Posted 2008-04-07 13:09:43 by Moe Hailstone
Edited 2008-04-07 16:09:58 by Dunrobin
I feel like typing out some reviews, and I'll start with this short.I recorded this on VHS a good 15+ years ago, and at the time I didn't think that it was censored.
After watching this again from an uncut version via the Internet, I noticed a few things.
- The black face gag between Moe and Larry. I can see why it was cut, but it sure was funny to watch.
- Two different scenes were extended (not sure why) on my VHS version. One was where the caretaker of the cemetery hides in the bag and kicks Curly. Instead of kicking him once, they show it three times! Two with the kick and Curly making a noise and then the third time with Curly talking to the person in the bag. The second difference was with the phone ringing and Philip Black waiting to hit Curly. Instead of one ring, the swing and a miss, and then the famous yell that Curly gives, we hear the phone ring twice, and see two misses before the page is spoken.
The short started out great, but really dragged on during the Cemetery scene.It wasn't bad, just lost some of the humor towards the end. Felt more like a scary movie instead of a funny Stooge short. Christine McIntyre was beautiful as always, and Vernon Dent was great too. 3 eye pokes from me.
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2002-05-09 23:21:00 by [Deleted Member]
Edited 2006-03-25 09:18:08 by shemps#1
Yeah, this one's also a favorite of mine; the graveyard scene is one of those early-childhood memories that came right back to me when I watched the short for the first time in years. It's really obvious that the graveyard is an indoor set, but that makes it funnier in some strange way. Nice bit by Christine here, too, when she comes on to Curly ("Aww, let me see your hearts...") and then starts knocking him around when she finds out that she can't ever see them because he's got that steel bulletproof vest on, underneath about a dozen shirts! This scene's sort of a forerunner of the great "Cousin Basil" routine with Christine and Shemp in "Brideless Groom." I'll make a guess here that most of the younger fans (say, under 30) have no idea who Al Jolson was. Let's just say that what he lacked in talent as a singer, he made up for in sheer volume, and hamminess... The Stooges parodied him a number of times (also in "Uncivil Warriors" and some other shorts).
Posted 2002-05-09 23:10:00 by BJR
Definitely a great short, one of the better from 1945.Not quite a classic... but excellent, and indeed, unique. The first half was good, and there was an excellent Moe/Larry interaction that was mentioned earlier... easily the funniest moment of the short. The second half in the pet cemetery trying to dispose of the dead "body" was the better portion for me.To those who haven't seen this, you should really order the FALSE ALARMS tape on VHS, because not only does it include FALSE ALARMS and this short, but also FLAT-FOOT STOOGES, another missing 60 short.Grade: B+Rating: 7.75/10
Posted 2002-05-09 20:04:00 by [Deleted Member]
CAAAALL FOOORR PHILIIIPP BLAAACK!I finally got to see this short a few months ago and I'm just now getting around to saying so!Anyhow, also hilarious is all the hyjinx with the "body". The boys thought Curly shot a real man! Then came the comments about the "man's" stiffness. Later, They get to the cemetery, which they discover is a pet cemeterty. We hear Curly's hilariously appropriate line, "Do you think HE was somebody's pet?" Still later, the "body" kept "jumping" out of the grave and hitting Curly!Great short all around- and one of my all-time favorites with Curly.Larry: You know, fish is good brain food.Moe: You know, you should fish for a whale! (SLAP)
Posted 2001-08-23 20:30:00 by Mike Holme
The best short in Del Lord's period of decline, but I suspect the reason why they were not so good is because he wrote them himself. He was a good director, but he probably wasn't that great of a writer. I thought this short was the exception, this is a great short. The pet cemetery scenes are hilarious and fun to watch. 3 1/2 pokesEdited by - Mike Holme on 9/27/2001 6:40:32 PM
Posted 2001-08-23 04:03:00 by [Deleted Member]
I haven't seen this short in a heck of a long time, but I know it was one of my favorites of all time! They didn't want to just use those halloween costumes once, did they? No, they must've kept them in good enough conditionfrom "Spook Louder" from two years earlier and really loved using them the first time around.This really is a great short. The boys' hyjinx in the hallway reminds me of their hyjinx in the hallway in "Dutiful but Dumb" when they were trying to photograph the newly married couple. I tend to think it was the very same hallway, but I could be wrong.Larry and Moe's "Mammy!"-"Pappy!" interaction was hilarious! ISLIPP- on the ink from that scene. ©2001Edited by - ISLIPP on 8/23/01 4:05:57 AM
Posted 2001-01-05 19:54:00 by Uncle Mortimer
Here's one I really wish AMC would play!(A favorite from my childhood.) If your unsure how good Christine McIntyre is, watch the "Show me your hearts!" scene. She's awesome! At the end of that scene, there's a good MOE/LARRY moment. Christine throws a jar of ink at Curly, but it hits Moe in the face. Moe backs into the hallway(looking like Al Jolson). Larry sees him, gets down on one knee and exclaims:"MAMMY!" Moe says "PAPPY" and hits him in the face! I love the 'stiff' in the body bag scene at the Ever Rest Pet Cemetery. (with the hand slapping Curly on top of the head every time he pulls the bag over his shoulder.) The DEVIL, SKELETON & VILLAIN (just like in "Spook Louder")are good too. As far as the abrupt black screen at the end, I don't know why that was done..but I like it; somehow, it seems right for this short.