Regal Theater and Black Culture, The
Hitching a ride on a street cleaner wagon, Henry and Elmer (Shemp Howard and Roscoe Ates) return home after their latest all-night drinking binge. Waiting for them at home are their wives and battle axe mother-in-law wielding a rolling pin. Hoping to sneak in unnoticed, the boys accidentally break into the apartment of their neighbors, a professional wrestler and his wife. Realizing their mistake, and hoping to keep their bones intact, Elmer and Henry escape onto a 17th story ledge in their drunken stupor, and attempt to get home through the window.
Shemp Howard
Roscoe Ates
Lillian Pertka
Jane, Henry's wife
Dorothy Brown
Betty, Elmer's wife
Gertrude Mudge
Mrs. Dingle
Billie Leonard
Mrs. Plato
Zeni Vatori
Bonecrusher Plato
Unidentified ON THE WAGON
Prod. No.: | 1871-1872 |
Shooting Days: | 5 days From: 1935-06-03 To: 1935-06-07 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
We open "ON THE WAGON" in the residence of Mrs. Dingle and her two daughters; their wives; {Betty and Jane}. Mrs. Dingle has a really wicked look on her face as she is pacing to and fro like a lion in a cage. She is pounding her hand with her rolling pin as she is now wondering the where a bouts of her two sons-in-law; {Henry and Elmer}, as it is now 2:00 A.M. Sunday morning and they are not home yet, as they are now painting the town red, {getting skunked}. Betty and Jane are sitting on the davenport reading magazines with worried looks on their faces as they are now concerned about mother being so frantically mad at Henry and Elmer for being out so late; {Early?}.
JANE; {ELMER'S WIFE} to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she has stopped reading her magazine and has a concerned look on her face as she is saying to her in a carrying tone of voice): "Now, mother, remember your blood pressure!"
BETTY; {HENRY'S WIFE} to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she too has put down her magazine and is looking at her with a worried look on her face as she is saying to her in a worried and carrying tone of voice): "Yes, mother, go to bed, you can talk to the boys in the morning!"
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she is looking at them with a look of madness on her face as she is saying to them in a really demented tone of voice): "I'm parking right here, if I have to wait for them 'til daylight! A fine pair of husbands you picked out for yourselves, look at them......, 'Mope Dick,' {Here we see a bust photo shot of Henry with a wiry smile on his face and he is wearing a business suit}. And, 'Silly Willie,' {Here we see a photo shot of Elmer sitting on a bench wearing a pair of casual grey trousers, white short sleeved shirt, a cap and he is holding a fishing rod with a sheepish grin on his face}. Haaa, your father, the late Mr. Dingle, never stayed out until this hour!"
JANE to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she is now looking at her with a mischievous look on her face as she is using a sarcastic tone of voice): "Except one night, mother, remember?"
MOTHER DINGLE to JANE: (As she has a hand on her waist and has a mean look on her face and is using a mean tone of voice): "Yes, and that's just why he's the late Mr. Dingle!"
JANE to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she is sitting on the edge of the davenport with a reassuring look on her face as she is using a reassuring tone of voice): "Well, I'm sure Elmer and Henry, will be home any minute!"
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she is pointing a finger at them in madness and is saying to them in a thoroughly disgusted voice): "And, if they have any liqueur on their breaths, I'll wrap this around their necks!" {She is referring to her rolling pin}.
JANE to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she is still sitting on the edge of the davenport totally out of her wits end with worry as she is sitting there wide eyed and is using a worried voice): "You know the boys never drink on Saturday nights, not if they want to go fishing Sunday morning, and besides, my Elmer's on the water wagon!"
Jane's statement is true; {up to a point, Elmer is on the 'Water Wagon,' but not the way she states}. As we are seeing Henry behind the reins of the horsey that is pulling the water wagon thoroughly skunked as he is stomping his feet up and down and swaying from side to side in glee. Elmer and the Owner of the Water Wagon are sitting on the back of the wagon dangling their bare feet in the water that is spraying the street from the wagon as they too, are totally skunked as they are rocking to and fro, almost falling off, thrice.
We now here Henry, Elmer, and the Water Wagon Owner breaking out in a song as they are singing in a very slurred, loud, happy, and off keyed voice in unison:
"For he's a jolly good fellow, which is more than I can say. For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow. Yes, for he's a jolly good fellow, he's a jolly good man!"
As they were singing Elmer and the Water Wagon Owner were still sitting on the back of the wagon as Elmer was performing the conducting and the Wagon Owner was supplying the music on a very off keyed ukulele.
HENRY: (As he is now performing a solo cut as he is still on the wagon seat; {sort of}, with the reins in his hands as he is merrily stomping his feet up and down and is swaying from side to side as he is joyfully singing in a loud, slurred, and off keyed voice): "Oh, he's a jolly good fella! I hope my mother-in-law gets a goider!"
We are now back, on the back of the water wagon where we see the totally skunk-drunk Elmer and Wagon Owner, still rocking from side to side as Elmer is still providing the conducting and the Wagon Owner is supplying the musical accompanimnets on his off keyed ukulele. As they are still dangling their feet in the water spray as they have looks of hopelessness on their faces. They are now breaking out in a duet using a loud, slurred, and truly happy off keyed voice.
"Sigh ya, waterfall, I hear you calling. Yoo-yoo-yoo-yoo-yoo-yoo; hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Sigh ya, waterfall, I'm calling, you-hoo; you-hoo; you-hoo; you-hoo; you-hoo; you-hoo. Sigh ya, waterfall, I'm calling, you-you-you-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. I am calling yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuu, aha, hoooooooooo!"
HENRY to HIS HORSEY: (As Henry is now pulling the reins to stop the horsey as he is now falling off the wagon and is shouting in a slurre, happy and skunked voice): "Whoa, whoa, man!"
Henry is now approaching the horsey holding a sack of doughnuts as he is now in the process of reciting a poem to her in a state of love.
"Oh, Pal of Mine. Oh, Gal of Mine. Oh, Pal of Mine. Who, is it when everything is still, will climb and climb the steepest hill? Who? You, Oh, Pal of Mine! {Here Henry has given his horsey a huge kiss}.
Who, is it, when everything is grey, will work and work, and come home and eat some hay? Hey, hey, who? You, Oh, Pal of Mine. {Henry is now giving her another humongeous hug and kiss}.
Well, you've got your mother's big blue eyes. {Here Henry is pulling back a blinder to see one of her eyes}.
And, those little white ones, are a teeth like pearls. {Here Henry is now touching her teeth}.
And, though you hair is all turning grey, and in your back there is a sway. Think, you, I'll never forget you? {Here Henry is jumping up and twisting from side to side saying ta-ta-ta-ta; hey-hey-hey}. Hey, hey, Old Pal of Mine.
For a hunk of bone and a piece of hair is all that's on your lip. {Here Henry is petting her lips}. You remind me of the fatal night, the wreck of the Hesburgh Ship. Old Pal, Old Pal!"
Henry has now finished his poem to his horsey as he is now feeding her the sack of doughnuts as a treat for listening to him and his poem. We now see Elmer and the Water Wagon Owner approaching Henry with looks of madness on their faces.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is saying to Henry is a skunked and stammering voice): "Hey, hey, what's the idea of feeding the horse all my d-d-d-d-d-d; dougho-dougho-dougho-dougho-dougho-dougho, unha, c-c-c-c-c-c; crullers!?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at Elmer with a mischievous look on his face as he has now slapped himself on the leg and is using a mischievous, laughing tone of voice): "I wanted to see how many he'd eat before he'd ask for a cup of coffee, {Haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa}, a cup, a cup of coffee!"
We now se Henry standing there laughing hysterically as Elmer and the Water Wagon Owner are now joining in for a tad. Elmer has now realized what Henry has now stated as he turns to Henry in madness as he takes the Water Wagon Owners ukulele and smashes it over Henry's head. Henry has now fallen flat on his back onto the street as Elmer and the Water Wagon Owner are now returning to the back of the wagon.
We are now back inside of Mother Dingle's residence where we see Jane and Betty sitting on the davenport glarring into space with hurtful looks on their faces as Mother Dingle is still pacing to and fro like a caged lion as she is now really worried about the where a bouts of Henry and Elmer.
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she is looking at them with a disgusted look on her face as she is saying to them in a disgusted tone of voice as she is showing them her wrist watch): "How do you like that? The sun will be up pretty soon, and those two tomatoes are not here yet!"
JANE to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she is saying to her in a reassuring tone of voice as she has a look of reassurance on her face states): "Oh, mother, everybody stays up late on Saturday night. Take the Plato's, next door, for instance!"
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she is now looking at them with a disgusted look as she is saying to them in a sarcastic voice): "That shameless flirt, listen to the way she carry's on when her husband is away wrestling for a living!"
We are now inside the bedroom quarters of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Plato. As we see Mrs. Plato laying in the bed with a make-up mirror by her side. A bedside lap table by her knees with a newspaper and a box of chocolates on it. She is now happily engulfed in a book as she is also listening to a radio drama programme on her radio at a high volume.
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As Mother Dingle is now becoming a 'Butt-In-Ski,' as she is looking at her daughters with a mad look on her face as she is saying to them in a mad tone of voice): "And, she is always prying into other peoples business. That's one thing I can't stand. A woman who meddles in other peoples affairs. Give me that glass, I can't here a thing this way!"
We now see Betty getting off of the davenport as she is walking over and presenting her mother with a drinking glass, so she can meddle into what is going on in the Plato's residence.
We are now outside in front of their flat complex named "VENUS ARMS." Where we see Elmer and Henry staggering up to it, it is pure, pitch, black night.
HENRY to ELMER: (As he is still staggering and has a mad look on his face as he is saying to him in a skunked voice): "Wait a minute, S-S-S-H-H-H, what's the matter with you?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As he is staggering drunk and is saying to Henry in a slurred and worried voice): "Hey, hey, what kind of a story are we gonna tell our sweet little wives?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now sobbered up a tad and has a worried look on his face as he is saying to Elmer in a worried tone of voice): "Don't worry about our sweet little wives, let's worry about Old Sour-Puss!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As he is saying to him in a carrying and stuttering tone of voice): "Here, have a, have a, peppermint, and they will never know that we've been d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d; unha, have a drop, {hick-hick}."
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now placed the 'peppermint' in his mouth and is looking at Elmer with a worried look on his face and is asking Elmer in a questionable tone of voice): "Where did you get 'em!?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry with a tipsy and mischievous look and is saying to him in a devilish tone of voice): "Well, I rented this suit, felt in the pockets, and there they were!"
We now see Henry standing there with a really worried look on his face as he is quickly spitting out his 'peppermints,' {camphor balls}, as he is shufflig forwards and backwards as he is saying as he is pounding himself on the chest and head, taa-taa-taa-taa-taa-taa-taa-taa-taa-taa!
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now grabbing Elmer by his arms with a really hurtful look on his face as he is saying in a really carrying voice): "Wait a minute now, wait a minute. I got ya. That was not pepperment, that was a camphor ball!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is standing there looking at Henry with a look of dismay on his face as he is saying in a devil-may-care and stammering voice): "Oh, well, what's the d-d-d-d-d-d, difference, they, they, they, taste good!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now using the hand motion to come over here as he has a worried look on his face as he is using a disgusted tone of voice): "Come here, give me that key!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is standing there looking at Henry with a worried look and using a worried and stuttering voice): "What key? Hunh, what-what-what, you had is last, what did you d-d-d-d-d-d, do with it?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now standing in front of the main entrance gate-way to their flat complex with a really worried look on his face as he is saying to Elmer in a really worried voice as he is shaking him in madness and stomping his feet up and down madly): "Always loosing something. Come here stupid, I'll show you how to find a key. Turn around, bend over, bend over, stay like that!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is using a really hurtful tone of voice and a look of hurt on his face): "Hey!!??"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there holding Elmer by his legs, {like a wheel-barrow}, with a wicked look on his face and is using an evil tone of voice): "Be quiet!"
We now see Henry with a really disgusted look on his face as he is now picking Elmer up by his feet and is shaking him upside down to see if he face get the key out of one of his pockets. We see poor Elmer getting his legs split like a wishbone and his coconut smashed against the sidewalk as things are now coming out of his pockets as Henry is supporting a really dirty look on his face.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now getting himself one very humongeous headache as his coconut is being crushed on the sidewalk and is saying to Henry in a really hurtful and stammering voice): "Ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh, stop, stop, what are you do-do-do-do-do-do, doing!?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there with a really wicked look on his face as he is using a really mean tone of voice as he is still bouncing Elmer up and down shaking him witless and shaking the living stuffins' out of him): "I'll get that key!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now sitting on the sidewalk 'seeing stars' as he is looking at Henry with a really mad look on his face as he is saying to him as Elmer has been thrown on the sidewalk like a sack of rubbish by Henry and Elmer is shoving the stuff that came out of his pockets at Henry to show him that he does not have the key is saying in a really hurtful and stammering tone of voice): "Ooowh-oowh-ooowh, what's wrong with you? I told you I d-d-d-d-d-d, didn't have the k-k-k-k-k-k, key!"
We now see Elmer in a really horrified and demented state as he has now crawled over and visciously bites Henry on his leg.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now in a demented and very mad state shoves Elmer away once again as he is shouting to him madly): "Ooowh-ooowh, look out, let go of that. And, I'll tune your head, come up here. If at first you don't succeed, the don't discourage me. Why, I'll get the key, don't worry about it!"
We now see Henry thoroughly disgusted with Elmer as Henry is in a state of derangement is now ripping off of Elmer his tuxedo jacket. As he is now tossing it down on the sidewalk in derangement.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now really mad with Henry about ripping off his jacket is shouting at him in a really mean and slightly stuttering voice): "Hey, hey, hey, hey, ooowh!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now fuming at the mouth in a really mad state with an evil look on his face as he is shouting to Elmer in a wicked tone of voice): "All right, there it is, right there. Don't get sore, don't get sore. I'm your pal, ain't I'm you pal? All right, there it is, right there. I'm your partner and I'm you pal, ain't I? We went out together, and we stuck together is that right?"
Henry has now ripped off his tuxedo jacket and has balled it up and has thrown it on top of Elmer's as he is now taking a cigarette lighter from his pants pocket and is now igniting the two jackets.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now in a full blown state of panic as he is using a panicking and stammering tone of voice about his jacket getting ignited): "Hey, hey, hey, b-b-b-b-b-b, but wait a minute, you can't do-do-do-do-do-do that, I rented that suit-hoota; suit-hoota; suit-hoota; suit-hoota; suit-hoota; suit-hoota, coat!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As the two of them are now kneeling on the sidewalk next to the igniting tuxedo jackets as Henry is looking at Elmer with a really mean look on his face as he is shouting at him an evil tone of voice): "S-S-S-H-H-H, what do you want to do? Wake up Old Crow Bait? I know what I'm doing. There that's it, I wished I had a tomato with me, I'd roast it nicely!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is kneeling there with a really hurtful look on his face as he is saying to Henry in a hurtful and stuttering tone of voice as his jacket along with Henry's is now a pile of ashes): "Oh, oh, oh, oh, that was, that was, that was, the prettiest suit I ever had on!"
We are now back in the living room quarters of the Dingle residence. We see Betty and Jane sitting on the davenport with their heads in their hands as they are now starring into space with really worried looks on their faces. Mother Dingle is sitting in a chair with her arms on the armrests and her legs crossed as she has a very disgusted and evil look on her face.
We are now back outside at the main entrance gate-way entrance of their flat complex as we see both Henry and Elmer still kneeling by their igniting tuxedo jackets.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has a look of madness on his face as he has now thorough gone threw the hot stuff that was inside of Elmer's jacket pockets as he says to him in a wicked tone of voice): "Wait a minute, there's the key, I knew you had it all the time!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has a sheepish look on his face as he is using a worried tone of voice as Henry has now given him the red hot key in a total state of madness): "Oooh, haa; ooowh, ouch, ouch. Oooh, haa; ooowh, ouch, ouch. Oooh, haa; oowh; ouch, ouch. Oooh, haa; oowh; ouch, ouch. Oooh, haa; ouch, ouch. Oooh, haa; oowh; ouch, ouch!"
We are now back in the living room quarters once again of the Dingle's where we now see Betty and Jane with really worried looks on their faces as they now jump to their feet in a start. Mother Dingle now wakes up still holding onto her rolling pin as she has a wicked look on her face.
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she is now getting up from her chair with a really wicked look on her face as she is rolling up her dress sleeves in madness as she is saying in an evil tone of voice): "There they are now!"
We are now back out on the sidewalk with 'Twiddle-Dee,' and Twiddle-Dumb,' and their ignitied jackets as 'Twiddle-Dee,' {Elmer} has a look of pain on his face as he is now rubbing his burnt hand and 'Twiddle-Dumb,' {Henry} is now grabbing him in a mad state.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has a look of hurt on his face and is using a painful tone of voice): "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is grabbing Elmer in a state of madness as he is now trying to shut him up is shouting at him in a mad tone of voice): "S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; be quiet, do you want them to hear you upstairs?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is saying to Elmer in a really wicked tone of voice in regards to the key and has a mad look on his face as he has now turned his back on Elmer): "Shuffle it around a little while until it cools off and then I'll take it!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has a really hurtful look on his face and is using a painful tone of voice as he is shuffling the red hot key in dire pain): "Ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh-ooowh!"
We are now in the hallway corridor of Henry and Elmer's flat where we see Mother Dingle walking out of their flat's door with a really wicked look on her face as she now has her 'W-E-A-P-O-N' extended into the aire. She has now completed six paces down the hallway to her right as she has now turned back around and is going back in their flat as she now trips over the welcome rug by their front door.
MOTHER DINGLE to the WELCOME RUG: (As she is now looking at it with an evil look and shouts to it in a mean tone of voice as she gives it a swift kick as it is now landing in front of The Plato's residence door, 'Flat Number 17C'). "Welcome, my eye!" {There Number is 17B}.
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she is now back inside her flat as she has a mad look on her face and is saying to them in a mean tone of voice): "I could have sworn I heard those two tramps!"
BETTY to JANE: (As Betty has now yawned and stretched from tiredness as she is looking at Jane with a carrying look and says to her in a carrying tone of voice): "Come on Jane, let's go to bed, mother will handle the situation!"
JANE to BETTY: (As Jane is looking at her with a happy look on her face as she is saying to her in a voice of agreement): "All right, then you sleep with me tonight!"
JANE to MOTHER DINGLE: (As she and Betty are now exiting to go to bed says to her in a carrying tone of voice): "Good-night, mother!"
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As she has given them a mean look as she has now slapped her rolling pin on an end stand in madness as she is shouting to them wickedly): "Good-night? Good-morning, you mean!"
Mother Dingle has now sat back down in her chair with her legs crossed and her arms folded in a full blown state of disgust and madness.
We are now back outside at the main entrance gateway of their flat complex where we see Henry and Elmer standing there by their dead jackets as they are now giving one another evil looks.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now in a full blown state of disgust and is shouting to Henry in a wicked tone of voice as he is now giving him the key): "Take it will ya? There, you go!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is also in a thorough state of disgust is saying to Elmer in a low and mean tone of voice in regards to the key): "Wait a minute, I've got it. There's nothing to it!"
Henry has now taken the main entrance key to their flat complex as he has now blown off some ashes and is trying to unlocke the doorway gate.
We are now on the locke of the main entrance door-gate as we see Henry with blurried vision as the locke is on huge blur and is spining out of contrly as he is trying to unlocke it. He has now turned around and rubbed his eyes thrice and has let out a yawn as he is now once again in a state of stuper as he is blurrily trying to unlocke the locke.
Poor Henry is so hung-over that as he is now trying to unlocke the locke he is now seeing it spinning in circles. Henry has now walked away from the door-gate in total hung-overness as he taking another approach to unlocke it by running full force into the iron-gate entrance locke blindly inserting the key. Elmer has now stepped up to see what trouble Henry was having with the locke.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry now has a mad look on his face and is shouting to Elmer in a mad but yet carrying tone of voice): "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there in a state of pride as he is now proud of himself for whipping the twirling locke as he has now opened the dorr-gate and is letting Elmer in): "I got it!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry with a polite look as he is using a polite tone of voice): "Hunha-haaa; hunha-haaa; hunha-haaa; hunha-haaa; hunha-haaa; hunha-haaa!"
Henry and Elmer have now entered the hallway corridor of their flat complex as Henry has now shut the main door-gate. They are now trying to be quiet as mice as they are trying to sneak into their flat hoping not to be caught by 'Old Crow Bait.'
They are now inside of the lift as they are now pushing the button for the seventeenth level. Henry has now given Elmer the finger to the mouth sighn as to be quiet as they are now staggering to their flat.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has noticed their welcome rug now in front of the door of the Plato's residence instead of their's after Mother Dingle in a fit of rage kicked it there as Elmer says to Henry as Henry is now in the process of 'unlockeing' the correct locke. As Elmer says to Henry in a carrying and stuttering tone of voice): "Hey, this, this, ain't our p-p-p-p-p-p, place!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now in the process of unlockeing their flat door as he is saying to Elmer in a low and carrying voice): "Sure, it is!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is showing him their welcome rug in front of the Plato's residence by mistake, as Elmer thinks it it their flat as he is saying in a stammering voice): "Look, see that welcome ma-ma-ma-ma, mat? Well, that's our m-m-m-m-m-m, mark so we can find our way home!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at Elmer with a look of glee on his face as he is saying to him in a low and happy tone of voice in regards to the welcome rug): "That's the first time you were ever right in your life. Come on! S-S-S-H-H-H, on your toes, on your toes. How do you like that, broke the key, the fire must have mugged the teeth on that key!"
After Henry has now busted his key off in the incorrect locke we now see Elmer getting ready to buzz the door buzzer.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now pulling Elmer fro the door buzzer and is saying to him in a low and mad tone of voice): "Come on, don't ring that bell!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry with a worried look on his face as he is asking him in a worried and stammering voice): "Well, how are we gonna g-g-g-g-g-g, get in?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As he is looking at him with a worried look on his face as he is stating to him in a carrying tone of voice): "I'll find a way, leave it to me!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry with a dazed look as he is using a confused tone of voice): "All right!"
We now see Henry peeking through the crack in the doorwell trying to figure out how to get in as Elmer is standing behind Henry slightly bent over witha perplexed look on his face.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry in a state of dazement says in a dazed voice): "All right, any old time, hunh?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now noticed another way to get in states to Elmer after he has peeked through the door in a state of worry): "Well, we can't get in through there, the transom, put your foot in there." {Henry has now cupped his hands to give Elmer a boost up to the transom}.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has a worried look on his face as he is saying to Henry in a questionable and stuttering voice): "Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll, count three see, and you give me a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b, aah, push me up see!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now supporting Elmer's foot in his hands as he has an agreeable look on his face as he is saying in an agreeable tone of voice): "Okay!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has a dazed and perplexed look on his face as he is saying to Henry in a serious tone of voice): "Aaah, o-o-o-o-o-o, one, aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah, t-t-t-t-t-t, two, aaah, aaah, aaah, o-o-o-o-o-o, one!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now grabbing Elmer by his shirt and is shaking him in madness as he is saying to him in a mad tone of voice: "S-S-S-H-H-H, quiet. Come on, put you foot in there, one-two-three!"
As Henry has now said three, instead of boosting Elmer up to the transom he has now flung him over his shoulder causing Elmer to land hard on his head and then onto his back on the floor.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there with a mischievous look on his face as he is looking up at the transom and is asking him in a quiet and mischievous tone of voice): "Are you in?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As he is still laying on the floor with a disgusted look on his face as he is whispering to Henry in a low and mean tone of voice): "No, I'm almost out!" {Here we see Henry flinching a tad in hurt as he has now noticed Elmer laying on the floor}.
We are now in the bedroom quarters of the Plato's flat where we see Mrs. Plato now waking up as she is now turning off her alarm clock. She has now placed in her bedside bureau bottom drawer her make-up mirror and the book she was reading the night before. She is now picking up a photo shot of her husband, {A gentleman close to six feet six inches in height, short wavy brunette hair, very muscular built with his arms crossed, in a business style suit, weighing 300 pounds and supporting a scowl on his face as the photo shot reads}.
She now gives the photo shot of her husband a giant kiss as she smiles at him sweetly and sets it back on her end stand by her bed. She is now exiting from her bed to start her day.
We are now back in the hallway corridor where we see 'Ding and Dong,' in action as Henry is now trying once again to boost up Elmer through the Plato's transom,; {All the while thinking it is their's}.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now bent over holding onto Elmer's foot as he is bouncing Elmer and is saying in a low tone of voice): "One-two-three!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is doing his best to help Henry to get him through the transom says to Henry in a worried tone of voice): "Aaah, take it easy, aaah, yeah, yipes, ooh, aaah. I got it, oops, hold it, now, wait a minute, wait a minute!"
We now see Henry standing there with a really hurtful look on his face as Elmer in now on Henry's shoulders as he is grabbing Henry by his Adams Apple as he is now loosing his balance.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is saying to Elmer in a mad tone of voice): "All right, let go, get you hand off of there, cut that out, all right, yes!?"
Henry has now turned around as he is letting Elmer us his back as a stepping stool to help himself to be able to get them threw the 'wrong transom'.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has a look of panic on his face as he is saying to Henry in a panicking tone of voice): "Oooh, oooh, hold it up now, take it easy, move your arm up here, give me a push!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has his head bent backwards as he is now watching Elmer who is stepping on Henry's face as Henry is saying to Elmer in a mad tone of voice as he is moving Elmer's foot from his face): "Look out there, look out for my eyebrow!"
Let's give three cheers, as we now see Henry successfully boosting Elmer through the 'wrong transom' door.
Elmer is now successfully in the 'wrong flat', as we see Henry standing in the hallway corridor with a look of exhaustion on his face. Elmer is now inside of the flat as he now sets of a buzzer that catches Henry off guard and causes Henry to fall flat on his back on the welcome rug from being startled. He is now standing up and staggering a bit.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has now opened the flat's entrance door from the inside as he is grabbing Henry by the back of his shirt states to him in a low tone of voice): "Come on, in!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is using a mad tone of voice and the finger signal for quiet as he has now administered a swift boot to Elmer's keester): "S-S-S-H-H-H; go on!"
We now see Henry and Elmer inside of what they think is their flat; {when in reality it is the Plato's}. They are very unsuccessfully trying to sneak 'Quietly', up to their bedrooms quarters as they are now walking into furniture pieces. As Henry has now knocked over a bumber shoot stand and an ashe tray. We hear Elmer saying to him, s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h. Both Henry and Elmer have now knocked over and end stand as they are now uprighting it all the while Elmer is shouting to Henry to be quiet, s-s-sh-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h; s-s-s-h-h-h!
Elmer and Henry have now very noisedly made their way to the 'wrong' bedroom quarters.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at Elmer with a devious look on his face as he is bending over and saying to him in a low and mischievous tone of voice): "Elmer, you sleep with me tonight? Then we can sneak out in the morning and go fishing!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer was starting to remove his suspenders as he has a look of surprise on his face as he is saying to him in a really gleeful tone of voice): "All right!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now stopping Elmer from removing his suspenders as he has a mischievous look on his face as he is stating in a mischievous tone of voice): "Wait a minute, wait a minute, you better keep you pants on. Last week the Old Lady went through our pockets and we had now money for bait!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has a happy look on his face as he playfully hits Henry's arm and says in an agreeable and stammering tone of voice): "Hey, that's a good i-d-d-d-d-d-d-d; dea, hick!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at Elmer with a mad look on his face as he is saying to him in a mean tone of voice, as he is shoving him into the incorrect bed): "Cut out the noise, and get into bed, go on, get in there."
ELMER to HENRY: (As they are now finally in the incorrect bed says to him in a mischievous tone of voice as the two of them are now getting comfy): "K-k-k-k-k-k, keep it coy, will ya?"
Elmer is now cozied in the bed as he is now counting, 'One, t-t-t-t-t, two, hoo-hoo, da-da-da-da, three, aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba, four, aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba, five, aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba; aaah-ababba. One, t-t-t-t-t, two, three. As Elmer was laying there counting we now see Henry rolling over resting his chin in his hand as he is looking at him with a really dazed look on his face.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now placed his hand over Elmer's mouth to stiffle him as Henry is asking him in a puzzled tone of voice): "What are you doin'? What are you doin'?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now looking at Henry with a scared look on his face as he is saying to him in a really startled and stammering tone of voice): "Oh, I-ababba; I-ababba; I-ababba; I-ababba; I-ababba, was, was, was, just counting s-s-s-s-s-s, sheep, aaaha, aaaha, aaaha, aaaha, goats!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at him with a really wicked look on his face as he is saying to him in a really evil tone of voice): "Well, you're gettin' my goat. Cut out the noise and give me some of these covers!"
We now see Henry rolling back over on his side as he is now taking all of the covers. Leaving none for poor Elmer.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has a hurt look on his face as he is saying to him in a mad and perplexed voice): "Hey, wait a m-m-m-m-m-m, minute!"
Elmer has now taken all of the covers and leaving none for Henry.
HENRY to ELMER: (As he is now sitting up in the bed with a really evil look on his face as he is stating to him in a low and mdan tone of voice): "I'm telling you for the last time, keep quiet and give me the covers!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now wrestling for cover as he has a dement look on his face as he is using a mad and stuttering tone of voice): "Okay, you wanna get t-t-t-t-t-t, tought about it, hunh? I'll show you!"
Elmer in a state of madness has deliberately taken all of the bedding for himself.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry now has a really evil look on his face as he is pulling over some of the bedding for himself as he is saying to Elmer in a low and mean tone of voice): "How can we go fishing, if we're gonna fish around in here for the covers?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has a really disgusted look on his face as he is stating to Elmer as he has now grabbed the bedding for himself): "Oh, yeah, I'll fix you!"
As Elmer has now fallen out of the bed hard onto the floor we now see Mrs. Plato running out of her bathreoom quarters at a quick pace and with a scared and panicked look on her face as she is now trying to figure out what all of the ruckus is about.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now fuming at the mouth as he has a really demented look on his face and is using a wicked tone of voice): "I can't fish if I'm tired, let me sleep, please, I beg you, I beg you!"
MRS. PLATO to HENRY and ELMER: (As she in a stated of madness has now switched the light on in her bedroom quarters as she has a really demented look on her face as she is shouting at them in a really wicked tone of voice): "What are you doing in my bedroom?"
We now see Elmer on the floor as he is taking cover and Henry is sitting up in the bed with a really evil look on his face.
HENRY to MRS. PLATO: (As Henry is saying to her in a really mad and disgusted voice with a look of meaness on his kisser): "What do you mean, your bedroom?"
MRS. PLATO to HENRY: (As she is standing there with her hands on her waist and a really mad look on her face as she is shouting at them in a demented voice): "You heard me, now get right out, you belong in 17-B."
ELMER ot MRS. PLATO: (As Elmer is now sitting up and taking the bedding off of himself as he is looking at her with a worried look as he is asking her in a panicking and stammering voice): "Well, ain't this 17, ba-ba-ba-ba, B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B?"
MRS. PLATO to HENRY and ELMER: (As she is looking at them with a mad look on her face as she is shouting at them madly): "No, this is 17-C!"
HENRY to MRS. PLATO: (As he is pointing a finger at her in a state of worry as he has now noticed a photo shot of her husband on her end stand and is saying to her in a really panicking tone of voice): "Then, you're married to the Bone Crusher?"
MRS. PLATO to HENRY and ELMER: (As she is standing there with a mean look on her face as she is shouting at them wickedly): "Yes, and he will be here any minute!"
Henry and Elmer are now in a full blown state of panic as they are now high tailing it out of there as fast as they can with horrified looks of fear and panic on ther kissers.
HENRY to ELMER: (In a full blown state of panic as he is using a trembling tone of voice): "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's get out of here, let's get out of here, let's get out of here, come on!"
We now see the door to the lift opening up as se are now seeing the Bone Crusher approaching his flat dressed in a business suit, Derby style of hat, a duffle style of a coat and is toting a duffle sack.
We now see Elmer and Henry running as fast as they can in a total state of panic to the front door to boogey as they are being followed also in a state of fear and panic by Mrs. Plato. We now hear a knocking on their door.
MRS. PLATO to ELMER and HENRY: (As the three of them are standing there panicking to the enth-degree as she is saying to them in a low and panicking voice): "My, husband!"
HENRY to MRS. PLATO: (As Henry is looking at her with panic on his face as his eyes are bugging out of his head as he is asking her in a freaked out and questionable tone of voice): "How, are we going to get into out apartment?"
MRS. PLATO to ELMER and HENRY: (As she is panicking beyond no end as she is swaying to and fro looking first at Henry and then to Elmer with a horrified look of fear and panic as she is stating to them in a shaky and panicking voice): "I don't care how you get into you apartment, as long as you get out of mine!"
We are now back out in the hallway corridor as we now see Mr. Bone Crusher standing there with a really evil and demented look on his face as he is now pounding louder and louder on the door in madness.
MRS. PLATO to HENRY and ELMER: (As she is shaking her fists in panic and has a look of fear on her face as she is shouting in fear): "Come on, get out of here! Oh, the window!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now really panicking to the enth-degree is shouting to Elmer in a horrified state of fear and panic): "Hey, don't stand there and do nothin', come on!"
We now see Mrs. Plato opening the window in a state of fear as she is helping the panicking Henry and Elmer scape fro their lives.
Henry and Elmer are now looking out of the window as they now notice how far up they are as the people and the automobiles below look like tiny little toys.
HENRY and ELMER to MRS. PLATO: (As the two of them are now becoming total freaked out at the fact about climbing on the little cat walk that is outside the flat complex now turns back areound and says in unison, fear): "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"
We now see Mr. Bone Crusher becoming mader by the moment as he has now quit pounding on the door in a loud and demented way as he is now placing a heavy finger on the door buzzer as he is buzzing it continuously in a state of dementedness.
ELMER to MRS. PLATO: (As Elmer is looking at her with his eyes bugging out of his head in fear along with Henry as he is saying to her in a really panicking and stuttering voice): "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I, I, rather d-d-d-d-d-d, die here!"
We now hear Mr. Bone Crusher rattling the door-knob in a full blown state of demented madness as we also Elmer and Henry saving their hides as they have now decided to take cover in total fear and panic on the cat walk.
Henry and Elmer are now on the cat walk as they are slowly walking across it in total panic with their backs up against the buildings wall as they are gingerly trying to make it their flat as they are trying not to look down in fear and panic.
We are now back in the living room quarters of the Plato's where we see Mrs. Plato frantically shutting the window as Mr. Bone Crusher is now fully blown out of proportion as he is standing outside of their door with a really demented look on his face as he is now wickedly pounding on the door, then rattling the door-knob and laying a heavy finger on the door buzzer.
MRS. PLATO to BONE CRUSHER PLATO: (As she has a look of worry on her face as she has now ran over and opened the door to let him in as she is saying to him in a slightly scared voice with a fake smile on her kisser): "Oh, hello, dear!"
BONE CRUSHER PLATO to HIS WIFE: (As he is now inside of their flat and has set his duffle sack down and has a mad look on his face as he is saying to her in a mad tone of voice): "Didn't you hear me knock?"
WIFE PLATO to HUSBAND BONE CRUSHER PLATO: (As she is standing there with a reall scared look on her face as she is saying to him in a scared tone of voice): "Why, aaah, yes, honey!"
HUSBAND BONE CRUSHER PLATO to WIFE PLATO: (As he is standing in their living room quarters with a really mad look on his face as he is asking her in a mad voice): "Did you have the radio on? Aaah, I thought I heard voices in here?"
WIFE PLATO to HUSBAND BONE CRUSHER PLATO: (As she was standing there with a slightly scared but yet happy look on her face as she is saying to him in a scared tone of voice helping to cover for Henry and Elmer): "Oh, quiet, dear, that was just the radio!"
We are now back on the cat walk where we are seeing the two horrified in panic Henry and Elmer still gingerly walking their way across it as we now got a glimpse of the "TOY PEOPLE and AUTOMOBILES" below.
ELMER to HENRY: (As he is still on the cat walk trembling in fear and panic as he has now take a glimpse below is shreking out in full blown panic): "W-w-w-w-w-w-, whoa!!!!!!!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there not looking down and panicking at his wits end as he has now grabbed Elmer by his arm and says to him in a shaky and panicking tone of voice): "Cut it out, cut it out!"
We now got a quick glimpse all the way down the side of the entire flat complex as it is spinning in circles as Elmer has now slightly lost his balance and is being caught by Henry.
ELMER to HENRY: (As poor Elmer is now bent over slightly from loosing his footing in panic as he is being caught by Henry is saying to him in a shaky and trembling voice): "Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing on the cat walk thoroughly quaking in his boots in fear and panic as he is now pointing a trembling finger in the direction of their flat complex is saying to Elmer in a squeeky and trembling tone of voice): "Now, go on, go on, keep going, keep going!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is standing there really shaking and trembling in total fear and panic is saying to Henry in a really scared, trembling and stuttering tone of voice): "No, no, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm going, b-b-b-b-b-b, I'm going, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, aaah-babba, back!"
Henry has now looked below as he is seeing everything seventeen levels below spinning like a top, becoming blurry and bouncing from his state of total fear and panic.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is saying to Elmer in a state of trembling fear and panic): "Whoa-gaaa, whoa-gaaa, whoa-gaaa, whoa-gaaa, whoa-gaaa, whoa-gaaa. I'm with ya, I'm going back too!"
WIFE PLATO to HUSBAND BONE CRUSHER PLATO: (As she is looking at him with a mischievous look on her face as she is smiling at him mischievously): "Did you win tonight, Dear?"
HUSBAND BONE CRUSHER PLATO to HIS WIFE PLATO: (As he now has a look of pride on his face as he puts a hand to his chest in a state of pride and says to her in a proud tone of voice): Haaah, haaah, did I win? I tied 'em in knots!"
We are now back out on the cat walk with the two trembling pathetic souls as they are panicking beyond no end.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is leaning against the back of the building in fear shouts to Henry in panic): "Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is so panicked out and trembling in a horrible state of fear as he is holding on to Elmer's arm in panic says to Elmer): "Did you hear what he said? Let's get away from that guy as far as possible. Go ahead, go, go!!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now slowly in horrible fear and panic edging himself along the cat walk says to Henry in a really trembling and stuttering voice): "I'm, m-m-m-m-m-m, moving, inch by inch!"
The two poor panicking and trembling souls are slowly trying to make their way to their flat as they are slowly sliding along the cat walk in full blown fear.
HENRY to ELMER: (As poor Henry has made that really fatal mistake of looking down and seeing everything below him twirling around in circles from his state of fear and panic as his bottom lip is quivering in fear as he is is panickling saying): "Yowha, yowha, yowha, yowha, yowha, yowha!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is also truly panicking in fear as he is looking at Henry with horrible fear in his eyes as he is also saying to Henry in a trembling and stuttering tone or voice): "I wish I could go back to my m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m, mother. Look this way, Sonny fella, b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b, ayaah, ayaah, ayaah, ayaah, are you all right?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is still inching his way along the cat walk in horrible shaky fear and the most horriblist look of fear and panic on his face and is his voice states): "Yeah, let's take a blow!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now temporally standing still in fear and panic as he is now wiping persperation from his brow says to Henry in a trembling voice): "Yes, that's a good idea!!!!!!!"
As the two poor weary and trembling out of their minds souls have now decided to take a little blow as we hear someone in the flat that they are standing in front of raising their window blind causing them to go into a tail spin once again from fear and panic. Henry are Elmer are now grabbing one another in panic as they are shouting in fear, 'Ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh'. Elmer from total fear has now lost his footing as he by instinct looks down to help get his balance back as everything below now turns into one giant blur from fear and panic as we see Henry in total freak outness himself as he is shakingly grabbing Elmer by the arm to help him back up.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now grabbing Henry for dear life is saying to him in a petrified tone of voice): "Aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there stiff as a board in fear as he is helping up the thoroughly petrified Elmer in a scared and trembling tone of voice): "Look out, look out, wait a minute, wait a minute, go ahead, go ahead, look out, look out, look out, ooooooh, if I ever get down, if I ever get down, all right."
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is so petrified out of his gourd and shaking like a leaf as he has a horrified look of fear and panic on his face as he is using a trembling tone of voice): "Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, wait a minute, all right, here we go!!!!!!!"
The two really shaking and petrified souls are now once again slowly inching their way sideways in horrible fear and panic along the cat walk to their flat complex.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is still shakingly inching himself along the cat walk is saying to Henry in a really scared, shaking, and stammering voice): "All right, here we go, come on, come on, 'ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh. I wish we were back in P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P, Peoria!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now pointed a very trembling finger to the ground level seveenteen levels below as it is once again twirling in blur from fear and petrifiedness is saying to Elmer in a voice so shaky it is unbelieveable): "I wish I was down there!!!!!!"
Henry like a 'Feather Brained Imbecile', has now taken a quick glimpse down seventeen levels as it is blurring out and spinning in circles like there is now tomorrow, has a really petrified and fearful look on his face as he is shouting in a trembling tone of voice as he is slowly inching himself along the cat walk): "Hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah!!!!!!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is also slowly inching himself along shakingly on the cat walk as he is saying to poor helpless Henry in a trembling tone of voice): "Aaaaha, aaaha, aaaha, aaaha, aaaha, aaaha, we're gonna get along fine!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As the two of them are so petrified it isn't funny as they are still horribly shaking in fear as Henry is saying to Elmer in total scaredness): "Wait a minute, It's a long building, ain't it?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now sweating bullets and still bravely inching himself along the cat walk in a really freaked out manner as he is waving his left arm in support of feeling his way along and is using a really trembling tone of voice): Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is so scared and shaky he cannot hardly move is saying to Elmer in a voice that is so shaky that you cannot hardly understand him): "And, a high one, too!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has now given Henry a short and really petrified look of fear states to him in a totally freaked out tone of voice): Yeah, yeah, you said it!!!!!!!!!!!"
We are not at the end of the a part of the cat walk as we now see about a six foot divisional break to the next portion of it as Elmer now knowing about the humongeous break is starting to walk a bit more as he has now noticed the divisional and is looking downwards to regain his footing is now seeing once again everything seventeen levels below him blurring and twirling as he is now in horrible fear and panic grabbing Henry super tightly by his arm in total panic.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now grabbing Henry for dear life as he is shouting in a loud and horrified voice of fear and panic): "Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya, Whoa, aaaah, heya!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now starring straight forward with his eyes bugging out of his head as he is really quaking in his boots from fear and panic states to Elmer in a really fearful tone of voice): "What, wait a minute, what did you see, what did you see?"
This is not funny anymore as the two really horrified gentlemen have now noticed the divisional in the cat walk as they have the most petrified looks of fear and scaredness going on their faces as they are yelling in panicked unison, 'Aaaah-eehya; aaaah-eehya; aaaah-eehya; aaaah-eehya; aaaah-eehya; aaaah-eehya!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As the poor fella can no longer stand up-right from fear is saying to Henry in a voice that is so trembling and stuttering panic): "Say, hey, hey, h-h-h-h-h-h, how's, how's, how's, how's, w-w-w-w-w-w, we, g-g-g-g-g-g, gonna, g-g-g-g-g-g, get, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, over there?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As poor freaking out Henry is looking at the helpless Elmer with really horrible panicked look on his face as he is saying to him in an irate and scared tone of voice): "J-U-M-P!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has gone beyond his wits end is now glarring over at Henry in pure undiluted fear says to him): "Oh, no, not, not me!!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now supporting a tad of bravery as he stil has a really fearful look on his face and panic in his voice as he is now tediously switching places with Elmer on the cat walk): "Go ahead, let me get by, I'll do it!!!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry with a bug-eyed look of fear is saying to him in a voice so shaky it isn't funny): "Oh, you're brave, hunh, yeah!!!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at him so petrified out as he is using a really shaky and trembling tone of voice): "Let me get by, let me get by. Yeah, wait a minute now, a minute here, now easy, all right good old boy!" {Here Henry is now hugging and kissing the statue that gave him the support to be able to switch places with Elmer}.
Henry and Elmer have now successfully completed their petrified exchange on the cat walk as we now see Mother Dingle opening the back window of their flat as she first looks straight down for them then she is now looking to her left and now she is looking to her right as she now has a really horrified look of fear and panic on her face as she has now found Henry and Elmer.
We now see Herny first in line at the divisional break of the cat walk as he now has his hands extended out in front of himself as he is now mustering up the courage to make that fatal dive to the other side of the cat walk as Elmer is standing behind Henry so petrified out he cannot see straight.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is looking at Henry really spasticked out to the enth-degree says to him in a low and trembling tone of voice): "Shall, shall, I c-c-c-c, count?"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now glarring over at him with a mean and petrified look as he is saying to him in an evil and trembling tone of voice as his bottom lip is once again quivering in fear and Henry is feeling the aire): "Aaaah, aaaah, don't start counting now, how soft everything is, say it's chilly, isn't it?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now watching Henry so terrified out as he is saying to him in a low, stammering and petrified tone of voice): "Yeah, yes, I'm a little c-c-c-c-c-c, cold myself."
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is standing there with a look of scared witless on his face as his bottom lip is still quivering from fear is saying to him in a trembling tone of voice): "All right, all right, I'll do it, in a standar, now watch me, now watch me!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is still standing there at a state of petrification that is to worried for words is saying to Henry in a really spastic and shaky tone of voice): "Aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah; yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah; yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!"
We now see the truly brave and courageous Henry taking that fatal dive as he has now successfully completed it and has now bridged the gap betwixt the two divisional breaks on the cat walk.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has a tad of a relaxed look on his face as he is now shouting to Henry in a really gleeful and super happy, but yet slightly stammering voice): "Atta b-b-b-b, boy, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!!!!!"
As Henry was making his successful dive once again he took a glance seventeen levels below him as it is once againg blurring and twirling out of control.
ELMER to HENRY: (As the poor pathetic Elmer is now standing there with a really petrified look of fear on his face as he is saying in a really panicking tone of voice): "Whoa-aaaah; whoa-aaaah; whoa-aaaah; whoa-aaaah!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now a 'Human Bridge', is saying to him in a really trembling tone of voice): "Come on, help me up out of here, come on, come on, do something will ya?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is standing there with his mouth hanging open in fear as he has a really fearful look on his face as he says to Henry in a really panicking tone of voice): "Whoa-gaaa; whoa-gaaa; whoa-gaaa; whoa-gaaa!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now hanging on for dear life as he is shuttering in fear as he is shouting in petrified fear): "What are you doing, feet, my legs!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now using Henry as "HUMAN BRIDGE" is say to him with a really terrified and stammering voice and a petrified look on his face): "Hey, hang in there, doctor, h-h-h-h-h-h, here, I come!!!!!!
We now see Elmer walking over BRIDGE HENRY to get to the other side of the cat walk as Elmer is gingerly and in a state of fear is walking on him as Henry is hanging on in a terrified state of fear.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is still laying there in bridge position as he is using a really panicking tone of voice as he now has "WEIGHT OF THE WORLD" literally on his back is asking Elmer in panic and fear): "What, are you doing, walking on me, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, gaaaa, gaaaa, gaaaa, gaaaa, heeha, heeha, heeha, heeha!!!!!!!"
As Elmer was using Henry as a bridge, he has now lost his foorting and is not sitting on top of Henry as the two of them are now fighting for their lives as Henry the bridge is now slightly loosing his grip as the two of them are now seeing the sights below once again turning into a blurr, spin job.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now really terrified out of his skin in fear and at his wits end in petrification is shouting at Elmer in a freaked out to the enth-degree trembling voice): "Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, gaaaah, gaaaah, gaaaah, gaaaah, gaaaah, gaaaah, baaahooo, baaahooo, baaahooo, baaahooo, baaahooo, baaahoo, my back, what are you doing? Get up, don't be sittin' on me, get up off of me, braaah, braaah, braaah, braaah, braaah, braaah, braaah, braaah, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has now finished climbing over Henry and has now successfully made it to the other side of the cat walk complements of Bridge Henry is saying to him in a low and shaky tone of voice): "Ooooh, I will, now take it easy, take it easy!!!!!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now experiencing excruciating back pain and is shaking in fear is shouting to Elmer in a really evil and petrified voice): "Yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, back, yeah, yeah, get up off me, get up off me, what do think I am a pony?"
Elmer has now successfully made it to the other side of the cat walk as Henry is still in bridge position as Elmer is lloking at him with a petrified and helpless look on his face as he cannot figure out what to do to be able to help Henry.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now tired out beyond no end from being a human bridge is now shouting to Elmer in a loud and panicking tone of voice): "Do something to help me, do something!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is standing on the other side of the cat walk with a frantic look on his face as he is using a frantic tone of voice): "Yes, wait a minute, I will help, yes, I will cat, I got ya, I got ya!!!!!!"
Elmer has now grabbed Henry by his suspenders as Elmer has now slightly lost his grip as we see the very terrified Henry bouncing up and down like a puppet on a string seven times while everytime everything below his was blurring out and twirling out of control in sight.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry was bouncing up and down by hi suspenders in fear is now shouting at Elmer frantically): "Whoa-aaaah, whoa-aaaah, whoa-aaaah, whoa-aaaah, whoa-aaaah, whoa-aaaah, get me up, get me up whao, get me up. Wait a minute now, what happened I got ya, I got ya!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is now precariously perched at the edge of the cat walk with a really panicked look on his face as he is using a panicking tone of voice): "Hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo. Are you all right now?"
HENRY to ELMER : (As Henry is now safe as what he can be on the other side of the cat walk as he is still scared witless and is using a frantic and petrified tone of voice): "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!!"
We are now getting an arial view of Henry and Elmer as Henry in a total state of fear and panic as he is tightly holding onto Elmer for dear life as Elmer has his back to the wild blue yonder and he is holding onto a not very stable statue as the two of them are now swaying to and fro in horrible panic and are yellingin loud shouts of horrified fear and panic. "Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo; Unha-oooowh-hunha-noooo.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now somewhat regained his sea legs as he is still clutching onto Elmer is saying to him in a really shaky tone of voice): "Let me get over there, let's get over there!!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is still holding onto the statue as he is now regaining his footing in a more stable manour and is slightly calming down): "All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right!!!!"
We now got a really quick glimpse of Mrs. Demented Crow Bait, Sour-Puss as she is standing by their back window with a really mean and evil look on her face as she is holding onto her rolling pin.
We are now back on the cat walk where we are now only inches away from Henry and Elmer's flat as the two of them are still supporting one another with really horrified looks of panic on their faces as their bodies are still quivering from panic.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has a really mean and wicked look on his face as he is shouting evily to the panicked out Elmer as Henry is now showing Elmer a fist): Wait a minute now, do you see that?"
We now see Elmer in a total state of fear and panic as he has a really horrified look of fear on his face as he has now beaten Henry at his own game as he has now administered a really sharp blow to Henry's face.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has regained his closure and is putting a finger up to his lip as the quiet signal is saying Elmer in a low and carrying tone of voice): "Wait a minute, S-S-S-H-H-H, be quiet and the Old Buzzard won't even know we're here!!!!!"
We are now back inside of their flat as we are now seeing the Old Buzzard backing away from the window still holding onto her rolling pin as she is now slightly hiding from their presence, behing the Old Victrola.
Henry and Elmer are now completing their last one foot of their horrible long and fearful journey on the cat walk as Stupid Elmer has now taken on last glance below for old times sake as he is shouting in fear once again as everything is spinning out of a blurry control, unha-unha-unha-unha-unha,unha!"
We all can now let out a huge sigh of relief and wipe the perspiration from out brows and give a huge loud set of cheers as we now see Henry and Elmer now entering into the living room quarters of their flat safe from that fatal cat walk experience. They now think that they are totally safe and are able to sneak up to their bedroom quarters not knowing anything about Old Buzzard Bait hiding behind the Victrola.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now giving Elmer a nasty look and is shouting to him in a mean tone of voice about Elmer slightly loosing his balance as he has now stumbled over an end stand as he is coming through the window shouts): "S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H!!!!!"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer has now recovered from his brutal journey and is now totally relaxed is shouting in a loud and happy tone of voice: "HOME, SWEET, HOME!!!!!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry has now grabbed Elmer in a state of panic as he is placing one of his hands over Elmer's mouth to shut him up and is giving him a mean look): "S-S-S-H-H-H, do you want Old Hackel Head to hear us?"
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer now has a really evil look on his face as he is pointing a finger in the aire and is saying in a scared and stuttering voice in his own defense): "Eh, yes, I hope she d-d-d-d-d-d, does. This is one time that I am gonna stand on my own ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba. f-f-f-f-f-f, down, why I'd ram my fist down her throat clear up to here." {Elmer is now pointing to the mid-portion of his arm}.
As Elmer was telling Henry what he was going to do to Old Hackel Head in a fit of rage we now see Henry flinching in fear as Old Hackel Head is now approaching Elmer holding her rolling pin with a really demented look on her face.
ELMER to OLD HACKEL HEAD: (As Elmer is now rubbing his hands over his head in fear and is now once again becoming petrified as he is saying to her in a scared and stammering voice): "Umphf-hunh; umphf-hunh; umphf-hunh; umphf-hunh, see we didn't want to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d, disturb you, so we came in the w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, through there, haaa, haaa!"
HENRY to OLD HACKEL HEAD: (As Henry is now approaching her in a scared state as he is saying to her in a scared and slightly mischievous voice as he is standing there with his hand in his trousers pockets and a scared look on his face): "Pretty thoughtful of us, wasn't it?"
We now see the very demented Hackel Head slapping Henry so hard on his kisser that she has now sent Henry flying backwards loosing his balance.
HENRY to OLD HACKEL HEAD: (As he has now regained his balance and is approaching her totally disgusted out as he is rubbing his face in pain and is saying to her in a mean and hurtful tone of voice): "Cut that out, that's gratitude!!!!!"
ELMER to OLD HACKEL HEAD: (As Elmer is looking at her wickedly as he is shouting at her in a really evil and stuttering voice in defense for Henry): "Oh wait a minute, oh, listen, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I, can explain everything, you see, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, that is we, we, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, well, I d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d, a double!"
HENRY to OLD HACKEL HEAD: (As Henry is now approaching her in a wicked state as he is now interupting Elmer and is stating to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Yeah, that's only his side of the story."
MOTHER HACKEL HEAD to HENRY and ELMER: (As she is standing there fuming out of her mouth as she has one hand on her waist and the other one still supporting her rolling pin is shouting to them evily): "Well, wait until you hear my side of the story. I'm going to take my daughters to see a lawyer, now!!!!!!"
HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As Henry is now approaching her in a really apologetic way as he is grabbing her by the arm and is dragging her back in a full fledge state of fear and panic): "Now, mother dear, now please, now listen, listen, to reason."
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is looking at Elmer with a look of mischief on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone fo voice to make sure the Old Hackel Head is now anchored down): "Grab that other arm there!"
HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As Henry is now holding her arm and is saying to her in a swee and buttering up voice): "Elmer and I have got a little surprise for you, you know hunha, Thursday is Mothers Day!!!!!"
MOTHER DINGLE to HENRY: (As she is standing there with one hand on her waist and the other one still holding her rolling pin as she has a really wicked and demented look on her face as she is shouting to him in a wicked tone of voice): "I doubt if you will be alive on Mothers Day!!!!!"
HENRY to MOTHER HACKEL HEAD: (As Henry is standing there rolling up his shirt sleeves in a state of thorough madness as he is now balling his hands into fists and has a really wicked look on his face as he is saying to her in a really demented tone of voice): "Now, wait a minute, do you think I have to take that from you, do ya?"
We now see Old mean Crow Bait smacking Henry on his kisser once again and is now landing him onto the floor once again on his keester.
HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As Henry is sitting on the floor with a painful look on his face as he is using a painful tone of voice): "Wait, I guess I do!"
Elmer is now supporting a mean look on his face as he is now laughing hysterically, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, at Henry being smacked on his puss as we now see Old Hackel Head in a thoroughly disgusted state as she now swiftly kicks poor Elmer in his shins causing him t have excruciating pain.
ELMER to MOTHER HACKEL HEAD: (As Elmer now has a really horrible look of fear on his face as he is shouting in total pain): "Ooowha, ooowha, ooowha, ooowha, ooowha, ooowha!"
We now see Elmer rubbing his shins in horrible pain as Henry is now standing back-up and Old Crow Bait; Sour-Puss is now charging up the stairwell to her bedroom quarters of their flat like a heard of deranged bulls.
ELMER to HENRY: (As Elmer is standing there still in horrible pain and fear is now saying to Henry in a really panicking and stammering tone of voice): "Saya, saya, "I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, talk her out of it, see I'll, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll."
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry now slaps Elmer on his face in a state of thorough pain and madness as he is now shouting to him in a demented tone of voice): "Wait a minute, we can't wait that long. I got an idea, come on!"
Right here we see Henry grabbing Elmer by his hand as the two of them are now supporting looks of happiness on their faces as they are now merrily running up the stairwell to Mother Dingle's bedroom quarters as she has now slammed shut the door.
ELMER to HENRY: (As they are still charging up the stairwell in total glee as Elmer is saying to Henry happily): "All right!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As he is now trying to make Elmer move a little faster i saying to him in a worried tone of voice): "Come, on!"
Henry and Elmer have now approached Mother Dingle's bedroom quarters door as they are frantically pounding on her door to get her attention as she inow out in the hallway corridor creamating the living stuffings out of them as she is now dementedly beating them out of mad control with her rolling pin.
We are now in the bedroom quarters of Jane as she and Betty are now being woken up in a start as they are now sitting up in the bed in a frantic and horrified state of fear and panic.
BETTY to JANE: (As Betty is looking at her with a look of fear on her face as she is asking her in a panicking and questionable tone of voice): "What's that?"
JANE to BETTY: (As Jane is sitting in the bed with her eyes bugging out her head in fear as she is saying to Betty in a really horrible panicking tone of voice): "It's mother, she's got 'em!!!!!!"
We now see Jane and Betty frantically getting out of their bed as they are now really panicking in fear as they are now rushing to the aide of their poor, helpless and defenseless husbands.
JANE to BETTY: (As they are now quickly putting on their house coats and house shoes as they are now running at full tilt to rescue their husbands as Jane is saying to Betty with a worried look on her face and frantic in her voice): "We better hurry up, mother will kill 'em!"
We now see Jane and Betty frantically exiting their bedroom quarters to go up stairs to help their husbands as we anow hear old mother buzzard smashing a vase over their heads in dementedness. Betty and Jane have now stopped at the foot of the stairwell with horrified looks of fear on their faces.
Henry was now starting to make a quick get-away down the stairwell as he has now noticed Jane and Betty coming out of their bedroom quarters and rushing up the stairwell as Henry is now having a quick change of thought as he is now pretending that all the fighting and ruckus is his fault and not Old Crow Baits.
Elmer has now in a horrible state of demented madness has now shoved Old Buzzard Breath into her trunk and has locked her in.
We now see Henry playing two voices, both his and Hackel Heads as he is supposedly having a conversation with her.
HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As Henry is now pleading with her in a low based mischievous and carrying tone of voice): "Oh, won't you reconsider this mother dear?"
MOTHER DINGLE; {VOICE PROVIDED BY HENRY} to HENRY: (As he is now using a higher pitched tone of voice and with a look of mischief on his face): "No!"
HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As he is now using a really low pitched tone of voice with a look of mischief on his face as he is stating in a serious tone of voice): "I beg you, please stay!"
{HENRY AS} MOTHER DINGLE to HENRY: (As he is now using his higher pitched tone of voice in a full blown state of mischief): "No!"
{HENRY AS} HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As he now has a worried look on his face ash he is using a carrying tone of voice): "I'll give up my drinking!"
{HENRY AS} MOTHER DINGLE to HENRY: (As he is now using his 'mother' voice is saying to himself in a really mad tone of voice): "No!"
{HENRY AS} HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As he now makes a mistake and has now accidentally switched his voice pitches as he is now using his 'mother' voice as himself): "I'll give up my smoking!"
{HENRY AS} MOTHER DINGLE to HENRY: (As he is now accidentally using his lower pitched voice for Mother Dingle's in a state of mischief): "No!"
We now see Henry noticing Betty and Jane standing at the foot of the stairwell looking at him with a look on their faces that the 'ANTS HAVE NOW TOTALLY EATEN HIS PICNIC' as he is now giving back to them a look of 'Ooops, I made a boo-boo!"
HENRY to "MOTHER" DINGLE: (As Henry is now making a quick recovery for his act as he is using a state of mischief as he is now once again engaged in a conversation with her; {or should I say himself}: "Unha-humnh, very well, just as you say, mother dear!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now using a dignified tone of voice and has a dignified look on his face): "This way, unha, Elmer!"
We now see the poor helpless Elmer approaching with a trunk slung over his back that has Mother Dingle stuffed into it.
HENRY to "MOTHER" DINGLE: (As Henry is now in a full blown dignified state is saying to her mischievously): "We'll take care of everything!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now playing traffic officer as he is saying to Elmer in a really mischievous tone of voice and with a look of mischief on his face): "This way, now watch the round corner there, come on, take it easy now, watch the plaster, right down this way, that's it!"
Right here we see Henry guiding Elmer down the stairwell with a trunkful of Mother Dingle slung over his back as Jane and Betty are now watching all of the shenanigans with really mad looks on their faces.
JANE to HENRY and ELMER: (As Jane is looking at them with a look of meaness on her face as she is now shouting at them in an evil tone of voice): "Where are you going with mother's trunk?"
HENRY to BETTY and JANE: (As Henry is standing on the stairwell waving a hand in mischief as he has a mischievous look on his face and is using a wicked tone of voice): "Mother insists on going home!"
BETTY to HENRY: (As she is looking up the stairwell at Henry with a really evil look on her face as she has a hand on the stairwell bannister and is shouting at him in a really wicked tone of voice): "Mother's staying right here!"
BETTY to ELMER: (As she is now looking at him with a really demented look on her face as she is shouting at him in a loud and wicked tone of voice): "You put that trunk back in mother's room!"
Elmer is now obediently following Betty's instructions as he is now turning back around as he is taking the trunkful of Mother Dingle back to her room.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now looking up the stairwell at Elmer with a wicked look on his face as he is saying in a wicked tone of voice): "Pay no attention to her, per this trunk goes!"
We now see the very obedient Elmer now groaning yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, in pain as he is still toting 'such a heavy load' as he is now turning back around and is once again starting down the stairwell slowly.
JANE to HENRY: (As she is looking at Henry with an evil look on her face as she is saying to him in a mean and sarcastic tone of voice): "If anybody's gonna ordure my Elmer around, I'll do it!"
JANE to ELMER: (As she is shouting to Elmer in a mad tone of voice and with a look of madness on her face): "Elmer, take that trunk back at once!"
We now see the poor really tired out and very obedient Elmer now turning around once again as he is now again in the process of delivering Mother Dingle back to her bedroom quarters.
ELMER to HENRY, BETTY and JANE: (As he is standing there with that over loaded trunk still on his back with a look of pain on his face as he is using a painful tone of voice): "I wish, well, you people would make up your babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, babba, minds!"
We are now getting a glimpse of Betty and Jane standing at the foot of the stairwell with mean and ugly looks on their faces as Henry is now standing on the landing part of the stairwell as poor Elmer is now standing at the top of the stairwell as he is slowly climbing it to return the trunkful of Mother Dingle once again to its perspective location.
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now looking up the stairwell at Elmer as he is still standing on the landing part and is pointing a finger at him and the 'Loaded Trunk' as he is shouting at him in a mean tone of voice): "Now, this has gone far enough, listen you lug, who's giving ordures around here?"
ELMER to HENRY, BETTY, and JANE: (As he is now in a state of tired madness as he is shouting at them in a mad and tired tone of voice): "Every, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, every, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, heck, if for, I don't know!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is still standing on the landing part with a really evil and demented look on his face as he is waving a fist at him in dementedness and then is pounding his fist into his other hand in wickedness and is shouting at him wickedly): "Well, from now on, I'm giving the ordures, trunk down!"
All the while that Elmer and Henry were having their wicked tit-for-tat about the 'Loaded Trunk' we are seeing Betty and Jane standing there with looks of dazed bewilderment on their faces.
JANE to ELMER: (As she is now waving her hands in a state of plee as she has a look of pleading on her face and is using a pleading tone of voice): "Elmer, stop playing with that trunk and put it back where you found it!"
We now see Elmer standing on the stairwell fully mad as he is now becoming thoroughly exhausted from having the trunk on his back so long.
ELMER to HENRY, BETTY, and JANE: (As he is now looking down the stairwell with a really mean look on his face as he is shouting at them in a mean and very exhausted tone of voice): "Say, will you people, make-up, make-up, your, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, ababba, m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-, minds!?"
HENRY to BETTY and JANE: (As Henry is looking at them with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to them in a mad and slightly mischievous tone of voice): "This up and down business is wearing me out!"
JANE to ELMER: (As she is now looking at him with a devious look on her face as she is now asking him in a mean and questionable tone of voice): "Well, who started this any ways? Let's drop it!"
HENRY to ELMER: (As Henry is now giving Elmer the hand gesture for come on as he has a devious look on his face as he is saying to Elmer in a wicke and mischievous voice): "All right, Elmer, drop it!"
Where we are now seeing Elmer dropping the trunk as it is now crashing over the side railing of the stairwell at a fast clip as Betty and Jane now have bug eyed looks of fear and panic on their faces as it is now smashing wide open as we now see Mother Dingle sitting in the middle of the busted trunk with a really hurtful look on her face as Henry is standing on the landing with a really petrified look of fear on his face as he is saying in a full blown state of fear and panic, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha, hunha-aaaha,!
BETTY and JANE to MOTHER DINGLE: (As they are now in a really horrified state of panic and fear as they are now rushing over to her screaming at the top of their lungs in a state of panic): "Mother, mother, oh, they could have killed you!"
MOTHER DINGLE to BETTY and JANE: (As Betty and Jane are now helping up the badly bruised and battered and thoroughly dazed out Mother Dingle to her feet is saying to them in a shaky tone of voice): "aaaahunha, aaaahunha, aaaahunha, aaaahunha, aaaahunha, aaaahunha!"
We now see everybody gathered around Mother Dingle in a state of fear as they are worried is she is now all right. We now see her standing up all right and is not a bit hurt as she has now removed some clothing from her head.
MOTHER DINGLE to ELMER: (As she is so totally mad with him is now giving him an evil and demented look on her face as she is shouting at him wickedly): "Oh, you brute!"
ELMER to MOTHER DINGLE: (As Elmer is now standing there clutching his hands together with a deep look of remorse on his face as he is saying to her in a very apologetic and stammering tone of voice): "Aaah, mother, I was just testing it to see if it w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w, would stand the extra trip!"
Where we see mother Dingle busting her rolling pin over Elmer's head as Betty and Jane are standing there with horrified looks of fear and panic on their faces.
HENRY to MOTHER DINGLE: (As he is now standing there with a really mischievous look on his face as he is laughing mischievously and is using a mischievous tone on voice): "Heya-haaa, heya-haaa, heya-haaa, heya-haaa, heya-haaa, heya-haaa, heya-haaa, heya-haaa, you broke it mother, you broke it!"
We now see Mother Dingle with the worst look of dementedness going on her face as she is now wildly and wickedly smacking Henry across his face sending him flying once again across the living room quarters with a really hurtful look on his face as he is now once again falling flat on his keester in pain as he is also rubbing his face in pain.
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