Posted 2002-01-15 18:58:00 by BJR
A truly horrible Curly short. And I mean BAD, folks. I didn't crack a smile during the entire film; heck, even the average Besser short makes me laugh at least once. This is awful. Curly is weak, as he is in many of the mid-40s shorts, but that's only the beginning. Moe is very reserved, as opposed to most shorts, where we find him eyepoking the others and nastily snapping, "Get outta here!" Larry doesn't improve things either. I won't go into details because there isn't anything funny about this; this is completely worthless!I really get the feeling that many fans accept the rule that Curly=great, Shemp=good, and Joe=worthless, and let that "rule" greatly influence their ratings. 2.3 pokes?? Come on, people! How is it that very good shorts like OIL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL and COMMOTION ON THE OCEAN are rated only slightly higher than this pile on nonsense? Oh yeah... they don't star CURLY and they aren't from the boys' "prime period" in the late 30s/early 40s, and worse, one of them features Joe! Focus on the slapstick and the laughs, not "who's the third stooge" and "what year" and "how original."Not worth bothering to watch... you won't like it.Rating: 1/10
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2001-09-01 01:09:00 by [Deleted Member]
Good film. I agree also that "Blackie" was one of Curtis' best Stooge short characters. His character in "The Tooth Will Out" was just like Blackie in every way."Troubledoers" is one of the shorts with Christine McIntyre where she's the most attractive (In my opinion), except that she doesn't smile until the end. Curly's dog-like barking scene is a perfect example of why I think he's too silly at times. I actually wished he would've only barked a few times instead of barking until the bad guy finds him. Also, it doesn't make sense to me that Curly got to be the sherriff. After all, Moe was the boss Stooge and still acted like it as a deputy.You gotta love seeing the crowbar on Curly's nose! That whole scene was one of the funniest in the short. All in all, a good short. Some good visual effects, such as the sun going down at top speed.ISLIPP- you SLAPP. ©2001Edited by - ISLIPP on 9/2/01 2:01:43 AM
Posted 2001-08-30 20:27:00 by Ingagy
We haven't mentioned much about Dick Curtis in this discussion... the notes on the box containing the Columbia VHS release of the short say that Curtis' portrayal of Blackie could well be his finest role in a Stooge short and that he made apoplexy an art with his comic timing - I agree... I have a couple of Republic serials from around 1950 that cast Dick as a thug... I believe I've read that he died in his early fifties...
Posted 2001-03-26 11:41:00 by Uncle Mortimer
The western parodies HAVE to be good for me to watch them. As I've said before, it's hard enough to believe that our "shrewd", "witty" boys are dopey cowboys but if the short itself is lame, it renders it almost unwatchable to me. I agree with sickdrjoe. The one to watch is "YES, WE HAVE NO BONANZA." Also, "GOOFS AND SADDLES" or even "THE TOOTH WILL OUT." Those, to me, are well written and funny. The laughter helps suspend my disbelief of The Stooges being lame-brained cowpokes.
Posted 2001-03-07 09:12:00 by sickdrjoe
You don't notice Curly's health problems as much when it's another Stooge Western. It always seems like the boys' energy dips for these sagebrush shorts, anyway. Sure this isn't great, but neither was, say, PHONY EXPRESS, when everybody was healthy. Actually, there are some pretty good lines/gags here - Curly barking like a dog while hiding in the barn seems just like old times. When it comes to the Westerns, there's YES WE HAVE NO BONANZA, and then there's everything else. No great shakes, but hardly a disgrace. Christine helps.
Posted 2001-01-02 02:53:00 by Mike Holme
This film was decent, but Curly claims he'll defeat Blackie. But Moe and Larry do all the dirty work for him. Moe defeats Blackie and his gang by dropping the gun and as a result, launches a rocket. The scene where Curly barks like a dog was funny because it is so stupid to make any noise while you are hiding. One of the only Stooge short in which Curly is the only Stooge who gets hit.