and the OTHER FIREMEN: (As he is carrying out whom he think is Emmy to safety is shouting in happiness): "I got her, I got her!"
We now see Smokey Moe coming out the front door with the now passed out, what he thinks is Emmy, draped over his shoulder like a sack of corn meal. He is now carrying her to safety as Chief Nozzle and the other firemen are cheering at him in happiness for his act of bravery.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he gently laying her on the ground and is talking to her in a gentle tone of voice says): "Emmy, Emmy, speak to me!"
We now find out that it was not Emmy that Smokey Moe has rescued but it was Fire Eating Sam instead. We now see Smokey Moe running around in a state of panic to the house to get Emmy.
SMOKEY MOE to CHIEF NOZZLE and the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Smokey Moe is using a miscjevous tone of voice says): "Emmy, must be well done, wait a minute fellas, I\'ll get her!"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now running into the burning house to rescue Emmy is shouting loudly in a state of panic): "It\'s me Emmy, you\'ll know me with the red shirt."
We now see Chief Nozzle and the other firemen now in an uniformed fashion as they are running towards the house with a hose.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Chief Nozzle is now turning around and looking at them in a state of panic shouts): "Water, turn that hose on, water!"
We are now on a bunch of firemen who are working at a panic state getting the water turned on to put out the fire. We now see water coming out of the hose as the line-up of firemen are now in a state of panic as they are bravely trying to put out the fire. The water pressure is now fizzling out in the hose as the firemen are frantically working at a fast pace to get the pressure back up.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the FIRE HOSE TRUCK MEN: (As Chief Nozzle is now approaching them in a full blown state of madness and panic): "Say, give me mor pressure here, can\'t you give me anymore pressure?"
ONE OTHER FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As the Other Fireman is now looking at Chief Nozzle in a state of panic says to him in a worried state): "That\'s all we can give ya, Chief!"
We now see Chief Nozzle putting his hands up to his head in a horrible state of fear and panic as we now see the other firemen some in panic as others are now falling to the ground. We now are seeing the firemen frantically fighting the fire to the best of their ability with what little water pressure they do have.
We now see Emmy and Smokey Moe\'s house burning totally out of control.
We are now back on the fire trucks and two firemen who are frantically trying to get more water pressure.
ONE OTHER FIREMAN to a SECOND OTHER FIREMAN: (As the First Other Fireman is looking at the Second Other Fireman with a look of fear on his face says): "More pressure!"
SECOND OTHER FIREMAN to the FIRST OTHER FIREMAN: (As the Second Other Fireman is now looking at the First Other Fireman in fear responds back): "Okay, wait a minute!"
We now see Fire Eating Sam as he is holding the hose in his hand and is frantically approaching the burning house and is now trying to put out the fire.
We are now back on the fire trucks and the same two firemen who are working their tails off at getting more water pressure.
SECOND OTHER FIREMAN to the FIRST OTHER FIREMAN: (As the Second Other Fireman has now fixed a few knobs on the water pump says to the First Other Fireman in a serious state): "Go ahead!"
The two firemen have now successfully fixed the water pressure problem as the First Other Fireman is now turning the knob on the water pump and is successfully sending a full pressure of wather through the hose.
We now see Fire Eating Sam putting out some of the fire. But due to the fact that the two water firemen have now upped the pressure too much Sam has now lost control of the hose and is now falling to the ground and is floating away on the hose back and forth across Smokey Moe\'s front yard being unable to control the hose.
The frantically floating Fire Eating Sam has now been able to regain his balance and control of the hose as he is frantically picking it up and is shooting it at the totally burning out of control house. We now see the other fireman along with Chief Nozzle yelling in support to what Fire Eating Sam is doing. "Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go-Go!"
The hose has now once again pooped out and we now see Fire Eating Sam throwing the hose down in thorough state of disgust as he is now walking away in a thoroughly disgusted mood with a look of disgust on his face. The other firemen are now yelling and running around in horrible states of fear and panic.
Emmy and Smokey Moe\'s house is so engulfed with flames there is now way to contain the fire.
We now see Chief Nozzle and a bunch of other firemen with looks of glee on their faces as they are now cheeing on Smokey Moe.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Cief Nozzle is now shouting in joy and has a joyful tone of voice says): "There\'s Smokey Moe, he\'ll find his way out."
ONE FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As he is saying to Chief Nozzle in a horrible state of panic as the house is now totally blackened out from the outrageously burning out of control fire): "Nobody can get out of a place like this."
CHIEF NOZZLE to the PANICKING FIREMAN: (As he is using a re-assuring tone of voice and has a giant smil on his face says): "Ah, but Smokey Moe can, he\'s carrying her down the stairs now!"
PANICKING FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As the poor petrified fireman is saying to Chief Nozzle in panicking tone of voice): "Good old Smokey MOe, do you think he\'ll make it?"
CHIEF NOZZLE to the POOR PETRIFIED FIREMAN: (As Chief Nozzle is now shouting in positiveness): "I know he\'ll make it!"
POOR PETRIFIED FIREMAN to CHIEF NOZZLE: (As the Petrified Fireman is now seeing Smokey Moe successfully rescuing his wife Emmy shouts in glee): "He\'s got her, he\'s got her!"
We now see Smokey Moe out safely with his wife Emmy as Chief Nozzle and the other firemen are now running over to him shouting, \'Hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray,\' thinking that Smokey Moe has now successfully rescued his wife. Chief Nozzle and the other firemen and now spraying some water on them to be sure that there is not a drop of burning cinders on them. As the firemen have now backed away and still are cheering, \'hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray.\'! in the rescuing process and as the two victims are now laying on the ground safe. We now find out that Emmy has safed Smokey Moe.
CHIEF NOZZLE to the OTHER FIREMEN: (As Chief Nozzle and the Other Firemen are now hysterically happy and overjoyed that Smokey Moe and Emmy are safe we here Chief Nozzle yelling): "Hoo-ray for Mrs. Smokey Moe!"
Chief Nozzle and the other firemen are now leaving in a state of happiness and glee shouting, \'hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray, hoo-ray\'!
We now see Emmy looking at her husband with a mad, yet carrying look as Smokey Moe is now a bit dis-orriented from breathing in smoke.
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (In general conversation and in a slightly dis-orriented voice says): "Where\'s Smokey Moe, where\'s Smokey Moe, where am I?"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is kneeling on the ground beside her dis-orriented husband and her burning out of control house asks him in a thoroughly mad tone of voice): "What happened to the invention?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is now sitting there in a dazed state with a look of wonderment on his face says to her in a mad tone of voice): "May be, we didn\'t put enough on!"
We now see Smokey Moe and Emmy cleaned up as they are now viewing the rack-n-ruins of their house.
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is now looking at the shambles of their home and is looking at Smokey Moe in a thorough state of madness as she is shouting at him): "Fire Putter-Outter, hunh?"
SMOKEY MOE to EMMY: (As he is also viewing the wreckage of his house and is shouting at her madly with a mad tone of voice says back to her in his defense): "May be, we didn\'t put enough on!"
EMMY to SMOKEY MOE: (As she is so beyond mad at Smokey Moe as she slaps him a good on across his face and sends him flying into a wheelbarrel says in a horrible mad tone of voice): "Put enough on, put that on!"
The short fades out where we see Smokey Moe laying in the wheelbarrel with his thoroughly mad wife looking at him with a smile of mischief on her face as he is now struggling to get out and is unable to succeed as she is still slapping him beyond control.
Stooge Mayhem is not available for this episode.
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No trivia have been logged for this episode.
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"The only Dean I know is Gunga." - Shemp (DIZZY & DAFFY, 1934)
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