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Corny Casanovas (1952)

metaldams · 11 · 10955

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Offline metaldams

Watch CORNY CASANOVAS in the link above

      CORNY CASANOVAS is a very simple film.  The first half consists of nothing but pure Stooge slapstick where they briefly set up the plot.  The second reel watches the plot unfold, and they still manage to get a lot of slapstick in.  Simple plots and lots of slapstick an ideal Stooge film makes, and CORNY CASANOVAS is no doubt one of the last classics, if not the last, the boys will make.  We are still in the low budget era, but instead of calling for settings that can use a big budget, like MERRY MAVERICKS, here we have a simple domestic short where the sparse settings and cast work in the film's favor.

      The first reel is basically violent slapstick at it's best.  Moe takes his share of abuse, getting his hair parted by a bullet, his but jammed with tacks, and then he manages to swallow some tacks, leading to Shemp's awesomely bad "income tax" pun!  Larry looks funny in a bonnett (!), and Shemp is in high energy throughout, singing and as in your face as ever.  Like the beginning of A SNITCH IN TIME, this first reel is the Stooges art at their purest.

      The second reel we get the only other cast member, Connie Cezan as the gold digger.  A pretty blonde Bette Davis look alike, she does a fantastic job both taking slapstick and in the acting department.  The main highlights of the second reel are that glorious picture Shemp gives to his Ms. Cezan, what I consider to be an iconic image, and his shadow boxing routine when facing Moe, complete with pantomimed jump roping!  A classic Shemp signature for sure.

This short is a simple pleasure, enjoy them while you can, the decline is not far away.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Sometimes, less is more--and in the case of Corny, this is one of those ultimate slapstick driven shorts. I've talked before about the old debates we stooge fans used to have on this board about what settings the stooges worked best in. Large outdoor shorts with scenery & a large supporting cast or the stooges confined to a few sets where "pure slapstick" was the focus.

I enjoy the boys in both settings, but sometimes, I find myself leaning towards the indoor shorts where the stooges get the opportunity to just beat the hell out of each other & Corny has plenty of that. I think Metal covered most of the abuse Moe gets in the first half of the short--not to mention Larry kicking his ass towards the end of the short.

Shemp's fancy footwork is definitely another big highlight--"Can you take it, can you take it." I know some fans have trouble with the ending to this short, where Connie the gold digger just walks away without any retribution from the stooges, but that ending shot with the dazed Moe, Larry and Shemp, with Shemp proceeding to tear Larry's hair out is just, plain funny.

10 out of 10, easy....
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Paul Pain

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Modifying my review from A MISSED FORTUNE to make my point...

The first 10 minutes of this are pure hilarity.  Not even comparing it to its descendant (shudder) we have laughs throughout.  The scenes in the apartment are great: income tacks, destroying furniture, etc.  The boys absolutely destroy a perfectly good apartment.  This short is mostly physical humor, but the Stooges take their licks here.  This may be the most abuse Moe has taken since THEY STOOGE TO CONGA.

Golddiggers in Stooge shorts suck 99% of the time, without fail.  The 1% comes from a much later short than this one.  If she's so darned rich that she has an apartment THAT fancy and can afford the ingredients to make a cake like that, then any gifts from these saps is chump change to her.  Now chimminypanzees, on the other hand, suck 100% of the time, without fail; men in cheesy gorilla suits, in contrast, are funny.  Connie Cezan plays her role to perfection, but the plot into which she is written is pure s***.  The very ending of RUSTY ROMEOS is the one, and I mean one, spot where a Joe short equals or outdoes the original.

Something about income tacks season...

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Here's why the climax sucks:
     1.) There's no humor in the Moe/Shemp fight.  After Shemp's big warm-up, footwork, trash-talk, shadow boxing, etc, it would be humorous if Moe took him out with something simple, with a dinky little eye-poke or maybe a toe stomp.  What we get is a nasty, closed-fist punch in the mouth. Anybody laugh at this? Watch Moe's expression during Shemp's warm up: it's mean and pinched and not comic at all.  This strikes me as witty as a car wreck, and has Jules White's neanderthal sense of humor written all over it. 
     2. ) The bellows in the mouth is not only disgusting and reminiscent to today's audience of oral rape ( and I call bullshit on anyone who would say that back in 1952 that idea wouldn't have occurred to anyone: I saw this first in 1962 at age nine and that's exactly what I thought of, if not in clinical terms, then certainly to the extent where I said to myself That's not funny at all, that's torture ) and, try as they might ( and they're trying hard ) even the stooges can't  save the writers and make this bit funny.  I dare anyone to tell me you laugh watching Larry take the bellows in the mouth.
     3. ) What exactly is it that exhausts Larry about wailing on Moe with the fireplace shovel?  Moe isn't retaliating at all, and Larry is getting groggy from, what?  Lifting his arms?  Bullshit.  Here's an improvement to the bit that I came up with after maybe, oh, eight seconds of thought: maybe the shovel could have ricocheted off Moe's head and fetched a whomp on Larry's, if not every time, then maybe every second or third time.  Or, with ten seconds of thought, I'm  suggesting maybe Moe in his daze might have either accidentally or on purpose nailed Larry occasionally with some kind of head shot.
     4. ) Best yet, Shemp sneaks up behind Larry and wails on him with a different fireplace tool, then, when Moe and Larry are down for the count, the babe grabs Shemp's tool and nails him.  She gets away and the stooges are down for the count.  This took all of thirty seconds of thought on my part to invent a funny climax with no idiotic, nightmarish action, which suggests to me that the writers took less time than that.
     As I have mentioned before, I am of the generation which was in time for the first Stooge Renaissance ( 1959 -1960 ), and, luckily enough, watched for a few years the very best of the Curlys and Shemps  ( ie, maybe the first 125 )  before everything else got released, that is to say the post 1949 stuff.  As a child  comfortable with the best of the  best, when they dumped the post-1949 stuff on us, some of it, like this one, was genuinely nightmarish.  ( I've spoken with an older friend of mine who saw some of this era's films in a real theater and said they struck the live audience as not so much funny as grotesque).  That's how the second half of this strikes me.  Non-human ( not inhuman or inhumane, but non-human, ie not how humans on this planet act ).  Nightmarish.  I blame Jules White: it is my theory that he over time ruined the Three Stooges  ( Corny Casanovas being a prime example ) mainly because he did not have an American sense of humor, ( ie he seems to have felt that if a hotfoot was funny then a leg amputation was hilarious ) and his dictatorial direction  made the stooges act less and less human. 
     Forgive me this rant, I have been waiting for fifty years ( no kidding ) to tell somebody - anybody - why I loathe this short. And I may not be done yet.  I get it, of course, about budget cutbacks, yeah yeah yeah, but everything wrong with this short is Jules White and his sadistic sense of humor.   And yes, the first half is O K.

Offline Paul Pain

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When the man whose posts are typically two sentences or less writes a page full, you listen carefully.  I agree wholeheartedly on your points, though I'll watch again to be certain of this.  #3 and #4 are definitely the most ridiculous of all because there is nothing funny about a wanton slut/golddigger getting away with something so disgusting.

Edit: Nope, still garbage
Something about income tacks season...

Offline JazzBill

I consider this an average short. I like the tacks in the sofa bit. I wish Connie Sezon would have done more work with the boys, I thought she did a good job in this one. In my opinion the cake she takes to the face comes in second only to the pie that Symona Boniface takes in Half Wits Holiday. I find it amusing the picture of Shemp on the end table makes an appearance in the Besser remake Rusty Romeos. All in all a pretty good short compared to what is on the way. I rate it an 8.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I was just thinking about how fast time seems to have gone by & the weekly episode discussions--how we're not that far away from the "stock footage" decline.

And then, on to the "back of Joe Palma's head" and Joe Besser--time sure does fly when you're having fun...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

  • Birdbrain
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Stooges doing a bit of "tidying up" and "improvement" in their apartment is always a great start, but the routines here seem to me—well, routine. Even their using firearms for home improvement doesn't add as much interest as it could. Shemp's parting Moe's hair with an accidental gunshot was done much better in Baby Sitter Jitters, where we actually see it happen (however they did that).

The best things in this short all seem to center on Shemp. He certainly gets all the memorable corny jokes here. Number one: "The tacks won't come out!" "They went in. Maybe they're in-come tacks!" Number two: "Gee, Moe, I'm sorry, Moe! What Moe can a fella say? That's all there is, there ain't no Moe!" The business with the photo of him ("the ugliest man in Hollywood") that frightens the cat is funny, and his squaring-off against Moe is the high point of the short.

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

When I've first seen this short I used to not care for it very much because I've hated seeing the Stooges ganging up on each other, after several years I grew to appreciate this short more and it's now one of my favorite Shemp shorts, boy it isn't often where you see Moe get abused left and right for much of the short whether if it was intentionally or unintentionally, the scene where Larry constantly hits Moe in the head with a shovel may be discomforting at first but fortunately it did grow onto me, I now see it as a good way for Larry to get back at Moe for all the abuse he has suffered from him, I also like the simple settings of this short due to the low budgets Columbia was facing at this time, Connie Cesan (sp) also does a great job as the Stooges gold digging girlfriend.

When I've first seen this short I originally gave it a 4/10 but now it's definitely a 10/10, not one of the easier Stooge shorts to get into but it's well worth the effort in the end.

Offline vomit

Always loved this one. Particularly the cats reaction to Shemps picture.  And, brother, what a picture. Shemp at his most handsome. I wish I had a copy for my house.

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Plenty of slapstick in this Shemp classic.  I rank it #22 overall.