LOVE AT FIRST BITE in the link above

First off, are you guys sick? Last week, the Laurel and Hardy short generated way more discussion than the Stooge short. Glad the Laurel and Hardy short generated discussion, but also a bit shocked relative to the Stooge film. One of these weeks, both shorts will get 50 replies. But no matter where the discussion lies, thank you all, and happy birthday to Paul and Big Chief. You guys who haven't checked out the Laurel and Hardy stuff or are not even familiar with them, I do post links to the shorts, so check them out if you're feeling adventurous and post a comment, you might enjoy it.
Now, to the short at hand, LOVE AT FIRST BITE. I like this short....the end.
OK, OK, I'll say more, sheesh! Put down the torches, guys. The opening shot of the boys singing and partaking in interior decorating brings a smile to my face. That shot captures the essence of how I envision early 50's domestic Shemp shorts, an era I for the most part, am fond of. A small room, all Stooges in it, and the start of what you know is going to be a lot of slapstick. The first four minutes is exactly that, slapstick. Pure and simple Stooge essence. Larry with the horseshoe over the door, tons of artistic slaps and bonks, (My favorite being the way Moe returns for a gouge after Shemp's block. Moe has to get the last word), and gum...lots and lots of gum. Gum on ears, gum on noses, gum sticking to faces, multiple sticks of gum being inserted into Shemp's mouth, just lots of gum. Did I mention there's gum? It makes a sticky slapstick comedy situation, and one I find quite enjoyable.
After the slapstick barrage, we get an experimental bit that can be found in lots of these early 50's talking and moving picturefests, and in this case it's each Stooge getting a scene without the other Stooges but with their girl, in flashback. More pretty girls, a definite cliche at this point in Stooge films, but one my biological make up does not allow me to tire of. All three scenes are pleasant, lighter comedy bits which aren't quite as hardcore as the first four minutes. A contrast, if you will. Moe's scene is the best because his pretty girl is Christine McIntyre, doing a wonderful comedic German accent and singing routine, and the two show great chemistry together. This whole flashback thing would be redone years later in the Besser era thriller, FIFI BLOWS HER TOP.
After this, the boys get drunk, and this part is fantastic. Best seltzer bottle fight in a Stooge short ever, and I want to give special props to those drunken close ups of Larry, making Harpo worthy faces. Great stuff from all three. The only part I'm not too crazy about is Shemp in the cement and the execution of how he's being bounced around in the cement tub. The sped up quality and stunt double are obvious and cheapen the gag for me. However, the ending is great, especially the football tackle poor Shemp gets into the water! Fun short overall, and just because I like repeating myself...,.
Next week, should be interesting. Very, VERY interesting.