Sorry, can't find an online video for this one.
Interesting that Shemp shares top billing with Tom Kennedy in this short, as Kennedy plays a small supporting role and doesn't even factor into the film's climax. Again, did Columbia know what they were doing with Shemp?
Really not much to say here. The script is the typical husband most likely cheats on his wife but we don't know for sure, yet he gets thrown in on screen situations where it appears to the wife he's cheating, but the viewer knows in this instant, he's not. You know, a chase happens, the husband hides, goes under the bed, has slapstick indignity done to him under the bed where he has to remain quiet hence he gives away his whereabouts to the wife, and oh yeah, the jealous husband who comes home earlier than expected. Seen this thing a zillion times before.
What makes this a tick above average is the cast. You have Shemp Howard as the unfortunate cheating husband, Cy Schindell as the jealous husband, Christine McIntyre as the wife of the jealous husband, and even Symona Boniface as the shameless gossiping town snitch. Early Cantrell does a fine job as Shemp's wife as well. So really, it's a great, mostly familiar cast elevating stock roles. The highlight is Christine punching out Symona, as the latter takes a pretty comic fall and reaction.