HOT SCOTS in the link above

Like SQUAREHEADS OF THE ROUNDTABLE, HOT SCOTS is a film released long after its filming date. Indeed, it's only the fourth Shemp filmed but eleventh released. A lot transpired in between the filming and release date of this film, most importantly the death of Ted Lorch, who plays MacPhereson in this film (Elle he ain't). Released eight months after his death, but filmed eleven months before. He's fine here, as he is in all of his Stooge roles, so we say goodbye to him at this point in the story. Very under appreciated, and interestingly enough, when the remake SCOTCHED IN SCOTLAND was made years later, his role was reprised with a very obvious double in the new footage, no doubt inspiring Ed Wood with his future Bela Lugosi problem.
As far as the film itself, there's not a single thing I can think of to criticize. All Three Stooges are in fine form here, but I'm going to give extra props to Moe. First off, any scene that involves extended slapstick like the paper cleaning scene is Moe in his true element - bossing around and abusing Stooges. One of the simple pleasures in life. The "shoe filled with dollar bills or two socks of fives" is one of his all-time great set ups for a punch, and using the hedge clippers on Shemp's nose to drag his face through the bush is also pretty darn funny. Oh, and when Larry is trying to sweep paper under a clip of grass and Moe's legs are the only thing showing, that cracks me up. The mere insinuation of Moe's presence by showing his legs is funny enough for me. Funny, last Laurel and Hardy film I reviewed with HABEAS CORPUS, I appreciated a shot of just their hands.
The castle has some great stuff too. Love hearing the boys, as well as Christine McIntyre, do their Scottish accents. Back to Moe, he gets a wonderful scene flirting with Christine and doing a goofy little dance with just as goofy bagpipe music! Really fun stuff, can't stress enough how good Moe is in this one. Love Ted Lorch hovering over the proceedings inside that painting as well. I love the whole atmosphere of the castle, and also appreciate the business with the 150 year old Scotch, and how they get to sniff the bottle and cork. Really like Shemp's response that he can't have another sniff because he has to drive. The Stooges themselves also are likable go getters in this one, but of course a bit hapless.
Overall, a great short. The rating itself contains two socks of fives.