This does good enough as a movie. Curly is not at his best, but he does a fair job considering his next movie would sadly be his last... Curly does insert some better physical comedy than some other shorts that we have discussed that are late-Curlys. Just thought I'd get that out of the way.
Well, this is a good movie, and when we start out, we immediately see Vernon Dent, which is already a sign this is going to be a good movie. He plays a king, and a very good one at that. Also another foil to the Stooges in this movie is Christine McIntyre, who as Metaldams noted in his review, is deadpan in this movie. Which reminds me of Buster Keaton. And, lucky for myself, I really enjoy Buster Keaton.

I like the scene where The Boys are trying to drill a hole in the wall, and it's one of the rare examples of old Stooges humor in a late-Curly. There is nice little bits of slapstick worked in, as you can see Larry trying to become more of the victim of slapstick, except then in the Shemps he would take more of the lines except Shemp would become the main victim of slapstick. With the Joes, it was all Larry. Seriously.
Then, of course, the Maha routine is great. I've never seen Time out for Rhythm, so I really can't compare, but, all I know is that this version is definitely comedy at its finest. When Shemp and Curly-Joe do it, no offense to them or fans of those sketches, but this really would take the cake as best version of the sketch. It's enjoyable, and Vernon Dent is in it!!

One of the only advantages against this Maha sketch and the others was that they did not have the little bit where the Moe would hold up a big tin circle and say, " What is this?" only to have the third Stooge say, " A half a dollar!" and Larry goes," I thought it was a dime.." But, it makes sense not to be in here because Larry hardly participates in this Maha sketch and would be involved more in the other versions.
Of course, then they go to Old Black Louie's. The remainder of this movie is quite enjoyable, except really can't match up to the Maha sketch. The Maha sketch is definitely what makes the movie.
The knife-throwing battle makes me a bit nervous when I forget the part ever happened in this movie.. I feel like some weird sight gag is going to happen, and make me feel nauseous. Except, then other bystanders get involved, and it all ends up good, like one of the tit-for-tat scenes in a Laurel and Hardy comedy.
Then, Moe gets knocked out, starts repeating some nonsense from the Maha sketch, and blah blah blah.. Then, the movie's over. My overall thoughts about this movie: This pleasant movie featuring a great comedy bit can be highly recommended, especially for a late-Curly short. What do I rate this?
Well, I'll see you in a week to discuss the last Curly episode ever and in 2 days to discuss The 2nd Hundred Years over on the L&H episode discussions!