SWEET AND HOT in the link above.
For shits and giggles, below is my review of SWEET AND HOT I wrote 15 years ago! Where has time gone? Who would've guessed back then I now suffer from half these symptoms?
![Throw Pie [pie]](
"DO NOT VIEW SWEET AND HOT IF YOU ARE.....pregnant; are on the medications prozac, welbutrin, zyloft, or viagra; have diabetes; high blood pressure; high cholestorol; are on chemotherapy; or like good television.SIDE EFFECTS OF SWEET AND HOT MAY INCLUDE....diarehea, leprosy, impotence, demonic posession, indigestion, vomiting, sterilization, scholiosis, spontaneous combustion, loss of hair, blindness, suicidal tendencies, clinical depression, profuse sweating, difficulty in breathing, seizures, heart attacks, strokes, dry mouth, chicken pox, and finally, death."
OK, back to 2016 and the more mature (clears throat) version of Metaldams. On a personal note, one of my best friends, who is 21 years older than me, was born the final day of shooting SWEET AND HOT, so I have a funny way of viewing him now. I will say this much, SWEET AND HOT is one of the more interesting Stooge films. Good? Not exactly, but interesting. Ultimately, SWEET AND HOT is a vehicle for Muriel Landers. The Three Stooges are supporting players and aren't even a team, as Moe plays....wait for it.....Dr. Hugo Gansamacher!
Since this is really a film that centers around Muriel Landers, I will discuss her first. She can sing and dance, I'll give her that. It's just not my style. The problem is they are also trying to make a comedian out of her. Excuse me for saying it, but Ms. Landers has a figure quite opposite of Etherelda Leopold...she was fat. I bring this up because a lot of the comedy sadly revolves around this fact. A handshake hurts Joe, a hug to Larry hurts him while crushing his cigar in his pocket, her sitting on the couch causes the earth to quake....yeah folks, fat girl jokes. Lame. I also would like to add the flashback sequence is one of the most unfortunate Stooge scenes ever. She dresses like a little girl (if you've ever seen Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle in this get up, they actually look similar), and the father is played by Moe, chasing her with a whip! Eye poking Curly is funny, child abuse is disturbing, and yeah, she's on a couch trying to overcome the trauma. Some topics just don't make for good comedy.
As for the Stooges, Joe gets one little tap dancing sequence but is pretty much a non entity other than that. Larry does a funny little dance in the Ed Woodian farm animal montage sequence and gets to play some violin, so that's cool, at least. As for Moe, I kind of like Dr. Hugo, I would just prefer this kind of characterization in a non Stooge film. Throw this role in an Andy Clyde film, it'd be a nice little character role for Moe. Here? The problem with the Besser era is that since they rarely found chemistry as a team, and Moe as the boss suffered the most. Here, they didn't even bother trying to make Moe part of the team.
A very interesting short as far as curios go, just sadly, not a very good one.