Regarding SAPPY BULL FIGHTERS, I really don't have much to add. I thought the first reel leading up to the Bullfight was OK, and Greta Thyssen certainly wasn't hard on the eyes.
Then, in reel two, the disjointed, schizoid stock footage nightmare begins. Unfortunately for me, I believe that the WHAT'S THE MATADOR? (1942) predecessor was one of the shorts that I fell asleep during a part of, including a good chunk of the Bullfight, so I don't really have that to compare to. That said, between the constant bouncing around from the 1942 and 1957 footage, in which Joe clearly never really encounters anything resembling a real bull, topped off with the original short having stock footage of an actual Bullfight, the second reel is a real mess! Besides the shots of Curly, what was with the footage of a dark haired Matador standing and clearly not performing any stunt, who is clearly neither Curly Howard nor Joe Besser? YEESH!!!!
Due to the schizophrenic nature of SAPPY BULL FIGHTERS, my rating will be split for each reel:
Reel One - 3 out of 5 Hubba Hubbas. For me, one highlight was Jose mistaking Larry for his Bombshell wife, Greta!
Reel Two - 1 out of 5 Schizoid Stock Footage Nightmares. In my opinion, the disjointed mess that's the final reel of the final released Three Stooges short symbolized the deterioration of what is nevertheless still, to this day, the most successful, longest ever running comedy themed Short Subject Series!
Thankfully, for Moe Howard and Larry Fine, this wasn't the end of their Stooges legacy, as in the twilight of their longtime partnership, The Three Stooges (With new Stooge, "Curly" Joe Derita!) would soon finally experience the sweet smell of success in the realm of Feature Length Comedy adventures, which heretofore, had been elusive! The first of these, the outer space themed HAVE ROCKET~WILL TRAVEL (1959), would be released within less than two months after SAPPY BULL FIGHTERS!
Obviously, I had a bit more to say than I thought!

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