Halloween, everyone! I'm so happy I got this short on this day. Since it's Halloween, let's start with the horror stuff. It's quite obvious there's a wolf man in this one, played by Duke York. Most of you know three years earlier, Universal had a big hit with Lon Chaney, Jr. in THE WOLF MAN which no doubt had an influence on this short. What only the seasoned horror fans will know is that around the same time of IDLE ROOMERS Columbia had a horror film of its own called RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE. In addition to having the title character played by Bela Lugosi, there's also a wolf man character in this one, so I'm going to say Clolumbia's latest horror film had a bigger impact on IDLE ROOMERS. Some trivia Vomit and any other Iron Maiden fan will appreciate is the wolf from RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE is the same wolf used in the first thirty seconds of "The Number of the Beast" video. Below are pictures of the wolves, first in IDLE ROOMERS, then in RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE.

As for the short itself, I definitely enjoy this one. The obvious milestone of this short is this being the debut of Christine McIntyre. I think it's safe to say she's the crush of generations of Stooge fans. There have been plenty of beautiful women before and after Ms. McIntyre in Stooge films, but none with her versatility and none who just flat out stayed around as long as she did. She's a godsend to Stooge fans, and in IDLE ROOMERS she plays a dignified, wealthy wife who acts appropriately bemused by the Stooges antics. Welcome aboard, Christine. I love the way the boys go out of their way to try to impress her at the beginning, with Larry calling Moe his boy to her while Moe admits to her he'll go out of his way for her more than others. Good stuff.
Other favorite parts are the sock darning bit, Curly doing the Marx Brother and before them, Max Linder mirror routine with the wolf man, Curly playing the trombone and an orchestra comes out (think about how ludicrous that is), and the routine of Curly carrying the luggage on the moving carpet and his knees giving out. Also, check out Curly carrying that huge pile off luggage on his back at one point. Yeah, I'm sure the boxes were empty, but still, that must've been tough.