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Cover Image
Supporting actor Fred Kelsey in a 1947 publicity photo

SUMMER 2024   -   Editor: Gary Lassin

  This Issue Available ($3.00 US, PPD)

News Flashes
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 2 - 3
  • The Hollywood Museum in Los Angeles opened a Three Stooges exhibit on May 22, with exhibit items loaned by noted Stooge collectors and historians.  It's planned to be open for six months.
  • The Three Stooges Blu-Ray Collection will be released by Sony on July 23.  Included will be 100 Columbia shorts, 28 solo shorts featuring Shemp, Besser and DeRita, the Columbia Curly Joe feature films, and the 1-reel animated THREE STOOGES SCRAPBOOK short.
  • The Three Stooges: Centennial is the latest comic book issue from publisher American Mythology, available with 5 different covers.
  • Growing Up Stooge, Joan Howard Maurer's early 2000s memoir (originally titled "Stooge Kid") will see print later this year from Bear Manor Media.
  • The Ambler Theater in Ambler PA will hold its annual Three Stooges Film Festival on July 31, featuring 5 of the Stooges' Columbia shorts with movie themes, and hosted by Jim Pauley.

Seeing Doubles: Stunting For the Stooges
by Brent Seguine
Page(s): 4 - 7

Some of The Three Stooges' stunt doubles also had the opportunity to make on-screen appearances as various characters in the shorts.  We take a look at the contributions of stunt and double supporting players Charlie Cross, Harold Breen, Teddy Mangean and John Kascier.

Three Stooges Supporting Players, The: Mini-Biographical Profiles
by Journal Staff
Page(s): 8 - 11
  • Alfred Paix
  • Joe Palma
  • Manuel Paris
  • Jack Parker
  • Emory Parnell
  • Gloria Patrice

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About The Three Stooges on Tour: 1968
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 12 - 14

As the Stooges' career began winding down, their activities of 1968 are examined, notably their August 1968 trip to Honolulu HI to appear in the 11-day International 3-Ring Circuus at the Honolulu International Center Arena.

Bulletin Board
Page(s): 15

Fan classified advertisements

Stooge Trivia
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 15

Trivia Q&A

Candid Photo
Page(s): 16

Moe and Helen Howard at home, February 1972

  This Issue Available ($3.00 US, PPD)

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