Posted 2014-05-03 02:18:45 by Carrie The Canary
Edited 2014-05-03 02:20:56 by Carrie The Canary
My favorite exchange:
Moe: "Say, who put this measly fifty amongst my thousands. That's a dirty trick"
Benny Rubin (apparently ad libbed) "That's a shame".
One of the better later Shemp shorts.
The only downer is watching poor Vernon Dent (who was probably nearly blind by this time) having to feel where the chairs were during the table chase.
Posted 2003-12-19 15:29:00 by freshfish
The zipper is cooooool man! Real George...gimme some skin....gimme some skin!!!I love these sorts of gags. I'd put the zipper thing up there on par with "They Stooge to Conga's" climbing spike in Moe's eye. I also love Moe's struggle with the sandwich, topped off with the extra mustard and the wiener finally running away. Moe's high pitched whine of frustration is priceless. This is great hallucinogenic art. I know some of you think this stuff is hokey, but for me, anytime a cooked turkey gets up and walks around, a bat has Shemp's face on it, or a stuffed dog's head on the wall begins barking, it's great! I think the writers may have dabbled in some reefer madness during the 50's...Yowza!
Posted 2002-05-15 04:04:00 by black banana
Excellent later Shemp short, though Shemp has a small role here.Moe is very funny as the host of a dinner party for a wealthy client.Larry also gets more screen time than usual. One of the few timesthat the Stooges play bad guys. Benny Rubin is great as an income tax officer disguised with a phony beard.3 3/4 pokes out of 4 pokes
Posted 2002-01-18 23:06:00 by BJR
Excellent job, Moe! This is similar to IDIOTS DELUXE in that Moe is the real "Star" of the short. To me, Moe is almost always the funniest stooge, but clearly Shemp or Curly are intended to be the stars in most cases. Not here! Moe needs some extra strength prozac as he is in the worst mood I have seen in all the AMC shorts! He punishes Larry and Shemp just in anticipation that they will do something, and when they do, they really get it -- especially Larry! The zipper gag cracked me up, though it's not hilarious.Many here say the second half is better, but I would say it's the opposite. The dinner scene has some GREAT moments, but all in all it's not a wonderful scene. Larry's gumbo part was simply a re-hash of Curly's role in DUTIFUL BUT DUMB, though Larry's facial expressions weren't quite as funny as Curly's were. Moe mixing up the salad with the beard and singing nervously had me on the floor laughing though!All in all, a great effort, and one of Moe's best -- and definitely grouchiest -- performances. Great job, Moe, as always.Rating: 7.5/10
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2001-08-27 05:21:00 by [Deleted Member]
I won't give it a negative review. It is slow-paced, but very funny. I love Moe's line, "I'll spaghetti you!"I love Moe's lunch scene and the dinner scene. I love Shemp's potato scene also. I loved Moe's nervous act while mixing the beard into the salad! Benny Rubin is also good- and in this short only, after his phoney disguise comes off, we get to see what he really looked like. I better go now and catch my runaway hot dog!ISLIPP while chasing my hot dog. ®2001
Posted 2001-08-26 18:14:00 by millcake16
I never get tired of this short! Plenty of memorable gags, like the infamous zipper gag. I didn't quite understand it, but I just assumed it was funny and it is. Also a riot is when Moe and Larry constantly prevent Mr. Cash from feeling his severed beard. Love how Moe sings in Pig Latin while tossing the salad too!If there's anything wrong with this short, it's that Shemp has less than usual to do, but his potato throwing "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?" never fails to amuse me.Probably one of my top 10 Shemp shorts. I'm surprised how many negative reviews there are here.
Posted 2001-05-23 22:26:00 by B. Bopper
Income Tax Sappy is one of my favorite shorts. I love the scenes when Moe pulls Larry's zipper and when Shemp flings a pile of mashed potatoes at a party guest. B. Bopper - President of The Amalgamed Association of Morons, local 6 & 7/8
Posted 2001-02-25 21:41:00 by Mike Holme
My Re-Review: After watching this again, I think its an excellent short done very well. Even though tbe party scene drags a little, and the hot dog joke is a Besser era joke. But the rest of this short was performed well, it was also one of Vernon Dent's last appearances with the stooges(not counting stock footage). I didn't mind the zipper joke, anyway, Moe's role in the stooges is being the ultimate jerk.
Posted 2001-02-09 01:14:00 by Uncle Mortimer
I think the first 6 or 7 minutes of this short make you believe that this is a good film. Then it kinda goes flat from there. But those first 6 or 7 minutes ARE good.(just like Soitainly said) Now, let me please address the ZIPPER GAG. First of all, Larry isn't 'crying in pain' like Stooge mentioned below, he just makes a face for a second. This is not a sadistic & horrifying gag, this is the Stooges. Comedy works like this: you start with an innate talent and spirit for humor. Then you think of something funny; and if it's funny, IT'S FUNNY! The more you try to censor it or stifle it, the less funny it's going to be. Somebody thought of the zipper gag and they did it...that's all. No politically correct over-thinking involved. To me, the zipper gag is one of those 'visual memories' and pretty much the highlight of this short.