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Violent is the Word for Curly (1938)

metaldams · 42 · 29460

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Offline metaldams

We move further into the Charley Chase era.  Going forward I find his Stooge shorts to be more inconsistent, but up until this point, they have been fantastic.  VIOLENT IS THE WORD FOR CURLY is most famous for "Swinging the Alphabet," a song I have a feeling will get mixed reactions in this thread, but you can throw me into the thumbs up category.  A fun little song and the kind of thing unique to the Charley Chase era.   The idea of three grown men teaching a group of college girls the alphabet is funny in itself, but the fact the whole school is harmonizing along makes it that much sillier.  I love the way Curly flirts with the girls and the shot of Larry with that blank expression on his face, just a great scene overall.

The rest of the shorts rocks the casbah as well.  The super service scene is fantastic, my favorite bits being Curly wrestling with the gas hose, Curly covering up the nude statue on the car, and Curly remaining in his stand up sleep position as the car explodes.  Also love the part where he's roasting on the fire and dives into the water.  I also think I have an old movie crush on Marjorie Deanne.

A great short overall, definitely one of the classics.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 10:07:06 PM by metaldams »
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Well, I hate to be a downer, but I always found this to be one of the more overrated Curly shorts. It always seemed to me that people were giving this one high marks just because of the "Alphabet Song" which is a nice little diddy, I admit, but hardly the greatest thing the stooges ever did.

The whole short to me is average at best, the Super Service scenes didn't do a whole lot for me either, but I did get a good chuckle out of the football demonstration when the stooges tackle the old lady or was it just Moe. I haven't watched this one in awhile.

At any rate, I would say this is Charley Chase at his vanilla best & it would only get worse for him after this.

5.5 out of 10...
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Kopfy2013

This is a classic for me.

A 10 just for the Aphabet song and as stated - Curly flirting with the girls ... the blank stare of Larry ... also the fact of chorus, everyone smiling ... Larry and Curly dancing ...

Also I take something away from this that I have used ... if on stage and asked a question you do not know or you need time -- do what Moe did - ask "What do you think?"

The gas station scene - great ... Curly covering up the girl ... Larry realizing that something must be wrong because the gas pump keeps ringing when he does done entering what he thought was gas but he does not do anything ....

The fact that they felt like they forgot something .... 'Hey, where's Curly' ....I always feel I am forgetting something ... but not a human!

The football tackle .... The Student Body comment 'Your body would be great if you lost 20 pounds' ...

Obviously as you can tell one of my favorites.
Niagara Falls

Offline metaldams

In case anybody else likes Marjorie Deanne...and as some of you know, I am the modern day Octopus Grabus.  I have bad vision and am a freak for the redheads.   >:D
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline JazzBill

In case anybody else likes Marjorie Deanne...and as some of you know, I am the modern day Octopus Grabus.  I have bad vision and am a freak for the redheads.   >:D

I like the picture on the cover but I really wonder when Hitler stopped laughing at our army. ( Like the caption on the cover states )
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline JazzBill

Here's another short that falls in the middle for me. It's not great and it's not terrible. I always wondered if the girls ad libbed when they sang Curly's a dope in the Alphabet song. In the story there is no way they should know his name is Curly. I've also heard that Curly really got burned when filming the fire pit scene. It's an OK short and I rate it a 7 1/2.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Lefty

This short became one of my Top-5 favorites, once I was able to see it in full -- possibly when AMC was showing the Stooges in the early part of this century.  Long ago our local channel would start this short where the ice cream truck ran out of gas.  Based on that, I thought that this was the longest short, yet it's at least 90 seconds shorter than "A Pain in the Pullman." 

The Stooges as gas station attendants, Swinging the Alphabet (especially the girls doing the "Curly's a dope" thing), "Twenty minutes to a pound -- ha, ha, we'll be here a month" -- just classic.  I give this the Storm Lucid bowling ball hook rating -- 9.5 out of 10.

Offline QuinceHead

This is a favorite Curly short of mine for a variety of reasons.

I notice nobody has mentioned the "Curly choking on a cucumber" sequence yet...  :laugh:

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

Offline metaldams

I've also heard that Curly really got burned when filming the fire pit scene.

According to the goofs section in this site and other sources, that is true.  That sure did look like a dangerous gag.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Signor Spumoni

This is one of my favorites.  I always laugh when Larry is introduced as the professor and he sits there, stupefied.  I enjoy "Swinging the Alphabet."  When the girls sing, "Curly's a dope," I assume it's owing to a script change or mistake in the same way that a girl calls Curly Mr. Howard in "Movie Maniacs," even though she couldn't have known his name.  I like it when Moe calls Curly a frozen dainty.  When I found a recipe for Frozen Dainty recently, I laughed, recalling this short.

I could go on and on, but I'll just close by saying this one gets ten stars from me.

Let me add one thing:  one of the many funny lines in this short.  When the ice cream man pulls into the filling station, he asks the Stooges to fix his truck.  Moe tells him where the tools are and suggests he do it himself, saying, "It'll save us from working on the job."  That's great!

Offline Final Shemp

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Surprised at the amount of "ho-hum" reactions to this one.  MYbe it's because it was my first short from the boys, but I think it's an absolute riot.  The "Super Service!" sequence alone was enought to sell me on the merits of the trio.

I think the plot is fun, and the Stooges are wonderful as phony professors.  Maybe the one knock against it is how oit of place Swinging the Alphabet song is (that and the real professors try to bomb a school?), but it isn't enough to kill it for me.

Offline seven2nds

I love the Super Service part.  I did not like the song the first time I watched this episode.  Having seen in 3 or 4 times now I have changed my mind.  I love it.  I can see why people wouldn't be down with it though.

Happy I found this board.  Fantastic to be in contact with so many Stooge lovers. :)
Niagara Falls

Offline metaldams

Happy I found this board.  Fantastic to be in contact with so many Stooge lovers. :)

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrys#1

One of my favorites; not #1, but close. Very funny from beginning to end. The Super Service part, Curly almost getting cooked, the Swingin' the Alphabet, the cucumber scene, and the basketball scene. Not a wasted moment in this episode.


Offline Liz

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I just really love this short because of the Alphabet number and everything else.  9/10

Offline WhyYou

From the other posts on this one,am glad that I am not totally alone.This one really just doesnt make it for me,in fact,the entire Charlie Chase era doesnt.Not the worst Stooges short by any means,but vastly overrated.Am sorry that Charlie's tenure was cut short by his death at a very young age.Would have been better if someone had just told him,"You know,this just isnt working out very well".But I actually prefer the unnecessary sadism and mayhem churned out by Jules White and the others to this one.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Absolutely impossible that the "Curly's a dope" line in the song is an ad lib, in the first place since it's perfectly apparent that the song is prerecorded and in perfect harmony.  Everybody's lip synching here.  I think that the line is just a cute little in-joke where Charley Chase breaks the fourth wall ever so briefly to give us a laugh.  In general, I don't think there's very much ad libbing in any of these shorts, movie-making being so expensive that the actors were pretty much forbidden to ad lib.  I think many of us agree that in certain tiny spots, the stooges muff a line or a bit of business, and ad lib a bit to cover it up, but it always seems fairly obvious when it Groucho-like gems getting ad libbed here.  ( I also don't think Groucho was allowed to ad lib much in his movies, for the same reasons. )  Though I do think that when Curly-on-the-spit roars into flame and Larry yells " He's burnin', Moe!" THAT'S an ad lib, but so appropriate under the circumstances that it could stay in.
     Does anyone besides me think that the brunette with the good facial bones in the girl-singer group shot bears a familial resemblance to Charley Chase?

Offline Paul Pain

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"Welcome to Mildew"

"Mildew has a lovely student body."  "You wouldn't look so bad yourself if you lost 20 pounds."

Actually, the stooges were given TONS of room to ad-lib.  The scripts were usually written at less time than necessary and given to Jerry Howard for him to fill in the gaps on his own.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline BeAStooge

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the stooges were given TONS of room to ad-lib. 

Not at all.  The majority of the scripts have been reviewed, they were tightly scripted in terms of dialogue and stage direction, and the films follow them closely.  Ad libs were the exception.

Offline Paul Pain

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Coming back to this short, I must note the horribly difficult (and unscientific questions) the girls ask the Stooges, leading to the alphabet song sequence.  As a senior in university studying a difficult science, I have great admiration for this short.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

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Count me as one of the fans of this short--mostly on the strength of the explosions, first at the gas station ("It's murder! It's arson!") and then at the college ("There you are--that's what I call super service!"), with the three professors as victims both times.

"Oh, a frozen dainty!" I don't know why that line is so funny to me, but it's another favorite moment.

"Swingin' the Alphabet" is a surreal episode. I find it odd that some other voice has been dubbed in in place of Moe's, but we hear Curly plainly enough.

I believe that the transcript on the page for this movie messes up the joke about Moe saying Mrs. Catsby's name:

MOE: Now, Mrs. Cats.

CATSBY: Catsby.

MOE: Alright, Catsby! So wha—

CATSBY: Sufferin Catsby.

MOE: Alright Sufferin--- Hey! Will you quit heckling me?

Moe initially calls her "Mrs. Katz," not "Mrs. Cats": the joke is that he replaces her genteel (and gentile) Anglo-Saxon name with a common Jewish one. Then she gives her husband's first name, which, I am pretty sure, is "Sovereign," not "Sufferin," making her Mrs. Sovereign Catsby. Moe starts to transform this into "Sufferin' Catfish," which was a euphemistic exclamation of that era. Also, I believe that the German professor's name is "von Steuben," not "von Stupor."

Offline Shemp_is_Awesome78

  I made this little Three Stooges documentary so that I could show my friends and family ( BECAUSE THEY STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE STORY OF THE THREE STOOGES WERE!) I included this short. It's just so darn funny. Curly at his prime. A fantastic silly song. Curly choking on cucumbers. It's just the best. And, yes, I have memorized Swingin' The Alphabet.
( Also, I wonder if the " Curly's a dope" line was supposed to be in there...)
Abbottt: Stop smoking in here, Costello!
Costello: What makes you think I'm smoking?
Abbott: You have a cigar in your mouth!
Costello: I got my shoes on, but I'm not walking!

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

ShempisAwesome, I modestly believe I have answered your question as to whether the lyric " Curly's A Dope " is an ad lib by pointing out, quite a few posts north of here, that it is in perfect harmony and obviously pre-recorded.  It couldn't possibly be an ad lib.  It is certainly meant to sound like one, though, and Curly's reaction to it is certainly meant to get a laugh because of that perception, but a careful viewing will reveal the techniques that went into that sequence, none of
which are ad libbed, since everyone in this entire sequence is lip-synching .
     Remember that Charley Chase, the director of this film, was one of the greatest comedy directors, and his films, including these few stooge films that he directed, were full not only of big belly-laughs, but also little tiny bits like " Curly's a Dope ".

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

And, Dr. Hugo, I myself believe that that is Moe's own voice in the overdub.  It is surprisingly pleasant, I will admit, but I think that's him, as I think that's also Curly,even though his voice also sounds quite sweet.  Remember that before they arrived in Hollywood they were Broadway stars, which you didn't get to be if you couldn't sing sweetly.

Offline GreenCanaries

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Curly covering up the nude statue on the car
One of my favorite parts of this short; his little "tut tut" point at the end of that bit is great as well.

Another one, for me, is Curly in the water trying to catch up with Moe & Larry (combo of the look on his face and his strained position is priceless).

Also: I hate to be a "Negative Nancy," but I'm not sure that's Sam Adams as Feinstein. They look similar, but Feinstein's nose seems a bit thinner to me, and something about the voice (or from what I've heard of it in Dirty Work and the Columbia Musical Novelty Umpa) seems off - it's gruffer and not as "squirrelly."
"With oranges, it's much harder..."