BLUNDER BOYS in the link above

The final original Shemp film, the final original Howard/Fine/Howard film. The Curly shorts and original Shemp shorts are the reasons I, and most of us, I'm assuming, are fans. Going forward, speaking for me, what is left my interest in is only because of what came before. Some OK moments ahead, but nothing that inspires me to devote four years of my life reviewing on a weekly basis, so BLUNDER BOYS is truly the last of an amazing era, though to be honest, this era has been on life support for a while now.
OK, so is BLUNDER BOYS any good? The answer is yes. Good being the keyword, we ain't talking 1940 Curly here. I believe this is a spoof on Dragnet (?), well, something not in my wheelhouse, anyway, so perhaps there are some of you who will appreciate this more than I. This whole thing is purposely episodic, being split up with the "Halladay, Terraday, and whatever holiday" bits, which while funny at first, get old after a while. It does play as a one note joke done too many times.
As far as the scenes, some good, if not all time great stuff. First off, $25 for a college course? This is why old films are educational and vitally important. A sentence of a professor's lecture costs more than that these days. The pure slapstick scenes the boys do seem slower, which is why at this point in their career I'd prefer wittier situational comedies like GYPPED IN THE PENTHOUSE. I do like "81c" though. The idea of the boys running into a Moe eye gouge simply because he says so is quite funny. Sure enough, the best stuff is the scene with Angela Stevens and the boys in the Turkish bath. I guess I just enjoy the stuff where they work with younger women, the dirty old men they are. Hey, I'm just middle aged, I'm getting there.
For stunt double goodness, check out the very obvious Moe stunt double when he's putting an ax to the table. The best stunt double is Shemp after being shot through the ceiling. Notice when "Shemp" falls down, so does a toupee!
A pretty good film, but not the classic I'd hope this would be. GOOF ON THE ROOF is the last true classic, BEDLAM IN PARADISE getting help with the benefit of a short that came before. Still, a good short, and the last time we see all original Howard/Fine/Howard material. I need a drink. Could you guys believe we made it this far? Four more Shemp recycles, four Palma's, 16 Bessers, 5 Deritas, and the journey is over. Holy shittake mushrooms. Also want to add, the last short released during Shemp's lifetime. He died 19 days after its release.