Regal Theater and Black Culture, The
The stage show "Smiles of '34" is doing poorly at the box office, and the owner of the theater is demanding his due! When the troupe cannot pay their bills, Mr. Dora (the blind-without-glasses owner of a hotel) decides that the troupe can work off their debt by helping him overcome the rush of his booked "Farmer's Convention." Mr. Brown (the director of the stage show) hatches a plan to save him and his troupe from a summer of "actual" work. He romances Mrs. Dora while the female lead of the troupe sings through the hotel phone for an audition. The audition goes great, but Mr. Brown and his troupe must escape the wrath of Mr. Dora who discovers Brown flirting with his wife and tries to exact his revenge with his long time knife-throwing skills.
Produced by Van Beuren Pictures. Released by RKO Radio Pictures.
Shemp was paid $250 for this short subject.
Jack Good
Walter Brown
Lillian Miles
Shemp Howard
Shemp Howard
Charles Senna
James Fox
Shemp's Stooges
The Girl Friends
Singing Trio
Gertrude Mudge
Mrs. Dura
Leo Kennedy
Mr. Dura
Leigh Jason
Monroe Shaff
Meyer Davis
Associate Producer
Bert Granet
Executive Producer
H. O. Kusell
Art Jarrett Sr.
Joe Ruttenberg
Johnny Burke
Music and Lyrics
Harold Spina
Music and Lyrics
Shooting Days: | 4 days From: 1933-12-18 To: 1933-12-21 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
SHEMP HOWARD...........................HIMSELF
SHEMP'S STOOGES.......................THEMSELVES
LILLIAN MILES...................................DONNA
JACK GOOD ............................WALTER BROWN
This short starts off where we see this Theatre Marquée sign that reads as follows:
We are now on the stage where we see the lead singer Donna dressed in a beautiful white, full length satin dress. She is slightly bent over as she is doing a soft shoe style of a dance as she is using hand gestures to support the words of the song, {she has her hands on her waist, then she is swaying to and fro and then she is running her fingers across her eyes}.
DONNA SINGING: "That's all there is, there isn't any more. You saw the hero win the girl which made the villian sore. We'd like to show what happened when he took her to the door."
We now see Mr. Walter Brown entering onto the stage smiling happily as he is waving his hat to and fro and Donna is standing there with her hands on her waist and a giant smile on her face.
MR. BROWN SINGING: (In a sing-song style of a voice): "But, that's all there is, ha, there isn't any more."
Donna is now waving her hand at Mr. Brown playfully as she looks away smiling as he is hiding his face under his hat like he is embarrassed, then he is showing a sheepish smile.
We now see "the Girlfriends" singers entering onto the stage as they are doing a march style of a tap dance as they too, are dressed in beautiful full length white satin dresses. They are now singing in unison as they are waving their arms to and fro.
THE GIRLFRIENDS SINGING: "That's all there is, there isn't any more. You saw our charming chorus do a fancy terpsichore."
We are now back on Donna and Mr. Walter Brown as they are swinging their arms and are doing a soft shoe dance style as they are singing in unison with looks of glee on their faces.
WALTER and DONNA SINGING: (In unison): "They also do a fan dance where the fan drops to the floor."
We are now on the entire cast of singers as they are raising their arms in the air as they are singing in a sing-song style of a voice in unison: "WHOOO!"
We now see Donna and "the Girlfriends" swaying to and fro with huge smiles on their faces as they are now singing in unison:
Donna and "the Girlfriends' are now doing a soft shoe dance style and are waving their hands to a fro as they are singing in unison.
DONNA and the GIRLFRIENDS: (Singing in unison): "We thank-you all, for your party of four. We hate to go but we have to because, that's all there is, there isn't any more. We hope you like the story and we hope you like the score, and this is our finalé. So like I said before, that's all there is, there isn't any more."
As the girls were singing, Donna was doing a soft shoe dance. The 'Girlfriends' were doing a fan dance style of dance.
Now we now see Shemp and his Four Stooges coming on the stage dancing in circles as they are doing a Can-Can style of a dance and are kicking each other in their backsides then they are slapping one another and then they are doing a line style of a Can-Can dance.
In unison as they are swaying from side to side and are waving their hands to and fro. As they are now singing in unison.
WALTER, DONNA, and the GIRLFRIENDS: "That's all there is, there isn't any more. We hope you like the story and we hope you like the score, and this our finalé, and like I said before, that's all there is there isn't any more, 'Whooo!' {Donna is down on one knee with her hands spread sideways while the 'Girlfriends' have their arms raised in the air}.
GIRLFRIENDS: (As they are now back stage after the final performance where we see them gathering together as they are saying their farewells to each other as they are saying): "That's where you are going, to New York, I'm going also. That's fine."
DONNA to MR. WALTER BROWN: (As they are walking together behind stage and have smiles of glee on their faces as she asks him): "What time does the next train leave?"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is looking at her with a look of hurt and dismay on his face as he answers back): "What do you care, you're not going any place!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is standing there with a look of wonderment on her face as she is using hand gestures to support wonder as she says to him madly): "Oh, why not, there's some money in the house tonight?"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is pointing his hand foreward and says to her in a voice of dismay): "There's tonight's receipts!"
We are now looking at a humongous assortment of different kinds of veggies along with some chickens and pigs. We also see one cute, little, adorable, sweet piglet as he is rooting on the floor.
We hear in the background as we are looking at the giant-sized farm catch as the 'Girlfriends' are mumbling betwixt one another. "Oh, I am going to miss you. Oh, you don't say. I will write and call you don't worry."
WALTER to DONNA and the GIRLFRIENDS: (As he has a look of mischief on his face as he is also smiling as we see Donna and the 'Girlfriends' standing there with their hands on their waists and looks of madness on their faces as he says): "Look, what the ladies in this town use for the price of admission?"
VERA to WALTER: (As she has her hands on her waist and is looking at one of the other 'Girlfriends' with a mad look on her face and says in a sarcastic tone of voice): "What, no pins?"
ONE GIRLFRIEND to WALTER: (As she is standing there with a mad but yet slightly mischievous look on her face and is shouting to Walter in a state of sarcasim): "But, what are you suppose to dow with that?"
WALTER to the GIRLFRIEND: (As he is standing there smiling at her ischievously as she is giving him a look of madness as he says to her in a sarcastice tone of voice): "Eat it!"
GIRLFRIENDS to WALTER: (As they are looking at him with mad looks on their faces as they are using a questionable tones of voices): "Eat it?"
As Walter and the one 'Girlfriend' were having their discussion we saw the other 'Girlfriends' standing there looking at them with mischievous smiles on their faces.
We now hear the 'Girlfriends' and Donna talking in unison as they are picking up the different veggies and are looking at them in bewilderment.
DONNA and the GIRLFRIENDS: (As they now have looks of madness on their faces as they are saying): "Oh, come on what's going on here, come on what's going on?"
WALTER and DONNA to the GIRLFRIENDS: (As the 'Girlfriends' are standing there thoroughly disgusted about the fact that they are getting veggies for pay instead. Walter is looking at them with a mad look on his face and is shouting back at them in madness): "What are you suppose to do with it, sure you have to......"
We now see Walter getting tapped on his shoulder by one of the 'Girlfriends' as she is giving him a really mad look as she has her hands on her waist in total madness. Walter is now walking over to the veggie garden and is picking up some of the veggies.
WALTER to DONNA and the 'GIRLFRIENDS': (As he has a puzzled look on his face and is answering them back in a carrying tone of voice): "That's all right, now wait, now wait, ah, don't, take it easy you're all are going to get what's coming to you. I've never cheated you out of anything, have I?"
WALTER to GEORGIA: (As Walter is now walking over to the veggies as he has a look of dismay on his face and she is standing there looking at him with a disgusted look on her face as he says): "Ah, Georgia take it easy, there you are fine, take that broccoli, nice celery, that's fine, and here's some lettuce, and eggplant. Good-bye, see you again."
GEORGIA to WALTER: (As she is happily excepting her collection of veggies except for one as she is standing there looking at it disgustedly as she is handing it back to Walter and says in a mad tone of voice): "Eggplant, I don't want that, it reminds me of my first husband."
As Georgia is handing back to Walter the eggplant she is walking away with a mad look on her face as Walter is looking at the eggplant in dismay as the other 'Girlfriends' are standing there laughing and with happy looks on their faces.
WALTER to the OTHER GIRLFRIENDS: (As the 'Girlfriends' are standing there smiling mischievously as Walter is looking at them with a look of dismay on his face and says to them in a mischievous tone of voice): "How do you like that, eggplant isn't good enough for her, well."
MISS FANNY to WALTER: (As she is now approaching Walter and is tapping him on the shoulder and pulling him by his jacet sleeve and is talking to him in a high pitched, winey, tone of voice asks): "How about mine?"
WALTER to MISS FANNY: (As Walter is holding her hand and is looking at her mischievously and is answering her back in a high pitch, mischievous, winey tone of voice that is supporting sarcasm): "I'm gonna take care of you right away, that's all right, that's all right, isn't it?"
WALTER to MISS FANNY: (As he is now handing her her pay in a very serious manner as he has a serious tone on voice says): "Brocolli, here, hold that there you are."
Miss Fanny has now received for her 'pay' some broccoli, celery, carrots, cabbage and an eggplant.
MISS FANNY to WALTER: (As she is smiling happily at Walter and is really happy about her payment method says gleefully): "Oh, thank-you!"
WALTER to MISS FANNY: (As she is happily walking away with her "veggie pay" as Walter is now turning around and is approaching her in a state of mischief as he is now taking away from her two carrots says): "You're welcome. Oh, wait a minute, just a minute Fanny, you were sick two days last week. I'm gonna have to dock you two days pay, good-bye!"
As Walter was docking Miss Fanny her two day's pay we here in the background the other 'Girlfriends' laughing mischievously.
We now see Shemp and His Stooges coming in the back stage madly as they are pushing Shemp.
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As The Stooges are now rushing in, in madness as they are pushing Shemp and are shouting at Shemp): "What about us, what about us, what about our pay?"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now walking in backwards and has a mad look on his face and is trying to push them back to calm them down is shouting to them): "Now wait a minute boys, now wait, wait a minute now, wait a minute, wait a minute!"
SHEMP to WALTER: (As Shemp is now approaching Walter with a look of mischief on his face and mischief in is voice as he is now straightening his tie asks): "How about us?"
WALTER to SHEMP: (As he is patting Shemp on his arm and says to him in a carrying tone of voice): "All right, I'll take care of you, here you are, take that."
Walter has now handed Shemp two broccoli stalks.
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As they are looking at Shemp with looks of dismay on their faces as one of them says to Shemp in a state of dismay): "What's that?"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now turning around and looking at them with a disgusted look on his face as he says to them): "How do you like that?"
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As they are waving their hands in madness with mad looks on their faces are shouting to Shemp): "We don't want that, 'money, money, money'."
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As they are now huddled together as they are saying to one another): "Now wait a minute, we're not going to go for that stuff, we want money."
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As they are now breaking from their huddle and The Stooges have looks of bewilderment on their faces as Shemp is looking back at them with a worried and carrying look says to them in a serious tone of voice): "We'll you take it, quiet, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it!"
SHEMP to WALTER: (As Shemp is looking at Walter with a look of sadness on his face and says to Walter in a serious tone of voice as Shemp is now tossing the broccoli to the floor says): "The boy's won't go for it Mr. Brown."
WALTER to SHEMP: (As Mr. Brown is now looking at Shemp with a mad look on his face and says back to Shemp in a mad tone of voice): "Won't go for that?, that's broccoli!"
SHEMP to MR. BROWN: (As Shemp is looking at both Mr. Walter Brown and the broccoli Walter gave back to him. Shemp is now saying in a low and questionable tone of voice): "So it is, by golly!"
MR. BROWN to SHEMP: (As Mr. Walter Brown is waving his hands in a state of fury and has madness in his voice says): "Well, tell them about it!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is showing them the veggie and is explaining to them in a quiet tone of voice says): "That's broccoli!"
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As they are waving their hands disgustedly and is saying to Shemp in a state of madness): "Ah no, take it back, give it back!"
SHEMP to WALTER BROWN: (As Shemp is now disgusted says as he is once again tossing the broccoli on the floor says in a mad tone of voice): "Say, it's spinach or the heck with it!"
We now see Shemp and His Stooges looking over the farm yard feast of veggies and meat. They are now deciding what they want.
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As they are now happily shopping as they are now slightly mad as they are saying to Shemp): "Oh, oh, oh, oh!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now happily joining them in the shopping spree says to them): "All right, cut it out, that's fine, I gotcha!"
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As they are now happily selecting their pay said in unison): "This is mine, I got it, this is mine."
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now shouting at them madly and says back to them): "All right, I got mine!"
We now see Shemp and His Stooges walking away happily with their pay. One of The Stooges selected some cabbage, oranges, and apples. Another has some celery, and carrots. Another has some grapefruit. The last Stooge took several oranges and Shemp has happily selected apples. They are now marching away in a total state of joy.
We now see entering the back stage the sheriff and Mr. Cicarole Dora, (Proprietor Of 'Hotel Dora'), and his wife.
MR. DORA to the SHERIFF: (As he is saying to the sheriff in a quiet and mad tone of voice as his wife is standing behind him with a perplexed look on her face as the sheriff is now approaching Mr. Brown with a hurtful look on his face says): "Sheriff, that is him!"
SHERIFF to MR. WALTER BROWN: (As the sheriff is now approaching Mr. Brown in a total state of madness says to him): "Mr. Brown?"
MR. BROWN to the SHERIFF: (As Mr. Brown is looking at the sheriff with a look of hurtful dismay on his face and answers him back in a low tone hurtful voice): "Yes, sir!"
SHERIFF to MR. BROWN: (As the sheriff is now approaching Mr. Brown with a very serious look o his face and has a serious look on his face as MR. Brown is now looking at the sheriff in a total state of hurt as the sheriff is saying to him): "I have a bounty attachment for you and your Troupe from your Vaudeville!"
TROUPE MANAGER to MR. DORA: (As the Troupe Manager is now approaching Mr. Dora with a look of hurt on his face and is saying in a painful tone of voice trying to get Mr. Dora to change his mind): "Now, Mr. Dora, don't forget you remember, you were an actor once yourself!"
MR. DORA to the TROUPE MANAGER: (As Mrs. Dora is also standing behind her husband with a look of pride on her face as Mr. Dora also has a proud look on his face and is saying in a proud tone of voice): "Actor,? I was an artist, the greatest knife thrower in the world. That was until my eyes went back on me."
DONNA to WALTER: (As Walter is standing there slightly smiling, with a really hurt look on his face as Donna is saying to him in total sarcasm): "All I hope, is it is a nice clean jail!"
MRS. DORA to HER HUSBAND: (As she is now approaching him with a happy look on her face as she has her hands on his arms and is saying to him in a happy tone of voice): "Cicarole, don't forget about the farmers convention, we'll need help, why not let them work out their bill in the hotel?"
We now see Mr. and Mrs. Dora standing there looking at the Troupe. She is looking at her husband in a full state of gleeful mischief. He is standing there rubbing his chin and is hemming and hawing over the idea of the Troupe working off their debit in his hotel.
MR. DORA to his WIFE: (As he is looking at her in a very stately manner and says back to his happily smiling wife): "I never thought of that!"
MR. DORA to the SHERIFF: (As Mr. Dora is now approaching the sheriff and is whispering in the sherrif's ear): "Sherrif, I think I will let them work off their bill." (The sheriff is now smiling and nodding his head in agreement to Mr. and Mrs. Dora's decision).
We are now on two of Shemp's Stooges as they are happily sawing away on a barbell. Shemp is now approaching with his other Two Stooges.
SHEMP to STOOGES ONE and TWO: (As the Two Stooges are now busy at work with very serious looks on their faces as Shemp is now hollering at them in a mad, yet quiet tone of voice): "Wait a minute, fellas, that's my new saw."
We now see Stooge One and Stooge Two the ones who were sawing standing up and looking at Shemp with mad looks on their faces as Shemp is looking back at them in madness as Stooge Number Four has now taken the saw away from them.
{During this conversation I am numbering the Stooges One through Four counter clockwise}:
STOOGE ONE to SHEMP: (As he is now thoroughly disgusted with Shemp as he is saying to him): "What do you want,? what is this?"
SHEMP to STOOGE ONE: (As Shemp is giving him a mad look and is shouting at him in a mad tone of voice): "What do I want?"
STOOGE ONE to SHEMP: (In a thorough state of madness shouts): "Yes!"
SHEMP to STOOGE ONE: (As Shemp has a mad look on his face and madness in his voice says as he is now slapping him on his face): "How do you like that?"
We now see Stooge Two slapping Shemp on his back as he is now defending Stooge One.
STOOGE TWO to SHEMP: (As he has now slapped Shemp on the back and has a mad look on his face and is shouting to Shemp in a mad tone of voice): "Say, why don't you leave him alone?"
SHEMP to STOOGE TWO: (As Shemp is now thoroughly mad at him and is giving him an eyepoke shouts to him in a mad tone of voice): "Ah, stop, don't tell me what to, me what ever......"
STOOGE TWO to SHEMP: (In a full blown state of madness as he has one hand balled in a fist and is showing to Shemp says): "Oowh, you see that?"
SHEMP to STOOGE TWO: (As Shemp is looking at him in madness with a mad look on his face and madness in his voice shouts): "Yeah!"
We now see Stooge Two taking his other hand and is now smacking Shemp hard on the face with it. As Stooge Two has now smacked Shemp hard on his face all Four of the Stooges are now smiling a laughing hysterically in glee.
SHEMP to his FOUR STOOGES: (As Shemp is looking at them with a mischievous look on his face and is using a mischievous but yet slight sarcastic tone of voice says to them): "I'm a little too quick for you, ain't I?"
SHEMP to HIS FOUR STOOGES: (As Shemp has now hit them on their faces and Shemp is now looking at the barbell that Stooges One and Two were sawing says to them in a full blown state of devilment): "Now wait a minute fellas, that's no way to open coconuts. Give me that, why don't you use your heads. Come on now, get together here, right into in boys, for Old Glory."
We now see Shemp standing there holding a coconut as Stooges One and Two are running forward to crack it, but instead they hit their heads together as we now hear a fight bell go off and the Other Stooges are standing there with hurt looks on their faces as Shemp has a look of devilment on his face.
We now see Shemp and His Stooges diving to the floor after the coconut.
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is saying to them in a mischievous tone of voice): "Wait a minute, I got the piece I want."
We are now back on the sheriff and Mr. and Mrs. Dora as Mr. Dora has whispered to the sheriff about the Troupe is going to pay the past debt.
SHERIFF to WALTER, DONNA, and the 'GIRLFRIENDS': (As Mr. and Mrs. Dora are standing there with happy smiles on their faces as the sheriff is looking at the Troupe with a carrying look on his face as he is saying): "Friends, Mr. Dora doesn't want to send you to jail, but instead he's willing that you work out your debt to him in the hotel."
DONNA to the SHERIFF: (As she is looking at the sheriff with a perplexed look on her face and is answering back to him in a mischievous and questionable tone of voice): "Work!?"
We now see the 'Girlfriends' along with Walter laughing mischievously at what the sheriff has now stated.
'GIRLFRIENDS' and WALTER to the SHERIFF: (As they are looking at one another and then the sheriff as they are still laughing mischievously as they are saying in unison): "Work,? ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,!"
We are now seeing a business sign that states as follows:
We are now inside of the hotel where we see Donna, (the lead singer), wearing a black dress with a white laced collar at the front desk as she is working on some papers and has a happy looking and now she is polishing some flatware as she is swaying to and fro and is whistling as she is now singing:
DONNA SINGING: "Whistle while you work, be sure it's gay, before you know it you're finished for the day. Whistle while you work, just any way!"
We are now on three of the 'Girlfriends' dressed in bell-hop uniforms as they are standing there with their arms crossed as they are smiling and swaying to and fro as they are now singing:
'GIRLFRIENDS' SINGING: "Your heart's duty will seem like only play. Every where folks will have the pass and bell when the music is in the air is bright and chearful."
We now see Mr. Walter Brown dressed in a tuxedo with a carnation as he is now approaching Donna as he is tapping her on her shoulder and is smiling happily as she is smiling back at him sweetly as he is now singing.
WALTER SINGING: "Oh, whistle while you work, it's really smart."
We now see Walter and Donna standing at the main counter smiling cheerfully as they are now dancing and whistling.
We now hear Walter, Donna, and the 'Three Girlfriends' now singing in unison as they are cheerfully doing a soft shoe style of a dance as they are now singing.
WALTER, DONNA and the 'THREE GIRLFRIENDS': (Singing in unison): "Your cares will vanish and you will find your heart as light as a thistle when you whistle while you work."
We are now on an upper floor of the Hotel Dora where we are seeing 'Four of the Girlfriends' all dressed in maids uniforms as they each have their individual serving trays as they are now going to their different assigned rental rooms as they are now delivering drinks doing a fast paced soft shoe dance. They have knocked on their doors and as they are waiting for the residents to answer their doors they are swaying back and forth. As the residents have now answered their doors we see them happily handing them their serving trays with the drinks on them. They are now putting one hand on their waists as they are tossing their heads backwards in sort of a flirtatious way. They are now raising the hems of their short dresses as they are now putting the money into a little money pouch that is attached to their upper legs as they are now giving back the change. The 'Girlfriends' are now being pulled into their different rooms by the male guests. We now hear the guests dropping their drinks and breaking them out of happiness. The four maids have now left their rooms as they are marching down the hall doing a fast paced tap style of a dance.
We now see Shemp and His Four Stooges all dressed in Confederate Uniforms as Shemp is proudly toting a Confederate flag. Shemp is now marching in a tap style dance as he pauses momentarily to salute it and waving a finger to and fro. Shemp and His Four Stooges are now marching down the hall while The Stooges are playing fifes. All of them are smiling and swaying to and fro as they are marching down the hallway.
We are now back at the main lobby of the Hotel where we see Donna and 'Four of the Girlfriends' doing a tap style dance as Donna is still dressed in her black dress with the white laced collar and 'The Girlfriends' are dressed in scanty shorts style maid uniforms as they are skipping about merrily as the are dancing up to the main counter where Donna is now picking up the room key from the happily dancing Mr. Brown. The other maids are now carrying their cleaning ware and are happily doing a tap dance in a line fashion to their room they are going to clean. We also see in the background Mr. and Mrs. Doa with big smiles of glee on their faces as they are also dancing in joy.
We are now hearing Donna, Walter and 'The Girlfriends' happily sining.
DONNA, WALTER, and 'THE GIRLFRIENDS': (Singing in unison as they are happily working): "A-la-ba-dee. A-la-be-low, whistle while you work. Do-la-lu. La-lu-la. Lu-la-la-la-dee. Be-dumm-lu-la!"
We now see Donna and 'The Girlfriends' tap dancing merrily in a line fashion into their assigned room where they are now happily giving the resident his rental key as they are now bending low and are dancing in place their tap dance as they are happily putting their hands on their waists and are smiling gleefully at the resident. As they are singing as they are entering in.
DONNA and 'THE GIRLFRIENDS': (Singing in unison): "Ba-lum-dee-dee. Ba-la-dum-dee-do. Whistle while you work!"
We now see the older male resident waving good-bye tot hem as 'The Girlfriends' are now in a straight line dancing out sideways as they are crossing their legs and skipping out merrily as the are singing:
'GIRLFRIENDS' SINGING: (As they are leaving the room): "Dee-la-la-la. Lum-de-da-bum-bum. Everywhere, music by a bunch of us. Ba-du-ba-dee. Ba-dee-dee-low. Whistle while you work."
The older gentleman guest has now closed the door to him room.
We now see one of 'The Girlfriends' washign a window and is peeking into a room where she is smiling in mischief as she is now getting the window blind closed over her face while we hear some of the other 'Girlfriends' singing.
OTHER 'GIRLFRIENDS': (Singing in unison in the background): "Do-la-lee. La-lee-lee-. Umm-bee-dumm. Whistle while you work."
We are now back in the main lobby area where we see six of the 'Girlfriends' all dressed in maids uniforms as they are happily dancing a soft shoe dance to and fro as they are now carpet sweeping the rugs. Walter is now marching forward at a fast pace as he is now doing a fast pace, wild and frantic style of a soft shoe dance as he is twirling around moving forwards and backwards and is ending with completing a somersault.
As Mr. Brown was dancing, the maids were also completing a fast paced tap style of a dance as they are happily dancing around with their carpet sweepers swaying from side to side and then ending by dancing forwards and backwards pushing their carpet sweepers still sweeping their rugs.
We now see Shemp and His Four Stooges. Shemp and two of His Stooges are kneeling down with washing pails of soap and water as his other Two Stooges are standing us with mops and soap water pails. As they are now happily mopping and rag washing. They are now in the process of hitting each other with their mops and rags across each others faces. They are now standing up and dumping the pails of soap water over each other and are administrating eyepokes to each other. They are now smacking each other in their faces as they are now knocking each other to the floor where we now see one of The Stooges happily dancing around several times in circles on the backs of the other Three Stooges. Shemp has now gone for an axe and he is hitting His Stooges on their heads with the butt of the axe.
We are now back in the main lobby where we see a giant fat man approaching Donna. He is looking at her with a look of dazement on his face as she is looking back at him with a look of dismay and madness on her face.
GIANT FAT MAN to DONNA: (As he is asking her in a questionable tone of voice): "Have you a home companion?"
DONNA to the GIANT FAT MAN: (As she is looking at him with a serious but yet slight sarcastic look on her face as she is answering him back in a polite and professional tone of voice): "Ha, no, not anymore. I had one once but I traded him off for a police dog!"
GIANT FAT MAN to DONNA: (As the giant fat man is now looking at Donna with a look of wonderment on his face as Donna is now looking back at him with a slightly sarcastic look on her face as the giant fat man is now saying to her): "See here, I am a man with few words."
DONNA to the GIANT FAT MAN: (As she is now leaning on the counter top as she is smiling sweetly at him as she is saying back to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Yeah, and I'm a woman of two words, am scray!"
We now see the giant fat man exiting. Mr. Brown still dressed in his tuxedo is now approaching Donna at the main desk as he has a really sweet smile on his face as she is looking at him with a look of puzzlement on her face.
MR. WALTER BROWN to DONNA: (As he is looking at Donna now with a look of worry on his face as she is looking at him with a look of dismay on her face as he is saying to her in a really carrying tone of voice): "The suspense is getting to you, hunh?"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him with a mad look on her face as she is now answering him back in a mad and sarcastic tone of voice): "Get me, maybe you like it here."
WALTER to DONNA: (As he now has his hands in his pockets and has a look of mischief on his face as she is looking at him with a devilish look on her face as he is saying to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Well it's, ah, better than sleeping under an ice wagon!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him with a look of mischief on her face and is using a devilish, mischievous tone of voice as she says to him): "Ha, you outta know. Say what's the idea of the heavy play on that old sea horse?"
We now see Mrs. Dora as she is busy at her work on the switchboard system as she has a serious look on her face.
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is looking at Mrs. Dora with a look of bewilderment on his face as he is now answering Donna in a low and quiet and mischievous tone of voice): "You mean Dora's wife?"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is giving him a really devilish look as he is looking back at her with a devilish look as she is saying to him in a sarcastic tone of voice): "Unh-hunh"
WALTER to DONNA: (As Walter has a very sheepish look on his face and is using a mischievous tone of voice as Donna is looking at him with a questionable tone of voice as he is saying to her in a devilish tone of voice): "Well, unhn, she's gonna get us out of here!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As Donna is looking at him with a sarcastic look on her face as she is laughing and saying back to him in a very sarcastic tone of voice): "Ha, I bet the answer's good."
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is looking at her with a mad look on his face and is shouting at her in a mad tone of voice as he states): "No, listen, I've been here long enough to write one swell song, haven't I?"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him with a look of mischief on her face as she is saying to him in a sarcastic and mischievous flavoured tone of voice): "Honey, you've been her long enough to write an opera."
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is supporting a happy look on his face as he is using a bewildered tone of voice as he is saying to her): "Yeah, oh listen, I mean it. You know "WHY AM I IN LOVE?"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is leaning on the counter and is looking at him with a serious look and is using a serious tone of voice as she says): "Yeah!"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is standing there with his hands on his waist and a look of puzzlement on his face as he is answering her back in a slight mad tone of voice): "It's a natural isn't it, sure it is, well listen, surprise!!!!!!!!!! You're gonna sing the song over the phone to Jack Stanley the Music Publisher in New York, hunh!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him with a look of devilment on her face as she is asking him in a low mischievous tone of voice): "Say, tell me, do you ever have black spots in front of your eyes?"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is now in a state of thorough madness as he is now shouting back at her in a really mad tone of voice): "Ah, no. I'm not kiddin', listen, you're gonna sing the song over the phone. Stanley's gonna send us a cheque for advance royalty, ha, we're all gonna get our of hock. Honey, we can't miss!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As Donna is now looking at him with a look of wonderment on her face as she is asking him in a questionable tone of voice): "Oh, you're crazy! Who's gonna stake you for that long distance phone call, Santie Claus?"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is now waving his hands in determination as he is looking at her with a determined look on his face and determination in his voice): "Listen, ha, you leave that to me. I'll get the connection. You go up to Room Twelve, that's all you have to do. Pick up the receiver and sell that song!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is listening to his long and convoluted story as she is thinking, hey maybe he is knowing what he is talking about as she says back to him in a really low tone of voice in agreement): "Say?"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he has a look of wonderment on his face says to her in a worried tone of voice): "What?"
DONNA to WALTER: (In a really happy tone of voice and really happy look on her face says): "That might work!"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is giving her a really serious look as he is answering her in a state of determination): "It can't miss!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As Donna is leaving her front desk and is on her way to Room Twelve with a really happy look on her face as she is shaking his hand in agreement says happily): "I'll do my part!"
Walter is now happily approaching Mrs. Dora.
SHEMP to MR. WALTER BROWN: (As Shemp is looking at Walter with a very perplexed look on his face as Shemp is saying to him in a very serious tone of voice): "Excuse me boss, it ain't my fault, but dinner's ready."
WALTER to SHEMP: (As Walter is looking at Shemp with a mad look on his face and is saying to Shemp in a mad tone of voice): "Don't bother me now, I'm busy!"
SHEMP to ONE of HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now looking at him with a really dismay look and says to him in a slightly mad and low tone of voice): "How do you like, can you imagine that, give me those sticks will ya?"
We now got a really quick glimpse of Walter mischievously approaching Mrs. Dora.
We now see Shemp with a sack of golfing rods as he is now taking on His Stooges and is bending him over. Shemp has now cupped his hand over his mouth and he said 'Fore' as he has now wacked one of His Stooges in the backside with the golfing rod and has sent His Stooge flying into the dining room quarters area.
We now see Walter approaching Mrs. Dora with a really devious smile on his face as she is smiling back at him with are really happy look on her face.
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him with a really sweet smile as she is saying to him in a really pleasant tone of voice): "Hello, Walter!"
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is smiling at her with a really devious look on his face as he is saying to her): "How are you?"
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is slighly laughing and is saying back to him in a very polite tone of voice): "Ha, ha, how are you?"
Right here we see Walter and Mrs. Dora laughing together in a polite state.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is slapping his hands together in mischief as he is looking at her in a mischievous state as he answers her back in mischievous tone of voice): "Well, ha, ha, oh, oh, what is that, shame on you? tickie, tickie, tickie, tickie, ha, ha, shame!"
All the while that Walter was 'play flirting' with Mrs. Dora she was sitting there laughing and smiling in total joy.
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is laughing happily and says back to him in a really happy voice): "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,!"
All the while that Walter was 'flirting' with Mrs. Dora he was trying to 'butter' her up so he could get her to place that telephone call to New York.
Walter is now sitting on the edge of her desk and the main switchboard system as he now has one of the connecting wires in his hand and is talking to Mrs. Dora to keep her off guard as he is now trying behind his back to get connected to Room Twelve.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is sitting on the edge of her desk and is talking to her in a very friendly tone of voice as he is now saying to her in a a very mischievous state): "You know, Mrs. Dora, I, I've just been thinking, life must be very lonesome for you at times, yes, even admist all this gayity."
As Walter is sitting there 'buttering' up Mrs. Dora, we see Mr. Dora in the background watching everything behind some house plants with a really mad look on his face as he is now thinking that Walter is 'really flirting' with his wife.
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she has a hand on his arm and is looking at him with a really sweet look on her face as Walter is looking at her with a mischievous look as she is saying to him): "I know you would understand."
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (In a really devious and mischievous tone of voice): "Ah, hunh, yes."
We now see Walter with his hand behind his back once again blindly hunting for the connection hole to Room Twelve as he is sitting 'pretending' to be friendly to Mrs. Dora.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is sitting blindly hunting for the connection to Room Twelve and is saying to her in a serious tone of voice): "You know, Mrs. Dora, when I'm with you, I'm lonesome, and when we're apart, I, I, just......"
MR. DORA to WALTER: (As he is now approaching him in a really mad manner as he is pulling Walter off the switchboard desk and is shouting at Walter in a really mean and mad tone of voice): "Get back to your desk, and listen, if I catch you making love to my wife again, I'll cut out your craving heart."
WALTER to MR. DORA: (As he is now standing there with a really hurt and scared look on his face as Walter is now slightly shaking and says to Mr. Dora in a shakey tone of voice): "Yes, yes sir!"
We see Donna and "The Girlfriends' walking into Room Twelve in a vey happy manner. Donna is now sitting on the bed as she is picking up the receiver off of the telephone as the other 'Three Girlfriends' are sitting there in total glee.
DONNA to the 'THREE GIRLFRIENDS': (As Donna is sitting there holding the telephone receiver and has a really happy look on her face as the 'Girlfriends' are sitting there smiling in glee as Donna is saying to them joyfully): "You kids have to help me sing the song. Walter is trying to chisel a long distance phone call out of Mrs. Dora, to Jack Stanley you know!"
We are now in the main lobby area where we see Shemp bent over holding onto a large gong as one of His Stooges is standing there at attention with a really blank and dumb look on his face as he is holding onto a mallett.
Mr. Dora is now approaching the scene as he is looking at his pocket watch with a really mean look on his face as he has now pushed The Stooge aside and is now approaching Shemp with a really hurtful look on his face as Shemp is looking at Mr. Dora with a really scared look on his face.
MR. DORA to SHEMP: (As he is speaking to Shemp in a really mean tone of voice and with madness on his face says): "Serve dinner in two minutes!"
SHEMP'S STOOGE to MR. DORA: (As he is standing there with a really dumbfounded look on his face and replies back to Mr. Dora in a really mischievous state): "Yes mame!"
MR. DORA to SHEMP'S STOOGE: (As Mr. Dora is looking at him with a puzzled look on his face as he is saying to The Stooge in a worried low tone of voice): "And, stick on the job!"
SHEMP'S STOOGE to MR. DORA: (In a full blown state of mischief says): "Yes mame!"
As Mr. Dora was talking to The Stooge Shemp was approaching Mr. Dora in a really mischievous manner as Shemp was picking Mr. Dora's pocket, (with Mr. Dora not knowing it). Shemp has now 'lifted' the watch from Mr. Dora. Mr. Dora has now left. Shemp is happily looking at the pocket watch as His Stooge is now looking at Shemp with wide eyes in a perplexed state.
SHEMP'S STOOGE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is joyfully looking at his watch as his Stooge is approaching Shemp and is taking the watch from Shemp as he is saying): I didn't know you had a watch!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGE: (In a really quiet and mischievous manner says back to him): "He don't know it yet. Is it a good one?"
SHEMP'S STOOGE to SHEMP: (As the two of them are now bent over and looking at the pocket watch and have looks of dismay on their faces as The Stooge says in a quiet mischievous tone of voice): "Get ready, get set!"
As Shemp's Stooge was saying the Shemp, as he was counting down the time to ring the gong for supper time. Shemp was saying in a mischief state. "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Instead of Shemp's Stooge hitting the gong with his mallet to signal that it is supper time Shemp has now hit him hard on the forehead with the gong instead.
The gong has now sounded. We see the entire hotel full of guests running frantically into the dinning hall quarters to get their grub. Shemp and His Stooges were trying to hold the entrance door closed for a little bit more because they were not quiet ready. But the hungry guests have now shoved the door open as they are now knocking down Shemp and His Stooges to get to tables for their grub.
SHEMP to the HUNGRY MOB SCENE: (As the mob scene is now wildly pushing Shemp aside as they are now fighting for tables as Shemp is yelling at them in a state of panic): "Wait a minute now, no pushing, no pushing, hey everybody wait a minute, hold it now, take it easy, one moment, hold it, that's it!"
As Shemp and Three of His Stooges were fighting with the hungry mob scene we see his Last Stooge whistling happily as he is looking over his shoulder to be sure that he isn't gonna get caught as he is now at the dessert bar. He is now sneaking an eclair into his trousers pocket. The Stooge is now whistling loud and happy as he is now putting handsful of ice cream into his suit jacket pocket as Shemp is now noticing him. Shemp is now tapping His Stooge on the shoulder and is winking at him mischievously in agreement as Shemp is now pouring an entire pitcher of cream in his pocket on top of the ice cream.
We are now on Mr. Dora with a look of horrifed madness on his face as he has now discovered that his pocket watch has been 'lifted'. Mr. Dora has now rubbed his face in bewilderment as he has now figured out where his watch has gone to. He is now approaching Shemp and His Stooge as Shemp is happily filling His Stooge's pocket full of various desserts and dessert toppings.
MR. DORA to SHEMP'S STOOGE: (As Mr. Dora is now approaching him in a thoroughly mad state as Shemp is now looking at Mr. Dora with a really hurtful look on his face as Mr. Dora says as he is putting his hand in the 'dessert pocket' of The Stooge): "Ah, ha, my watch!"
We now see Mr. Dora putting his hand into The Stooge's suit jacket pocket to fetch back his watch as he is now retrieving a large handful of ice cream and toppings. Mr. Dora now has a look of madness on his face as Shemp has a look of bewilderment on his face. The Stooge is now raising his arms into the air as he has a very startled look on his face. Shemp has now backed away as Mr. Dora is now hitting The Stooge in his face with his handful of mush. As Mr. Dora is supporting a really ugly look of madness on his face.
We are now back at the switchboard where Mrs. Dora is sitting there in a serious manner as she is reading a newspaper and is waiting for incoming telephone messages. Walter is now approaching Mrs. Dora 'pretending' that he is there because he likes her. But all the while he is still trying to think up of different ways to chisel that telephone call to New York out of her.
MR. BROWN to MRS. DORA: (As he is now walking up to her in a very devilsh and mischievous manner as he is saying to her in a very mischievous happy voice): "Hello!"
We now see Mrs. Dora look up at Walter slightly startled but yet in glee. She is now smiling at him in total happiness.
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him with a carrying look on her face and asks him in a very gentle and carrying tone of voice): "Oh, are you all right?"
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is now looking at her with a large, mischievous smile on his face as he says back to her in a happy tone of voice): "Sure, I'm all right!"
We now see Walter sitting once again on the edge of the switchboard desk as he is now 'gently' putting his hands on her arms in a 'carrying' manner as he is smiling happily at her. Mrs. Dora is now putting her hands on his arms and is looking at him in a sweet and carrying way.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is looking at her with a serious look on his face as he has his hands on her arms in a kind manner as she has a loving look on her face as he states): "You know Mrs. Dora, there's something I wanna tell you!"
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is now in a full state of glee): "Yes!"
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is still 'pretending' that he likes her and is using a 'phony carrying' tone of voice as she is looking at him in a state of 'Love'): "You, you have such beautiful eyes."
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is now blushing and has an embarrassed look on her face as she says to him sweetly): "Oh, do you really think so?"
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is still in his full blown state of devious mischief says to her): "Yes, and before they drive me nuts, I, I wish you'd close them for a moment, please?"
We now see Mrs. Dora standing there with her hands clatched together as she has a look of happiness and contentment on her face.
Walter is now looking at her with a devilsh look on his face as he is now successfully connecting to Room Twelve.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As is still 'phonily flirting' with her as he is now saying to her): "Mrs. Dora, couldn't we get a little closer? You know you seem such a 'long distance', ah, from me!"
We now see Mrs. Dora with a huge smile of happiness as she is now in 'La-La Land' thinking that Walter is really in 'love' with her.
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is now 'flirting' back at him as she is smiling joyfully at him and is patting him on his cheek in carryingness as she says to him sweetly): "Ah, ah, where did you learn all those cute little things you say?"
Walter is now really 'pretending' that he his 'head over heels' in 'love' with Mrs. Dora as he is still in the process of chiseling that New York telephone call out of her. Mrs. Dora is standing there all 'giggly' as she is looking at him in a full state of 'love'.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he is smiling mischievously sweet at her as he says to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Ah, ah, from, unhn, Jack Stanley in New York."
As Walter was talking to Mrs. Dora he was bending forward on the 'SIGNAL WORDS' as he was signaling to Donna that everything is now 'honkey-dorey' for her to go on now and telephone Mr. Jack Stanley.
We are now in Room Twelve where se see Donna and 'The Girlfriends' sitting there in glee.
DONNA to the 'GIRLFRIENDS': (In total joy): "If we put this over, we'll all be out of hock!"
We are now back in the dining room quarters where we see the guests now sitting down to grum in a mad manner. One of Shemp's Stooges is now at one of the guests tables as the guest is shouting at him madly about there being no grub.
MAD GUEST to ONE of SHEMP'S STOOGES: (As he is now shouting at Shemp's Stooge in a mad tone of voice and has a look of madness on his face as he shouting and pounding his fists on the table): "Say, if I don't get something pretty soon, I'll write my Congressman. Now I want my vittles, gal darn it!"
ENTIRE ROOM of GUESTS: (As they are now chanting in unison madness to Shemp and His Stooges): "We want more food, we want more food!"
We are now on Shemp and His Stooges as His Stooges are looking at him with mad looks on their faces as Shemp is looking back at them in wonderment.
ONE SHEMP STOOGE to SHEMP: (As The Stooge is now shouting to Shemp in total madness): "The food's all gone, and the last table ain't got to eat!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGE: (As Shemp is now hitting him hard on his head in madness and Shemp is saying to him in a state of madness): "Don't worry now, don't worry!"
We now see The Stooge rubbing his head in pain as the other Three Stooges are now standing there with blank looks on their faces as Shemp is waving a finger at His Stooges in madness.
Shemp is now approaching a safe where he is now working the combination and is bringing out an entire ham hock.
As Shemp was working the combination on the safe His Stooges were standing behind him watching Shemp with looks of dumbfoundedness on their faces. Shemp has now finished the combination on the safe and he has now hit a leaver underneath the combination dial as we hear bells sound. Shemp is now opening it up and bringing out the ham hock.
We now see Shemp's Stooges all with happy looks of glee on their faces as they are now rubbing their hands together in glee as the are now happily looking at the ham hock.
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As The Stooges are now over joyed and Shemp has a happy look on his face as Shemp is saying to them): "Here it is fellas!"
We now see the hotel guests hording around Shemp and His Stooges like vultures as the guests are viewing the ham hock.
SHEMP to the GUESTS: (As Shemp is saying to the guests): "Come on, line up now, all right line up, watch your manners, watch your manners over there, now!"
We now see Shemp's Four Stooges down on their hands and knees all with perplexedc looks on their faces as Shemp is now standing behind them holding the ham hock as they are now in the process of playing football with it.
SHEMP to HIS FOUR STOOGES: (As His Four Stooges have blank looks on their faces and Shemp has a devilsh look on his face as Shemp is now holding the 'ham football'): "Signals, a hot knee, seven, one, two, three!"
We now see the entire dining room full of guests as the are now mobbing around Shemp and His Stooges and the ham hock.
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As the guests are now vulturing around the ham hock fighting for it as Shemp is now yelling at them to try and settle them down): "All right boys, take your time, there, watch it out!"
We now hear Shemp blowing a whistle to try and calm down the vultures.
SHEMP to the HOTEL GUESTS: (As Shemp is now pushing them away and is shouting at them madly): "Come on, get over there!"
We are now back on Shemp and His Four Stooges as they are now kneeling on the floor in a huddle.
SHEMP to his FOUR STOOGES: (As they are now huddled together as Shemp is saying in a mischievous state): "Signals!"
ONE STOOGE to SHEMP: (As they are still huddled together and he says to Shemp in total mischief): "Spades!"
ANOTHER STOOGE to SHEMP: (As he is also in a full blown state of mischief says): "Four Diamonds!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is looking at His Stooges with disman and says to them in a low, mischievous tone of voice): "Little boys, that's not games, now don't take it so easy. These guys are plenty tough, let's give them the all tackle play. Line up, go ahead now!"
ONE STOOGE to SHEMP: (As Shemp and His Stooges are now lining up and The Stooge has now patted Shemp on his shoulder says to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "That's good, great!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As His Stooges are now down on their hands and knees once again in a state of mischief as Shemp is now standing behind them in mischief as Shemp is now jumping up and twisting sideways as he is saying): "Now, we'll give the Old Rack example, put a hot shot, hey, hey, one, two, three, right, hunh, all right!"
SHEMP to the MOB of HUNGRY GUESTS: (As they are now really mad and are furiously attacking Shemp for the ham hock as Shemp is yelling to them): "All right now, calm down, take your time, line up now!"
One of Shemp's Stooges has now tossed the 'football' to Shemp as the vultures are now attacking him and once again Shemp is now blowing his whislte to calm them down.
Shemp has now pushed back the hungry vulture mob and has calmed them down temporiarly. We are now back on Shemp and His Four Stooges as they are now back in a huddle trying to think of a different way to put an orderly manner to this situation.
SHEMP to HIS FOUR STOOGES: (As Shemp is now looking at them with a disgusted look on his face and is saying to His Stooges who are looking back at Shemp with looks of dismay on their faces as Shemp is now saying): "Wait a minute now, these guys are on to our signals, yes, there is a spy amongst us, never the less, we'll give them the old routine!"
A STOOGE to SHEMP: (As The Stooges are now breaking away from their huddle and The Stooge is now patting Shemp on his shoulder says in a serious tone of voice): "Right!"
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now raising three fingers and then is waving his hands to and fro says): "All right now fellas, we'll start off with this, and then we'll give them zizz, zizz, zizz, zizz, you understand."
SHEMP to ONE of HIS STOOGES: (As we now see Shemp looking at him in a full blown state of disgust as Shemp is ow hitting him hard on his head and the other Three Stooges are now standing there looking at Shemp and The Stooge with looks of bewilderment on their faces): "What are you looking at?"
We now see Shemp and His Four Stooges engaged in a fast and wild slap fest as they are rapidly hitting one another on their faces and heads.
SHEMP to HIS FOUR STOOGES: (As Shemp is now furiously mad at them as they are still engaged in their slap fest): "Ah, don't stand there, come on, cut it out, wait a minute now."
SHEMP'S STOOGES to SHEMP: (As they are still participating in the slapping party are saying to Shemp): "Come on now, wait a minute, all right wait a minute."
SHEMP to HIS FOUR STOOGES: (As Shemp is now blowing his whistle to calm them down as he is saying to them in a mad tone of voice): "Wait a minute, I got them, mother, now cut it out fellas, line up there, line up there!"
Once again we are now seeing Shemp's Stooges down on their hands and knees as Shemp is now standing behind them with a look of mischief on his face.
SHEMP to HIS FOUR STOOGES: (As His Stooges are now standing up to intercept the pass of the 'ham football' from the vultures as Shemp is saying): "All right signals, one, eight, coming, right, boys now take your time!"
We now see Shemp's Stooges climbing up and over one of the dining room tables as they are still being tackled by the hungry vultures.
SHEMP to ONE of HIS STOOGES: (As we now see The Stooge catching the 'ham football' and is now hiding it under a table as the other Stooges are now helping to hide the 'ham football'): "All right Joe, you got it Joe, take it, here you are, take it, you got it!"
We now see Shemp's Stooges hiding underneath a table as they are now being once again tackled by the very irate and hungry guests.
SHEMP to HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now shouting at them in worry and he has a worried look on his face as His Stooges now have looks of dismay on their faces): "Watch it there boys, watch, watch it, out there."
We now see Shemp's Stooges standing up as Shemp is looking at them in dismay as the hungry and irate guests are now looking at them in a thorough state of madness.
ONE SHEMP STOOGE to the OTHER THREE STOOGES and the IRATE GUESTS: (As he is now jumping up in madness and is raising his hand in a signal of stop is now yelling at them): "It's over, over!"
We now see the guests leaving in a state of madness as Shemp and His Stooges are now gathering in a huddle excited about their 'VICTORY OF WINNING THE HAM FOOTBALL GAME!"
SHEMP and HIS STOOGES: (As they are now huddled together and are chanting gleefully in unison): "Yeah team, yeah team, yeah team!"
We are now back in Room Twelve where we see Donna and 'Three of the Girlfriends' sitting on a bed as Donna is now picking up the telephone receiver as she is now completing that telephone call to Jack Stanley in New York."
DONNA to JACK STANLEY: (As she is happily getting connected to him as she is saying to him in a state of glee): "Hello, hello, Jack Stanley?"
JACK STANLEY to DONNA: (As we are now on him and he is answering her in a state of happines yet dismay): "Yes!"
DONNA to JACK STANLEY: (As she is talking to him in a full state of glee and the 'Three Girlfriends' are now sitting on the bed in glee and anxiousness as Donna is now talking to him): "Oh, hello J., I'm gonna sing you Walter Brown's latest song, now listen!"
DONNA SINGING TO JACK STANLEY: "Nothing ever happens to a simple sort of a soul, nothing but a miracle could ever change my sole. So I went on living in the way fate arrays. Now it seems there it goes for suddenly I changed, 'Wh am I in love'? Why does my heart sing. Why does winter weather even seem like spring? 'Why am I in love,'? Why are dreams so sweet, why do I keep saying life is complete, Why am I thrilled with every new born day, Why am I filled with pretty things to say, 'Why am I in love.'? Feeling like I do? some how I imagine it's because of you."
As Donna was singing to Jack Stanley over the telephone she has now put the telephone donw and is doing a soft shoe dance and is using hand gestures to support the words to the song.
Donna is now handing over the telephone to the 'Three Girlfriends' as they are singing in background harmony as Donna is now singing and doing her soft shoe dance.
'GIRLFRIENDS': (In background unison harmony): "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, That's why I am in love."
Donna is now happily dancing with a huge smile on her face and is using hand gestures to support her song as she continues:
DONNA SINGING: ""Why, why in love, why does my heart sing? Why does winter weather even seem like spring? Oh, why, why, in love. Why are dreams so sweet? Why do I keep saying life is so complete, why am I thrilled with every new born day?"
DONNA and the 'THREE GIRLFRIENDS': (As they are now singing a four part harmony style of singing): "Why am I filled with pretty things to say? Oh why, oh why, because I imagine it's because of you!"
Donna and 'The Girlfriends' are now finished singing as Donna is now back on the telephone.
DONNA to JACK STANLEY: (As she is now really happy about their performance as she is now excitedly talking to Jack Stanley): "Oh, J., how did you like it?"
JACK STANLEY to DONNA: (As we now see him and he is saying back to her sarcasticlly): "It was even good when Beethoven wrote it!"
DONNA to JACK STANLEY: (As she is now in a state of madness is shouting at him): "Oh Jack, I think you're wrong about that!"
'GIRLFRIENDS' to DONNA: (As 'The Girlfriends' now have worried looks on their faces and worried voices): "Didn't he like it?"
DONNA to 'THE GIRLFRIENDS': (As she is still holding the telephone and is answering back to them in a hurtful tone of voice): "NO!"
We are now back in the main lobby were we see Walter 'still pretending' that he is head over heels in love with Mrs. Dora as he is still trying to chisel out of her the fare to New York as she is standing there with a sweet look of love on her face for him.
As they were 'flirting' with one another we now see Mr. Dora throwing a knife at Walter in a state of furious madness as the knife now sticks in a support pole next to Walter.
WALTER to MRS. DORA: (As he now has a petrified look of horror on his face as Mrs. Dora now has a really petrified scared look on her face as Walter is now shouting in a state of panic): "What's that!?"
MRS. DORA to WALTER: (As she is looking at him in a really horrified state of fear and Walter is pointing to the knife as she is saying to him in a petrified tone of voice): "My husband!"
We now see Walter leaving her like 'a bat out of hell'. As he is now going upstairs. Mrs. Dora is now standing up from the switchboard system as she is now in a horrible state of fear as she is now watching Walter run like 'the dickens' upstairs for safety.
We now see Mrs. Dora going up to meet her husband to try and stop him. He has now gently pushed her aside as he is now running upstairs in a horrible fit of rage after Walter.
We now see Shemp and One of His Stooges as The Stooge is now hurrying to go upstairs as Shemp is now grabbing him by the arm.
SHEMP to ONE of HIS STOOGES: (As Shemp is now yelling at him in a total state of madness): "Wait a minute now, a wiseguy, eh?"
We now see The Stooge putting his hands up to his face to block off the eyepokes that Shemp is now trying to administer to him. Shemp has now applied several swift hits to his face and has socked him in his stomach.
SHEMP to HIS STOOGE: (In a total state of madness says): "Unhn, hunh, how do you like that?"
The Stooge has now given Shemp a good hard smack on his face as The Stooge is now running upstairs in a state of hurriedness.
SHEMP: (In a total state of madness as he is now doing a quick in place shuffle says): "Now wait a minute!"
All the while that Shemp and His Stooge where having their little tit-for-tat Mrs. Dora was standing in the background watching the whole thing in a state of worry.
WALTER to DONNA: (Donna is now still on the telephone as we see Walter running in, in a state of panic as he is now quickly grabbing the telephone from her and is asking her in a state of questionable panic): "Who, is it Jack?"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she has now handed him the telephone says to him in a quick panicking tone of voice): "Yeah!"
WALTER to JACK STANLEY: (As Walter is asking Jack in a quick and panicking tone of voice): "That's fine. Hello Jack? That number's a hit isn't it? shouldn't it......"
As Donna and 'The Girlfriends' were sitting on the bed in a state of worry and hopefulness about Walter trying one last feebile try with Jack Stanley about Jack purchasing his song. 'The Girlfriends', Donna, and Walter all now let out bone chilling yells of panic.
Mr. Dora is now entering into their room like a deranged lunatic as he is now visously and wildly throwing knives at Jack. We now see 'The Girlfriends' all running for safety.
We are now on the deranged Mr. Dora, Shemp, and One Of His Stooges.
STOOGE to SHEMP: (As The Stooge has now put on a pair of spectacles to keep Shemp from hitting him says to Shemp in a state of mischief): "Now hit me!"
Shemp has now hit His Stooge on the face in mischief as they are now exiting. The deranged lunatic Mr. Dora is now happily back flinging his knives at the panicking Walter.
WALTER to JACK STANLEY: (As Walter is begging Jace for a loan says): "Well Jack listen, could you, like a hundred dollars, no, could you lend me fifty? Hunh, things are coming my way too fast, I'll, I'll see you later!"
All the while that Walter was on the telephone with Jack Stanley he was dodging the flying knives that were being flung at him by the deranged Mr. Dora. Mr. Dora has now flung a total of eight knives at Walter.
Donna and Walter are now hiding behind the bed in fear. Mr. Dora is standing there with a deranged look on his face as he has now noticed that he has lost his spectacles.
MR. DORA: (In a total state of derangement is now shouting): "Five taxes, a knife, a knife, I'd give anything for a knife!"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is now standing up in a total state of mischief as she is now taking the knives from the wall and says to Walter in a panicking tone of voice): "Here's our break, I'm gonna sell him his own knives!"
WALTER to DONNA: (In a full blown state of fear and panic is now yelling to her): "What? to throw at me????????"
DONNA to WALTER: (As she is now smiling mischievously as she is now handing the knives to Walter as she is saying in a mischievous tone of voice): "Oh, he couldn't hit Aunt Jemima with Paul Whiteman!"
WALTER to DONNA: (As he is now handing back the knives to her and says to her mischievously): "All right, but don't foget we need a hundred dollars!"
Donna is now standing on the bed in a total state of mischief as she is now holding the knives as she is now auctioning them off.
DONNA: (In a thorough state of mischief): "Right this way gents, what am I offering for these beautiful stanless steel knives?"
ONE STOOGE to DONNA: (In a mad state as he is leaving the room): "Ten dollars!"
ANOTHER STOOGE to DONNA: (In a full blown state of mischief as he too is leaving the room): "Twenty!"
ANOTHER STOOGE to DONNA: (In a full blown state of mischief as he also is leaving the room): "Thirty dollars!"
SHEMP to DONNA: (As he is saying to her in a state of mischief as he is skipping merrily out of the room): "Forty!"
MR. DORA to DONNA: (As he has now been slickered into her con-game as he is standing up and presenting Donna with the money shouts): "I'll give a hundred dollars!"
DONNA to MR. DORA: (As she is now jumping off of the bed and is shouting to him in a happy and mischievous manner as she is now grabbing the buckaroonies from him): "Yeah!"
Donna has now successfully conned Mr. Dora out of a hundred buckaroonies in buying his knives back as she is now running down stairs in a hurried state with the buckaroonies.
Mr. Dora is now getting ready to throw the knives once again at Walter when he is now being interupted by A Stooge.
A STOOGE to MR. DORA: (In a thorough state of panic as he is now putting on Mr. Dora's spectacles as he is saying to him as he is now running for cover): "Just a minute, are these your glasses?"
MR. DORA to THE STOOGE: (As Mr. Dora is looking at The Stooge in full blown derangement and is shouting at him in madness): "Yeah!"
We now see Walter jumping over the davenport and is running down to the main lobby area for safety just after Mr. Dora has now flung one knife at him.
We now see the deranged Mr. Dora chasing after Walter with the knives as Shemp has now walked by carrying a large picture of Walter. As the other Three Stooges are now running down the stairs to the main lobby.
DONNA to MRS. DORA: (In a full blown state of panic as she is now handing Mrs. Dora the hundred buckaroonies as she is saying to Mrs. Dora in a state of panicking mischief): "Here's your money, stamp our bill paid."
MRS. DORA to DONNA: (As Mrs. Dora is now answering her back in a state of devilment says): "Not until my husband says so!"
DONNA to MRS. DORA: (As Donna is now in a state of panic and is still handing Mrs. Dora the cash says): "Go ahead, stamp it!"
As Donna and Mrs. Dora are now fighting with closing out Donna's account we now see the poor, panicking Walter being chased by the deranged knife throwing Mr. Dora. Walter is now taking cover under one of the tables in the dining room quarters.
We are now seeing Shemp running down the stairs with the lobby card picture of Walter as he is being followed by Two of His Stooges.
We are now in the dining room quarters where we see Walter cringing behind a table as the deranged knife throwing lunatic Mr. Dora is now entering in with his knives as he has now wickedly tossed on at Walter and has missed him.
We now see One of Shemp's Stooges coming to Walter's rescue as The Stooge has now grabbed the knives from Mr. Dora along with his spectacles.
MR. DORA to THE STOOGE: (As Mr. Dora is now shouting in a mad state): "Hey!"
Shemp is now entering into the dining room quarters with the lobby card of Walter.
MR. DORA to A STOOGE: (As he has his spectacles off and cannot see clearly is shouting madly): "Where is he!?"
SHEMP to MR. DORA: (As Shemp is now standing behind the lobby card of Walter and is saying to Mr. Dora mischievously in a low monotone voice): "Here I am, here I am!"
We now see Shemp's Stooges running out of the dining room quarters in a state of panic as Shemp is still carrying the lobby card. Mr. Dora is now chasing Shemp and Walter, lobby card with a knife as Shemp is in a total state of mischief and Mr. Dora is now in a thorough state of derangement.
DONNA to MRS. DORA: (As Donna is standing at the main desk with Mrs. Dora as Donna is begging Mrs. Dora mercifully as Mrs. Dora is standing there with a look of madness on her face as Donna is yelling at her): "Come on, stamp this bill!"
MRS. DORA to DONNA: (As Mrs. Dora is looking at Donna in a thorough state of disgust says to Donna in a mean tone of voice): "I won't stamp it!"
We now see Shemp passing through the main lobby area with the lobby card of Mr. Brown as he is being chased after by the deranged Mr. Dora who without his spectacles is thinking that the lobby card is the real Walter.
DONNA to MRS. DORA: (As Donna is now thoroughly disgusted with Mrs. Dora as she is now demanding Mrs. Dora to close out their account): "Oh, come on, hurry up, and stamp this!"
MRS. DORA to DONNA: (As Mrs. Dora is now shouting at Donna in a full blown state of madness): "Nothing, until I hear from my husband!"
Shemp is now setting down the lobby card of Mr. Brown as Mr. Dora thinks it is the real Walter and has tossed a knife at the lobby card and has made a bulls-eye.
MRS. DORA to DONNA: (As she is now stamping the bill as she has now heard a knife fly as she is saying in a petrified panic state): "My husband!"
DATE: Jan. 15, 1934
TO: Walter Brown
Mgr. Smiles of 34 Co.
Board and Lodging: $100.00
"We hope you like the story and we hope you like the score. And this is the finalé, so as I said before. That's all there is, there isn't any more!"
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Stooge Mayhem is not available for this episode.
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Would like to say this was one of Shemp's best solo shorts. He and His Four Stooges were awesomely wonderful, (they were as comical, or to me a tad more), than the Real Stooges.
Plus it offered a wonderful blend of old stage song and dance routines with straight acting. It also gave a flavouring of Olde Vaudeville Days, (Mr. Dora's knife throwing act).
Plus the theme song they chose for this short was perfect, it suited every situation in the short, "So Long, Farewell, There Isn't Anymore!"
This was a really fun and enjoyable short to watch. Shemp was awesome here. Deffinately 4 eyepokes
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"Jeepers, creepers, what a night!" - Parrot (CRASH GOES THE HASH, 1944)
NEW BOOK! A Tour De Farce: The Complete History of the Three Stooges on the Road
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