DUNKED IN THE DEEP in the link above

Last week, Big Chief stated VAGABOND LOAFERS was the short where he started losing interest. Watching that short, with all its stock footage and reused ideas, as well as the threadbare nature of this short, I feel that VAGABOND LOAFERS might be the start of the true low budget era of Stoogedom, even more so than usual. Watching that short back to back with DUNKED IN THE DEEP, I'm really noticing the difference. Researching the filming dates, indeed, it does appear VAGABOND LOAFERS was the start of a new season of filming.
OK, bare sets, four actors not counting stunt doubles, but is this always a bad thing? Well, obviously, it's all in the eye of the beholder. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for some of these low budget Shemp shorts that don't rely heavily on stock footage, and this is the first of its kind, at least at this level. I enjoy DUNKED IN THE DEEP and other shorts of this type the way I enjoy, I dunno, let's say The Ramones. Nothing too intellectually stimulating, but on a very basic level, I'm having fun. What's wrong with that?
Basically, we have four guys hamming it up in front of a camera doing what they do best at it's basic core. We've come to expect this from Shemp, Larry, and Moe, but Gene Roth easily gives the most memorable performance I've seen him in as Borscht. His broken English is classic and has been paid tribute through several posts and user names over the years on Stooge boards. I typed the word "English" above, I meant to say "Ingles." The line "dat melon is here" for some reason gets quoted by my brother more than any other Stooge line. Don't ask me why. Also, the Borscht character is obviously a Russian spy, the second short, after FUELIN' AROUND, to have a Cold War feel. Great petformance by Gene Roth. By the way, when he's smashing the table and having the salami land in the boys' mouth, his non stop blabbing is hysterical.
Shemp gets some good reaction parts in this one when he drinks the "pre-war" drink and has that great close-up. Also love it when he gets nauseous and gives Moe the impression he just got vomited on! Great white face job on Shemp there. Also love Shemp and Larry battling it out by the dynamite and getting some hits on each other. A rare extended slapstick scene between the two not involving Moe. The chase between Shemp and Gene Roth is also a favorite. The obvious cut and paste job of the scene adds to the charm for me, and so does Shemp nonchalantly walking at one point. Moe's anti climatic knock out of Borscht is another highlight, one of those so dumb it's funny moments. Love the way Borscht just casually answers Moe's call, as if they aren't in battle. Shemp snoring on the hammock under the flaming trash can? Classic. Oh, and the window gag and "We're off to see the sea" are from BACK TO THE FRONT.
Stooge punk rock is in session, I totally get this era is not for everybody. Looking forward to all different opinions here, but I like these types of simple shorts, they make me smile. Also, can you believe it? We've finished the forties!