CREEPS in the link above

Not much to say here. Basically we have wraparound footage of the boys acting as babies with their fathers, also played by The Three Stooges, reading them a bed time story. The bedtime story happens to be stock footage from THE GHOST TALKS. We get one new insert in the middle that changes the plot. Notice how in the new insert, the boys are smoking, while in the old footage they are not. Nice lack of continuity, I'm sure no one cared at this point.
Towards the end, we get footage of the boys in the room with a guillotine. This is where it's obvious the budget lessens. Old footage is a cool looking haunted castle set, new footage is a room with a few props to attempt to add atmosphere, which is barely passable. The scene once the knight comes in ends mid stream so we can get back to baby Stooges, and bonk on the head knock out ending number fifty. Really, it's obvious contracts need to be fulfilled, budgets are low, and everyone involved is there for a paycheck. I can't get mad at anyone for making a living, but it lacks excitement. Oh, and I found myself missing Lady Godiva! There, I said it. Also, check out how energetic Shemp is in the old footage, especially when he scares himself in the mirror. Been a long time since Shemp had that energy.
Next week, we start the final run of footage ever shot with Shemp. An interesting fact about FLAGPOLE JITTERS we'll discuss for those of you who don't already know.