PISTOL PACKIN' NITWITS in the link above OUT WEST in the link above

I'm going to include a link to the 1944 Columbia short PISTOL PACKIN' NITWITS as well. The second half of this short has similar plot elements as OUT WEST, including a singing Christine McIntyre in the same role. Interestingly, Harry Langdon and Edward Bernds are credited with the story here while Clyde Bruckman is credited in OUT WEST. Eerily, considering what we just saw with Curly, Harry Langdon was dead about weeks or a month after (depending on source), filming this short from a stroke. A legend in my eyes, please don't judge him by this film, he's not anywhere near his best. Also, according to imdb, this is the first film Edward Bernds directed, even though Harry Edwards gets screen credit.
OK, now onto OUT WEST itself. I do enjoy this short, though I have to admit I enjoyed it more years ago than I do now. What I find most interesting is how story oriented this short is. I can't say this for most Stooge films. For example, in HOW HIGH IS UP?, as awesome as the sweater scene is, it doesn't really need to last that long to advance the plot. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. In OUT WEST, pretty much every gag, whether it's Moe and Larry making the drink for the villains, sawing Larry out of jail, Shemp talking about his vein to Doc's all story advancement. The lone exception is the shoot you for the drinks bit, which is less than manly (they can't hold their drinks) character development than plot advancement. A fun bit for sure, I've always enjoyed Shemp's reaction and his "smooth as silk" line delivery.
I also enjoy Moe and Larry mixing the drink. I like the way Moe accidentally puts paint in there and remedies the problem by including paint remover. I also enjoy Larry's almost stoic reaction as Moe breaks an egg over his forehead. Another funny bit is Shemp's delayed reaction after Moe saws him in the ear. Shemp continues talking as if nothing happens, and then all of the sudden he reacts seconds later. I enjoy subtle little bits like that, great comic anti-timing.
Christine McIntyre and Jock Mahoney are pretty good in this one, but I have to admit, they played basically the same role years later in PUNCHY COWPUNCHERS to much better effect. Don't really have too much more to say. No all-time stand out classic gags, just random subtle gags that are entertaining and pretty smooth story telling overall.