Regal Theater and Black Culture, The
In Heaven, Shemp is confronted at the Gates by the Devil and his temptress Helen Blazes (Sylvia Lewis). Angel Uncle Mortimer (Moe Howard, in a dual role) tells Shemp that he can redeem himself if he reforms Moe & Larry. The two remaining Stooges plan to use the money Shemp left them to sell a phony fountain pen invention ("It writes under whip cream!"), thanks to the Devil's advice.
A remake of HEAVENLY DAZE (1948), with stock footage.
An interview with costar Sylvia Lewis ('Helen Blazes') appears in The Three Stooges Journal # 112 (Winter 2004).
Larry Fine
Shemp Howard
Moe Howard
Moe Howard
Uncle Mortimer
Moe Howard
Heavenly Train announcer
Marti Shelton
Miss Jones
Judy Malcolm
Heavenly switchboard operator
Phil Van Zandt
The Devil / Mr. Heller
Sylvia Lewis
Helen Blazes
Vernon Dent
I. Fleecem
Victor Travers
Mr. DePeyster
Symona Boniface
Mrs. DePeyster
Jules White
Jules White
Zion Myers
Felix Adler
Zion Myers
Screenplay, stock footage
Ray Cory
Director of Photography
Allen G. Siegler
Photography, stock footage
Paul Borofsky
Film Editor
Edwin Bryant
Film Editor, stock footage
Carl Anderson
Art Director
Charles Clague
Art Director, stock footage
Jerrold Bernstein
Assistant Director
Jerry Feldman
Working Title(s): | GRUESOME THREESOME |
Title Origin: | Expression, "Trouble in paradise." |
Prod. No.: | 4228 |
Shooting Days: | 1 days From: 1954-07-09 To: 1954-07-09 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
MOE HOWARD........................ MOE AND UNCLE MORTIMER
LARRY FINE........................... LARRY
SHEMP HOWARD.................... SHEMP
MARTI SHELTON.................... MISS JONES......................... {Stock Footage}
VERNON DENT....................... ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM........... {Stock Footage}
VICTOR TRAVERS................... MR. DE PEYSTER................... {Stock Footage}
SYMONA BONIFACE................ MRS. DE PEYSTER.................. {Stock Footage}
This short starts off in Moe, Larry, and Shemp's flat where we see Shemp laying on his bed in a state of sleep and having a bad dream he is twitching in his sleep and is saying, 'eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, hnuha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha'. Moe and Larry are standing there looking at Shemp with looks of panic on their faces. Moe is now leaning forward and is listening to Shemp's chest as we are now hearing the galloping of horses hooves.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is turning around and looking at Larry with a really hurtful look on his face and is using a painful voice): "He's got galloping hooves of the heart, my goodness, 'Hoof And Heart Disease'."
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has a look of panic on his face and is cupping a hand over his eyes like he is using a pair of field glasses as he says in a mischievous voice): "That means he's nearing the finish line, they're going around the first turn, Shemp is in the lead by a half, hunha......"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now in a really hurtful state as he is hitting Larry over his head and is shouting at Larry in a mad voice): "Come on, he's dying, and you're telling jokes. We should take his temperature. If we only had a thermometer."
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has now noticed an outdoors style of a thermometer on a wall and is taking it down and presenting it to Moe in a happy mood): "Wait, here's a thermometer."
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is taking the thermometer from Larry and is saying to him in a low and happy voice): "Good."
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe now has the thermometer and is saying to Shemp in a really worried voice and has a look of hurt on his face says): "Open your mouth, Shemp."
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is still laying on his bed and says to Moe in his sleep in a hurtful voice): "No, I don't like pills."
Moe is now looking at Larry with a look of panic on his face as Larry is taking a straight pin from his suit jacket lapel.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is nodding his head in Shemp's direction and Larry has now stuck Shemp in his backside with the straight pin as Moe says): "Give."
SHEMP: (Still in his state of sleep yells painfully): " 'Oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh'."
Moe has now inserted the thermometer into Shemp's mouth.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is pointing his thumb at Larry and says to him in a serious voice and has a mean look on his face says): "Now, you go on and heat him a hot water bag!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has a perplexed look on his face and is shrugging his shoulders says in a low and determined voice): "Heat a hot water bag?"
MOE: (As he has now taken the thermometer from Shemp's mouth and is looking at it in a state of panic as he is now reading Shemp's temperature in a state of worry), "Ten degrees below zero, {Moe now flinches in a state of panic says}, Hey, it can't be!"
Moe has now taken the thermometer and has shaken it thoroughly and is now inserting it back into Shemp's mouth.
Moe has now turned around and flinches a tad as he now has a look of wonderment on his face as we see Larry holding an empty hot water bag and is waving it to and fro over a hot stove burner as he is heating it up.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has now shaken his head to and fro in madness and has a mad look on his face as he is now approaching Larry and is saying to him madly): "And, what do you think you're doing?"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has a look of determination on his face and is using a mischievous voice as he is holding the empty hot water bag): "Like you told me, I'm heating a hot water bottle."
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now taking the hot water bottle from Larry and has a look of mischief on his face and is using a mischievous voice as he is hitting Larry on the head with it and kick's Larry in his backside): "Oh, I see, get outta here."
Larry is now screaming in pain, 'oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh,' as he is now running at a face pace and goes crashing on top of Shemp causing Shemp to eat the thermometer.
Moe has now run over to Shemp in a state of panic and has a look of fear on his face as he now looking down Shemp's throat and has now discovered that Shemp has swallowed the thermometer.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking at Larry in a state of madness as he is pointing a finger at Shemp and is shouting a Larry who has a petrified look of panic on his face as Moe shouts): "You idiot, you made him swallow the thermometer. Now rub his stomach, maybe he will regurgitate the broken glass."
Larry is now in the process of rubbing Shemp's stomach as he has a look of fear on his face as Shemp is saying in his painful sleep, 'eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat', as we are hearing the sounds of shattered glass in Shemp's stomach.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is looking at Moe in a horrified state of fear and panic and is using a panicking voice): "It's no use, he's full of broken glass!"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As Shemp is using a low and worried voice as he is saying with his dying breath, 'eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, hunha. hunha. hunha. hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha'): "Oh, come close fellas, I'm gonna kick the bucket."
MOE: (As Moe and Larry are looking at Shemp with horrified looks of hurt and fear on their faces as Moe says in a panicking voice): "Oh, no!"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As he is saying with his dying breath as he is also twitching his legs): "I'm going boys. Moe you behave, if you don't I'll come back a haunt ya, 'eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff, aaarff'."
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a really sad look on his face as with Larry as Moe says in a really hurtful voice): "He's sunk, he's gone to the dogs!"
Larry and Moe are now standing in front of Shemp and are crying and whaling fiercely as they are now sitting on the floor with their backs up against a wall as they are whaling out of control as we are now seeing Shemp's spirit wining it's way up to Heaven.
We are now in Heaven where we see Shemp and Uncle Mortimer sitting at a desk in front of the open Pearly Gates as Shemp has a look of mischief on his face as Uncle Mortimer is talking on the telephone.
UNCLE MORTIMER to the TELEPHONE: (As he is now talking with God and is saying): "Unh-ha, unha-ha, yes, yes, oh yes yes, Shemp is not, oh Shemp is, oooooh!"
As Uncle Mortimer was on the telephone with God we saw a beautiful lady angel walk by as Shemp is sitting there with a worried look on his face as he is rubbing his hands in fear at his eligibility about being able to enter Heaven for good.
UNCLE MORTIMER: (As he has now turned on his paging box and is saying into it in a really serious voice): "Miss Jones, bring in the Earthly Report on my nephew, Mr. Shemp."
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is looking at Shemp with a really hurtful look on his face and is using a hurtful voice says): "Shemp there seems to be some mix-up regarding your eligibility to enter these portals."
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is using a really hurtful voice and has a hurtful look on his face says): "But, Uncle Mortimer, I......"
The very beautiful and lovely Miss Jones is now bringing to Uncle Mortimer Shemp's Earthly Report.
MISS JONES to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As she is using a professional tone of voice as she is handing him a folder and asks him): "Is this what you want, sir?"
UNCLE MORTIMER to MISS JONES: (As he is taking the folder and is looking at it and says to her when he notices it is what he wants): "Thank-you!"
We now see Shemp with a really happy look on his face as he is saying, 'heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba, heeeba', as his wings are now flipping up and down as he is flirting with Miss Jones.
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is now reading Shemp's Earthly Report and is looking at Shemp in a really mean state as he is slamming his hand down hard on his desk and is shouting madly about him flirting with Miss Jones): "S-H-E-M-P!"
Miss Jones has now given Shemp a sweet and beautiful smile as she is now exiting.
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is looking at Shemp with a really hurtful look and is saying in a hurtful voice): "I hope you brought your asbestos suit with you."
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is looking at him with a dazed look on his face and is using a questionable voice and is using hand gestures to support hurt): "Asbestos suit, gosh no, I wouldn't need it up here I......"
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is saying to Shemp in a really hurtful tone of voice): "But, your report shows that you and your cousins Moe and Larry have been pretty bad boys."
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is looking at the floor in a really hurtful state and is saying in a crying voice as he is getting up and is getting ready to go to Hell): "Oh well, all right, give me a pitch fork and a red union suit and I'll go!"
As Shemp is getting up from Uncle Mortimer's desk to get ready to enter Hell, we now see a burst of fire and smoke as Satan is now approaching hoping to claim Shemp's soul for himself.
SATAN to SHEMP: (As Shemp has now flinched in panic as Satan is saying to him in a gleeful voice): "Fret not my friend, we will supply you with everything, come along with me."
UNCLE MORTIMER to SATAN: (As Uncle Mortimer now was a really wicked look on his face and is saying to him in a mean voice): "Not so fast, with your devilish whiles, I haven't released Shemp yet."
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is now sitting back down at the desk and is in a total state of fear and panic says): "Thanks, Uncle Mortimer!"
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is now looking a Shemp with a really carrying look and is using a carrying tone of voice says): "Shemp, I will give you one chance to save yourself from our Arch Enemy. You will go back to earth and reform Moe and Larry and if you do, you can come back here for good, if not......"
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is using hand gestures to support panic and has a look of panic on his face and is using a panicking tone of voice says): "Wait, wait, I'll succeed, I'll reform that Moe and Larry if it kills me. What am I saying? I'm all ready dead, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa'."
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is looking at Shemp with a really worried look and is using a carrying tone of voice): "You realize that they will not be able to hear you or see you."
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp has a look of glee on his face and is using a gleeful voice states): "They won't hear or see me ey,? That's great, just perfect!"
SATAN to UNCLE MORTIMER and SHEMP: (As Satan is standing there with a devilish look on his face and is using a devilish tone of voice as he is pointing a finger at them says): "Hunh, not so perfect, for I have Moe and Larry under my evil influence and I'll thwart you, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa, henh-haaa!"
We now see Satan waving his hand in a fast downwards motion as he is now making a huge blast of smoke and fire and is bringing up from Hell his wife the very lovely and beautiful 'Helen Blazes' to tantalize Shemp and hope he can win Shemp's soul for good.
We now see the beautiful, (but yet ugly), Helen Blazes appear as she is now sauntering evilly as she is doing a soft shoe dance and is swaying her hips from side to side and is waving a scarf in front of Shemp and is giving him a beautiful and evil smile.
HELEN BLAZES to SHEMP: (As she is standing next to him still swaying her hips from side to side and waving her scarf in front of him evilly says to him in a evil voice): "Hello big boy, my name is Helen."
SHEMP to HELEN BLAZES: (As Shemp is now totally mesmerized by her and has a really happy look on his face as he asks her): "Helen, what?"
HELEN BLAZES to SHEMP: (As she is still swaying her hips and dangling her scarf in front of him teasingly says): "Blazes!"
SHEMP to HELEN BLAZES: (As Shemp now has bowed at her and has a really happy and mesmerized look on his face says in a really happy voice): "Oh, charmed to know you!"
HELEN BLAZES to SHEMP: (As she is still standing there waving her hips and dancing and is totally spastic-ing out Shemp says): "Why don't you come down and see us sometime, we have some really hot dances, dance?"
SHEMP to HELEN BLAZES: (As he is now totally under her evil charm says to her in a happy voice with a huge happy smile on his face says): "Unh-hunh!"
Shemp is now totally under her devils spell as she is taking long strides and twirling around, and doing a chorus line, soft shoe dany and swaying her hips from side to side and is using hand gestures and waving her fingers evilly tantalizing Shemp. Shemp is now doing a fast pace skip and shuffle style of a soft shoe dance with her. She is still striding, sauntering, and waving her hips in a soft shoe fashion as she is evilly waving her fingers and scarf in a mesmerizing state as Shemp is looking at her in a total state of happiness as he is totally under her evil spell. He is flipping his wings up and down in happiness. She has now left, and is coming back sauntering and swaying her hips and dangling her scarf in front of him. She is now taking him by his face and is doing a duet style of soft shoe dance with him. She has now bowed him down and has given him a huge kiss. Shemp has now come up for air with a huge and happy smile on his face as he is exhaling smoke from his mouth.
All the while that Shemp was dancing with the evil Helen Blazes we saw both Uncle Mortimer and Satan watching them. Uncle Mortimer had a really hurt and worried look on his face as he was hoping that Shemp would not fall for her evil spell. Satan was standing there with a really wicked look on his face hoping he was the one who has inherited Shemp's soul for eternity.
SHEMP to HELEN BLAZES, SATAN, and UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp has come out from under her evil spell totally now as he is putting his hands on his ears in hurt and worry as he is now back to himself says in a worried voice): "What, am I doing?"
SHEMP to HELEN BLAZES and SATAN: (As Shemp is now in a really panicking state as he is now pointing a finger at Helen and says to her and her husband): "Beat it you devils, go to blazes!"
Helen is now sauntering off in the direction of Hell as she is standing by her husband totally mad that she could not succeed with another soul for her husband.
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is now back to his old self and is running up to Uncle Mortimer in a state of panic as he is waving a fist at Uncle Mortimer and is using a pleading tone of voice says): "They nearly got me, but I'm okay now, and I'll reform that Moe and Larry!"
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As he is look at Shemp with a carrying look and is using a carrying tone of voice says): "Good!"
We now hear the sound of a train whistle blowing as we now hear a train conductor.
TRAIN CONDUCTOR: (In a serious voice): "Board, all aboard, 'The Heavenly Express,' leaving from Cloud 49, bound for the Big Dipper, Mars, Venus, The Earth, and Cucamonga, board!"
UNCLE MORTIMER to SHEMP: (As Uncle Mortimer is now pointing a finger in the direction of Shemp's train and is saying in a carrying tone of voice): "You better hurry if you want to catch that train."
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is now waving a fist at Uncle Mortimer in happiness as he is using a mischievous tone of voice says): "I'll catch that train, but I gotta do something here first."
SHEMP to SATAN: (As Shemp is giving him a really nasty look and is balling up one of his hands into a fist says): "You see that?"
Satan has now slapped Shemp's fist causing it to hit him on the top of his head and knocking him out cold. Satan's wife, Helen, was standing next to him with on hand on her waist and a hip slung sideways and is slightly shaking it and has an evil look on her face.
SHEMP to SATAN: (As Shemp is giving him a nasty look and is using a mean tone of voice as he is sticking his tongue out at him says): "E-N-H!"
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp is now running to catch his train says to him in a happy voice): "Good-bye, 'woooh, woooh, woooh, woooh, woooh, woooh, woooh, woooh, woooh'."
Uncle Mortimer is now waving his hand in a good-bye state as we see Shemp running to meet his train as Shemp is now coming face to face with a cumulous mammatus cloud and has run right into it and has fallen flat on his back on the ground.
SHEMP to the CUMULOUS MAMMATUS CLOUD: (As Shemp is now standing up and is shouting at the cloud in a state of madness): "Listen, you old rain cloud, why don't you look where you're going? I had the right away!"
We now see the rain cloud as he is thoroughly mad at Shemp and gives Shemp a quick showering.
SHEMP to the CUMULOUS MAMMATUS CLOUD: (As Shemp is now wiping water off of his face and is standing there sopping wet with a mad look on his face and is waving a fist at it in madness states): "What's the idea, you think you're in California? Gee whiz!"
The rain cloud has now left as we see Shemp whistling at a beautiful lady angel and is smiling at her sweetly. Miss Jones has now walked passed as Shemp is looking at her sweetly and is whistling at her like a train is saying in happiness, 'hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba, hooba'.
Uncle Mortimer is now thoroughly mad at his Nephew Shemp as he is sending a bolt of lightning and is hitting Shemp in his backside with it as Shemp is yelling in pain, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh.
SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As Shemp has a mad look on his face and is removing the lightning bolt from his backside is shouting madly at Uncle Mortimer): "Cut it out, Uncle Mortimer!"
We now hear the train conductor as he is saying for the final time, 'B-O-A-R-D'!
SHEMP to the TRAIN CONDUCTOR: (As Shemp is running in hurriedly panic and is shouting loudly as not to miss his train to Earth): "Wait for me!"
We are now back Earth where we see a sign on a door that reads:
We are now inside the office of Attorney I. Fleecem as Moe and Larry are standing there crying and whaling deeply out of control at the loss of their cousin Shemp. Attorney Fleecem is sitting in his desk chair and is swiveling it from side to side as he is now commencing to read Shemp's will.
ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM to MOE and LARRY: (As Mr. Fleecem is now in the process of reading Shemp's will to the bereaving Moe and Larry): "Excreta, excreta, and furthermore, 'Whereas, I, Shemp the Stooge, being of unsound mind do hereby prove it by leaving all my worldly possessions to my cousins Moe and Larry, share and share alike!"
Moe and Larry are now grieving big time as the are now wailing in pain, 'ha-hunha, ha-hunha, ha-hunha, ha-hunha, ha-hunha, ha-hunha' and are using their handkerchiefs as they are wiping tears from their faces.
ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM to LARRY and MOE: (As he is saying to them in a hurtful voice as he is now holding onto one of Shemp's stockings and is saying): "This is all of poor Shemp's worldly goods ------ a hundred and forty dollars, to be divided equally between you."
LARRY to MOE and ATTORNEY FLEECEM: (As Larry and Moe are now wiping more tears from their faces as Larry is now looking at Moe and says): "Poor Shemp, he left us all his money!"
Moe and Larry are now turning from a state of sadness to a state of glee.
MOE to LARRY as LARRY to MOE: (As they are now going from a grieving state to a happy state as they are looking at one another in a state of awe and says in unison): 'M-O-N-E-Y!?"
Larry and Moe are now diving onto Mr. Fleecem's desk after Shemp's stocking full of dough in unison. Moe has now grabbed the stocking first and has now hit Larry over the head with the stocking that has at this moment an unknown heavy object in it.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now grabbing the money stocking first and is giving Larry an evil look says): "Let go of that!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now rubbing his head in pain and is saying to Moe in a really mad tone of voice and has a mean look on his face states): "It's a good thing you hit me with money or I'd resent that!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a mean look on his face and is shouting at Larry in a mad voice): "Quiet, we gotta divide this dough up fare and square!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is setting the money roll down on Mr. Fleecem's desk and is saying to Larry in a perplexed tone of voice): "Say, there seems to be some more in here!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is standing there with a happy but yet slightly evil look on his face as he is rubbing his hands in glee says): "Wait a minute!"
Larry is now looking at Moe with a mischievous look on his face as Moe has a grin of happiness on his face as he is now inserting his hand inside of Shemp's stocking thinking that there is some more dough inside as we are now seeing what the heavy object is "A SET OF TOY FALSE CHOPPERS!" Moe is now getting bit by them.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is yelling in pain as he is shaking the choppers off of his fingers): "Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa, aaawa!"
We now see Moe in a complete state of pain as he is taking the biting fangs off of his fingers as Larry is now looking at Moe and is laughing hysterically, 'hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha'. Moe is now finally getting the toy fangs off of his hand and n a state of thorough madness is now clipping them onto Larry's bugle, as Larry is shouting loudly in pain, 'ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh'.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a mean look on his face and is using a mean tone of voice as he is taking the 'toy fangs' from Larry's bugle as Larry is rubbing his bugle in pain as Moe says): "Laugh that off!"
Moe is now mumbling to himself as he is re-counting the dough and Shemp's ghost is now appearing into Mr. Fleecem's office.
MOE to LARRY: (As he has now completed counting the dough and is looking at Larry with a mischievous look on his face and is using a mischievous tone of voice as he is now cheating Larry out of some of his inheritance says): "A hundred and forty smackers, that makes seventy bucks for you Larry, ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR."
SHEMP'S GHOST to MOE: (As he is standing there looking at Moe with a mad look on his face and is using a mad tone of voice as he is now noticing that Moe is cheating Larry): "R-O-B-B-E-R!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is saying to Larry with a wicked look on his face and is using a wicked voice says): "Say, tell me how old do you have to be to collect your old age pension?"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now looking at Moe with a perplexed look on his face and is answering Moe in a questionable voice): "Sixty-Five!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now finishing counting out to Larry the rest of his inheritance and is cheating Larry out of sixty-one bucks says sixty-five, oh): "SIXTY-SIX; SIXTY-SEVEN; SIXTY-EIGHT; SIXTY-NINE; SEVENTY, there you are!"
All the while that Moe was unevenly dividing the dough betwixt himself and Larry we saw Attorney Fleecem sitting at his desk watching everything with a perplexed look on his face as Ghost Shemp was standing there with a really mad look on his face.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now grabbing from Moe's hand the remaining portion of the dough with a look of madness on his face and is using a mad voice as Larry is comparing the two stacks of dough shouts): "Hey, your pile is bigger than mine!"
GHOST SHEMP to MOE: (As Ghost Shemp is now giving Moe a mean look and is using a mad voice about cheating Larry): "Here's where I start reforming you, Mister!"
We now see the two stacks of dough sitting on Attorney Fleecem's desk as Moe is now looking at Mr. Fleecem with a smile of mischief as Mr. Fleecem is now looking at Moe with a mad look. Larry is now standing there looking at the dough with a hurtful look on his face as Ghost Shemp is now blowing the dough off of the desk and onto the floor.
MOE to ATTORNEY FLEECEM: (As Moe is giving him a mean look and is saying to him in a mad voice): "Why don't you watch what you're doing?"
ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM to MOE: (As Mr. Fleecem is still sitting at his desk with a really surly look on his face and is using a nasty tone of voice as he is shouting at Moe): "What, are you talking about?"
LARRY to ATTORNEY FLEECEM: (As Larry is standing there giving him a mean look and is shouting back at him in a nasty voice): "You know what we're talking about!"
MOE to ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM: (As Moe is shouting at him with a mean voice and is looking at him with a mean look as Moe is pointing a finger at the location of the dough on his desk): "Yeah, you blew the money right off the desk."
All the while that Moe and Larry were fighting with Mr. Fleecem about him blowing the dough off of the desk we saw Ghost Shemp walking over to the dough on the floor and is now picking it back-up and placing it back on the desk.
Moe, Larry, and Attorney Fleecem are now noticing that the dough is now back on the desk as Mr. Fleecem is glaring at it in a perplexed state and Moe is saying, 'hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha' and now he and Larry are flinching in fear.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now grabbing the stack of dough from Moe as he is now fanning it by his ear to divide it evenly is giving Moe a mean look and says to Moe in a sarcastic voice): "I'll divide it this time."
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has now divided up the dough and is handing a stack to Moe says in a sarcastic voice): "There!"
GHOST SHEMP to LARRY: (As he is standing there with a look of mischief on his face and is saying in a low and carrying voice): "That's better!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is giving Larry an ugly look and is slapping Larry on his face as Moe is shouting at Larry): "I think you gypped me!"
We now see Larry rubbing his face in pain as Attorney Fleecem and Ghost Shemp are giving Moe looks of hurt and madness as Moe is standing there re-counting his dough.
GHOST SHEMP to MOE: (As he is standing there looking at Moe with a mean and hurtful look on his face and is saying to Moe in a mad tone of voice): "You been picking' on that little guy long enough, it's about time you got a dose of your own medicine!"
We now see Ghost Shemp hauling off and giving Moe a really hard and swift smack across his kisser.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now grabbing Larry by his suit jacket and is giving him an ugly look and says to Larry in a mean voice): "Oh, a wiseguy, ey?"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now looking at Moe with a painful look and is saying in a hurtful tone of voice): "I didn't do nothing!"
Larry is now crashing into a wall still holding onto his dough with a hurtful look on his face as Moe is looking at Larry with a really demented look as Ghost Shemp is looking at Larry with a hurtful look.
MOE to LARRY: (Moe is now taking his fist and is getting ready to hit Larry in the face with it as Ghost Shemp is helping Larry get out of the way as Moe is now hitting the wall hard says): "Why you, I'll......"
Moe is now shaking his fist in pain as Ghost Shemp is laughing hysterically at Moe as Moe is now turning around and chasing after Larry in a really mean state.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is putting up his hands to stop Moe and has a really hurtful look on his face says): "No, wait!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now in a full blown state of madness and has a really ugly look on his face as he is shouting at Larry): "I'll murder you!"
ATTORNEY FLEECEM to MOE and LARRY: (As he is walking up to them in a state of madness and is shouting at them in a mad voice): "Hey, that's enough nonsense, pay me my fee. I've got a luncheon date!"
MOE to ATTORNEY FLEECEM: (As Moe is pointing a finger at him and is asking him in a really serious voice as Moe is now in the process of paying him): "Oh, yes, your fee, how much is it?"
ATTORNEY FLEECEM to MOE and LARRY: (As he is looking at them with an evil look and is saying to them in a mean voice): "A hundred and fifty dollars!"
MOE to ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM: (As Moe is looking at him with a rally hurtful look on his face and he is waving his portion of the money at him says in a hurtful and questionable voice): "Why, Shemp on left us a hundred and forty."
ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM to LARRY and MOE: (As he is now taking from Larry and Moe their inheritances and has a look of greed on his face as he is counting the dough): "I'll take it, are you sure this is all you got?"
MOE and LARRY to ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM: (As Moe and Larry are now giving him really hurtful looks as they are now showing the empty linings of their side trousers pockets as Moe is saying to him): MOE: "That's our last red cent, Mr. Fleecem." LARRY: "See?"
ATTORNEY FLEECEM to LARRY and MOE: (As he is looking at them with a really demented look on his face and is saying in a wicked voice as he has now gypped them): "Hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, any other lawyer would of taken the case for twenty dollars, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha, hunha'."
All the while that Attorney Fleecem was standing there ripping off Moe and Larry Ghost Shemp was standing there watching the entire thing in total madness,
GHOST SHEMP to ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM: (As Ghost Shemp is looking at him with a mean look and is using a meant tone of voice as Ghost Shemp is now taking the money from his suit jacket pocket says): "Oh, is that so?"
ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM to LARRY and MOE: (As he is now laughing evilly and is patting Moe on his shoulder says to him): "Hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, that's what I call easy pickin's'"
GHOST SHEMP to ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM: (As he now has the money in his hand and says to him in a really wicked tone of voice): "Are you telling me!"
We now see Attorney Fleecem leaving his office in a state of glee thinking that he has every drop of their inheritance as he is now putting on his hat. Moe is standing there looking at the floor with a look of hurt on his face as he is rubbing his head in pain. Larry is standing there with his hands on his waist and is watching Attorney I. Fleecem exiting in madness. Ghost Shemp is now holding the money and is dividing evenly betwixt Moe and Larry as he is now putting into their suit jacket pockets.
ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM to LARRY and MOE: (As he is turning around and saying to them in a demented voice): "Well, be seeing ya later chumps, don't stay in the office too long!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking away from Larry and has a really hurtful look on his face as he is rubbing his head in pain): "Dirty crook!"
LARRY to ATTORNEY I. FLEECEM: (As Larry still has his hands on his waist and has a really mad look on his face as Larry is shouting at him just as he is now shutting the door): "Do you mind if we breathe?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking at Larry with a really painful look on his face and is saying in a low and hurtful voice): "Dirty crook!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now using hand gestures to show madness and is now putting his hands on his waist and has a really hurtful look on his face says to Moe in a really hurtful voice): "Well, that did it, we're flat broke!"
All the while that Larry and Moe were fighting with Attorney Fleecem and thinking that they are now stone, cold, broke, Ghost Shemp was standing there smiling happily about getting back the dough and giving it back to cousins Moe and Larry.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is asking Larry in a really hurtful and slightly begging tone of voice and has a hurtful look on his face as he is holding his hand out to Larry asks): "Have you got a dime for car fare?"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry now has a look of wonderment on his face as he is putting his hand into his suit jacket pocket says): "Say, I had some air-mail stamps."
Larry has now put his hand into his suit jacket pocket thinking that he is going to be bringing out a few air-mail stamps has now discovered a big wad of dough and is looking at it with a really worried look on his face as Moe is now looking at Larry in a worried state as Ghost Shemp is standing there looking at the two of them in glee.
LARRY to MOE: (In a total perplexed state about finding the money in his pocket says in a startled voice): "Well, what do you know?"
MOE to LARRY: (In a really wicked manner as he is grabbing the dough from Larry's hand and is giving him an eyepoke and is hitting him on his head says): "I know you're trying to gyp me a again."
We now see Larry rubbing his head in pain as he is saying, 'aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh; aaah-ooowh', as Moe is now counting the dough that he has taken from Larry's hand as Ghost Shemp is now taking the dough from Moe's suit jacket pocket and is putting it in Larry's suit jacket pocket.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is putting his hand into his pocket and is looking at Moe with a worried look on his face and is saying to Moe in an apologetic voice): "Moe, I wasn't trying to gyp ya, I thought I had a couple extra......"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now discovering the dough in his pocket and has a really scared look on his face and is using a scared voice): "Moe, you took my money, didn't you?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a look of bewilderment on his face and is using a serious voice and showing Larry the money says): "Yeah, sure!"
LARRY to MOE: (In a total perplexed state as he has a scared look on his face and is using a scared voice): "My pocket was empty, wasn't it?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking at Larry in a really state of dismay as he is still holding the dough and is responding to Larry in a serious voice): "Sure!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has now pulled out another large wad of dough from his pocket and is showing it to Moe in a total scared state): "What's this?"
We now see Larry and Moe flinching in a total state of scaredness and worry as they are now looking at the dough that Larry has brought from his pocket as they are now wondering where it came from as Ghost Shemp is standing there with a look of dismay on his face. We now see Moe and Larry looking around Mr. Fleecem's office in a total state of scaredness.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a really scared look on his face as Larry also has a really scared look on his face as Moe is saying in a scared tone of voice): "Hey, there's something funny going on around here! I got it, you know Shemp said he was coming back to Earth to haunt us!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has a look of mischief on his face as he is waving a hand at Moe and is now putting his hands on his waist as he is now saying): "Hey, let him come, I ain't afraid of that Fathead!"
We now see Moe looking in the opposite direction from Larry as Ghost Shemp is now hitting Larry hard in his stomach and on his forehead.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is standing there rubbing his head in pain and has a really hurtful look on his face as he is saying to Moe in a slightly crying voice): 'Unh-oooh; unh-oooh; unh-oooh; unh-oooh', Moe, what did you hit me for?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is still holding the dough and is looking at Larry with a mean look and is saying in a mean voice): "I didn't touch ya!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is standing there with a really scared look on his face and is using a really scared voice): "That's what I was afraid of, Shemp's here, it's him, his ghost just hit me!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now pushing Larry to the side and has a worried but yet slightly mischievous look on his face as he is saying to Larry in a mean voice): "Oh, I ain't afraid of ghosts, stand aside, I'll prove it. Keep your hands in your pockets."
We now see Larry standing there at the side with his hands in his suit jacket pockets as Moe is standing there with a really wicked look on his face as Ghost Shemp is standing there looking at the two of them in dismay.
MOE to GHOST SHEMP: (As Moe is standing there with his arms crossed and is using a really mean voice says): "Shemp, if you're around here, give me a smash on the chin and convince me."
We now see Moe standing there with his arms crossed and a really mean look on his face as Ghost Shemp is now hauling off and giving Moe a swift hit in the chin causing Moe to go somersaulting across the entire width of Mr. Fleecem's office and landing on his head with his feet propped up on the wall. And then Moe is falling back down and landing on his backside causing a potted flower to come crashing down from an upper shelf and smashing Moe on his head sending the pot to the floor while the flower and the dirt are still on Moe's head.
MOE: (As he is sitting there still wearing the flower as he has a hurtful look on his face and is rubbing his chin in pain and says in a re-assuring voice): "Oh, I'm convinced!"
We now see Ghost Shemp leaning against a wall in Mr. Fleecem's office as he is laughing in mischievous glee as he is rubbing his hands together in glee and is pointing a finger at Moe.
GHOST SHEMP: (In a full blown state of happiness): "Haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, well things are looking up, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa!"
We are now inside of the swanky flat that Moe and Larry have now purchased with ill gotten gains as they are using it to try and impress the De Peyster's to fall for their 'Phony Invention Of An Ink Pen That Writes Under Whipped Cream.!"
Moe and Larry are standing there holding their drinks dressed in tuxedos in front of Mr. Heller, (who is Satan is disguise also dressed in a tuxedo and a top hat). Plus we also see Ghost Shemp entering in through a wall.
MR. HELLER {SATAN}to MOE and LARRY: (As he is standing there looking at Moe and Larry with a demented look on his face says to them in an evil tone of voice): "Well, so you boys have had easy pickin's', ey, what?"
MOE to MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As we see both Larry and Moe standing there in happiness and big happy grins on their faces as Larry has nodded his head in agreement to Mr. Heller {Satan} as Moe is saying to Mr. Heller {Satan}: "We certainly have, you know we made a small fortune, thanks to you!"
MR. HELLER {SATAN} to MOE and LARRY: (As he is standing there with a really evil smile on his face and is saying to them in an evil voice): "I must admit, that ey, that I did give you some 'devilish' good ideas, ey?"
MOE to MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As bot Larry and Moe are standing there smiling at him in glee as Moe is saying to him in a happy tone of voice): "Sure thing, now if we can only get the De Peyster's to buy our 'Phony Fountain Pen Invention', for fifty-thousand dollars today, we'll be on easy street!"
LARRY to MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As Larry was standing there grinning from ear to ear about everything that he and Moe have accomplished is saying in agreement with a really demented look on his face about the 'Phony Ink Pen Scandal'): "Yeah!"
We now see Ghost Shemp standing there with his arms crossed and a mean look on his face as he know that Moe and Larry are now under Satan's influence as he is thinking of his next move to make to help reform his cousins Moe and Larry.
LARRY to MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As Larry now has a really wicked look on his face as he is saying to him in a demented tone of voice as Moe also has a wicked look on his face as Larry says): "Yeah, and when the De Peyster's see a 'Fountain Pen That Writes Under Whip Cream', they'll fall for it like the other suckers did, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa'."
MOE to MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As Moe is looking at him in a state of happiness as he has a happy look on his face and is asking Satan in a gleeful voice): "You know, you've been very kind to us, now what can we do for you?"
MR. HELLER {SATAN} to MOE and LARRY: (As he is standing there with a really evil look on his face and is using an evil tone of voice as he is waving his gloves at them and is saying to them as he has now tipped his hat and has exposed his horns as Moe and Larry have not noticed them and is saying to them): "Oh, don't worry, when the time comes, I'll let you know!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking at Larry with a perplexed look on his face as he is still holding onto his libation and is saying to Larry in a serious voice): "This guy must be in a too high income tax bracket!"
MR. HELLER {SATAN} to MOE and LARRY: (As he feels he has now won the souls of Larry and Moe as he is looking at them with a devilish grin and is saying to them in an evil, wicked, and devilish voice): "Well, good day, gentlemen!"
All the while that Larry, Moe, and Mr. Heller {Satan} were having their business conversation we saw Ghost Shemp sitting on an arm of a chair observing everything with a really worried look on his face.
MOE to MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As Moe is toasting his drink at him as he and Larry are giving him looks of happiness as Moe is saying to Mr. Heller {Satan} as he is now exiting): "Good-bye, Mr. Heller!"
GHOST SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As he is still sitting on the chair arm with his arms crossed and has a mean look on his face and is saying to them in a really hurtful tone of voice): "Here's where I really start reforming you two!"
We now see Ghost Shemp approaching Larry and Moe in a really mad and hurtful state.
MOE to LARRY: (As Larry has a big, happy smile on his face and is holding his libation as Moe is looking at him in a full blown state of happiness as they're are clinking their glasses together in a toast as Moe says): "Well, a toast to easy money!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry has a big grin on his face and is using a happy voice and is extending his glass forward says): "Toot-a-lou!"
MOE to LARRY: (In a full blown state of happiness says): "Skip the gutter!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is standing there with his glass extended and has a happy look on his face and is using a happy tone of voice says): "Break a leg!"
We now see Ghost Shemp as he is now approaching Moe and Larry and is socking their hands with his fists causing their libations to spill down the front of themselves.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now wiping off his tuxedo jacket and is looking at Moe with a mad look on his face and is shouting at Moe in a mad voice): "Hey, what's the big idea?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is slapping Larry on his face in sheer madness as he is saying to Larry in a really mad voice): "You did it, and you're asking me?"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is pointing at himself and has a worried look on his face as Moe is giving Larry an evil look as Larry states): "I didn't do it!"
We now see Ghost Shemp standing behind Moe and Larry with a really gleeful look on his face. Larry is now standing there holding onto Moe's shoulder as he now has a really worried look on his face as his eyes are now bugging out of his head.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now standing there in a state of petrification as he is saying to Moe who is looking at him with a mean look as Larry states): "It was Shemp, he's come back to haunt us again!"
MOE to GHOST SHEMP: (As Moe is standing there with a scared look on his face and is using a really scared, worried, and shaky tone of voice says): "Shemp, if you're really here, give us a break will ya, but no tricks!"
We now see Ghost Shemp in a full blown state of mischief as he is taking from his lapel two straight pins and is jabbing Moe and Larry with them in their backsides.
GHOST SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As he is now in the process of jabbing them in their backsides with the straight pins says): "Oh, no!"
Moe and Larry are now yelling in pain, 'ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh', as Ghost Shemp is standing there smiling in glee.
MOE to GHOST SHEMP: (As Moe now has a really hurtful and scared look on his face as he is yelling in a state of panic): "Shemp, where are you?"
LARRY to GHOST SHEMP: (As Larry is now looking underneath chair cushions for him and is saying in a worried sing-song style of a voice): "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
We now hear the door buzzer ringing at Moe and Larry's luxurious flat as the De Peyster's are now here.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe now has a look of panic on his face along with Larry as Moe says to Larry in a scared voice): "Hey, that's the De Peyster's, get ready!"
We now see Moe brushing off his tuxedo jacket as Larry is now running into the kitchen and Ghost Shemp has now exited into their bedroom quarters.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is going to the kitchen in a hurried state as he is saying to Moe in a worried voice): "I'll get the invention!"
We are now in the living room quarters of Moe and Larry's luxurious flat as we see the De Peyster's standing there in glee as Larry is now wheeling out on a cart a mixing machine covered with a white table covering.
MOE to MR. and MRS. DE PEYSTER: (As he is using a professional tone of voice as Larry is now removing the table covering as Moe says): "Here's our invention!"
We now see sitting on the cart a Kitchen-Aid food mixer, a large mixing dish, and a large pitcher of heavy whipping cream.
MR. DE PEYSTER to MOE: (As he is looking at Moe with a dazed look on his face as he is saying to Moe in a questionable voice): "Well, I'm dying to be the first one to see a fountain pen write under whip cream!"
MOE to MR. DE PEYSTER: (As Moe is looking at him with a worried look on his face as he is using a mischievous tone of voice): "Indeed!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking at Larry with a really devious and mischievous look on his face as he is saying to Larry in a really lone tone of voice): "So am I!"
Moe and Larry are now in the process of demonstrating their invention in a total professional state as Ghost Shemp is now back on the scene as he is standing behind them with a look of perplexedness on his face.
MOE to MR. and MRS. DE PEYSTER: (As Moe is looking at them with a mischievous look on his face as he is now taking the fountain pen and is inserting it in the slot where the mixer beater goes and says in a mischievous voice): "Now, you take the fountain pen and place it in here!"
LARRY to MR. and MRS. DE PEYSTER: (As Larry is now trying to act coy and fancy as he is saying in a playful tone of voice as he has a sheet of paper in his hand and is putting it in the mixing dish says): "And, put the paper in thusly!"
MOE to MR. and MRS. DE PEYSTER: (As Moe has the pitcher of heavy whipping cream in his hand and is getting ready to pour it into the mixing dish says to them in a devious tone of voice): "And, pour the cream over all!"
As Moe and Larry are presenting their 'Phony Invention', to the De Peyster's we are now on Ghost Shemp standing there watching everything with a really mad look on his face as he is now thinking of what to do next to keep the poor De Peyster's from being 'horn-swoggled' by Moe and Larry.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is trying to be very dignified as he is looking at Larry with a really worried look on his face as he is saying to Larry in a dignified voice): "Now, turn the motor onto low!"
LARRY to MOE: (In a really dignified voice as we are now looking at the mixing speeds button as Larry says and does): "L-O-W!"
MOE to MR. and MRS. DE PEYSTER: (As we now see the fountain pen twirling around in the dish on top of the paper as Moe is saying to them in a mischievous, slightly dignified, and crooked tone of voice): "It must turn, slowly, otherwise it would over flow, now would you care to make our your check for fifty-thousand now or later?"
We now see Ghost Shemp perking up as he has now thought of a way to keep the De Peysters from being 'horn-swoggled' by crooked Larry and Moe as he is now reaching for the speeds knob and is turning it from 'Low' to 'High'!
We now see Larry and Moe looking at the mixing machine with looks of worry as they are now holding up their hands and are saying in total fear as they now have noticed once again that Ghost Shemp has intervened as Moe says with a look of panic, 'yunha-aaah; yunha-aaah; yunha-aaah; yunha-aaah; yunha-aaah; yunha-aaah'!
We now have a close-up on the speeds button of the mixing machine where we are seeing it set on high instead of low causing it to send whipped cream flying all over the place as we are now seeing the dignified Mr. De Peyster getting hit in the kisser with a gob of whipped cream.
We now see Mrs. De Peyster yelling in a state of fear, 'aaah-aaah-aaah-aaah-aaah-aaah', as she is standing there with her mouth again as she in now creamed by a gob of whipped cream.
It is now a whipped cream flinging free-for-all as Larry has now laughed in a state of mischief at the De Peyster's being hit with whipped cream as he is now getting hit in the kisser with a gob of whipped cream as he is now standing there with a really mad look on his face.
MOE: (As he is standing there watching the entire event with a look of dazement on his face as he is saying in a dignified, mad style of a voice): This is preposterous, what next?" {The next thing is this, we now see Moe getting hit in his kisser with a gob of whipped cream}.
We now see Mr. De Peyster and Moe standing there with whipped cream on their faces as Mr. De Peyster is now wiping it off of his face with his hands in a full blown state of madness.
MOE: (As he is now reaching out blindly as his eyes are full of whipped cream says in a worried voice): "A towel, I, I, like to have a towel!"
Moe is now turning around still totally blinded by the whipped cream as he is now grabbing the shirt tail of Mr. De Peyster's shirt thinking it is a towel and is using it to wipe the whipped cream from his face.
Larry and Mrs. De Peyster are now once again being hit in their kissers with some more flying whipped cream. Mr. Heller {Satan}, has now entered into the living room quarters at first thinking he has now won the guardianship of Moe and Larry's souls as he is now well deservedly getting his fair share of whipped cream right in his kisser.
The whipped cream is now shooting all over the living room quarters aw we hear Mrs. De Peyster yelling out in pain, 'hunha-aaah-yaaah,' as she is now being creamed several times. We also see Satan standing there with a horrified look on madness and defeat {'A-M-E-N'}! on his face as he has now learned that God has won over him again as the 'Phony Whipped Cream Ink Pen Invention' has now gone to dogs, is now a total flop.
MR. HELLER {SATAN}: (As he is standing there with an evil look on his face as he is holding open the kitchen door and says in a wicked voice): "Well, hunha, that beats the devil, unnha'!"
We now hear Moe saying in the distance in his dignified style of voice ---- "Thank y'all!"
We now see Mr. Heller {Satan} slinking back into Hell with his tail betwixt his pants in a really devilish manner as he has once again lost another couple of souls over to God. {"A-M-E-N!"}:
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is standing there looking at Moe with a really mad look on his face as he is now hitting Moe square in the face with a paw full of whipped cream says madly): "You and your inventions!"
Larry is now standing there with a really hurt look on his face as Moe is now hitting him in the kisser with a paw full of whipped cream.
MR. DE PEYSTER to MOE and LARRY: (As he is standing there with a mad look on his face as he is for an instant free of whipped cream on his face as he is shouting at Moe and Larry in a really mad voice as he is now getting hit by another gob of whipped cream): "Now, you look!"
The mixing machine has now gone totally berserk as we now see Moe, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. De Peyster getting randomly creamed in their kissers with flying whipped cream.
Ghost Shemp is standing there in the background with a really mischievous and happy look on his face as he is now thinking that his cousins Moe and Larry are now reformed in goodness as he is now able to be in Heaven permanently.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now fully blown out of state in madness as he is taking Larry's face and is shoving it into the dish of whipped cream and is shouting at Larry madly as he is standing there also covered in whipped cream): "What' the matter with you, I never saw such a thing!"
Mr. and Mrs. De Peyster are standing there in a total state of hurt and fear as they are shouting in madness, 'haaa-aaah; haaa-aaah; haaa-aaah; haaa-aaah; haaa-aaah; haaa-aaah', as they are now being totally out of control hit by flying whipped cream.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is totally blinded by whipped cream as he is now slipping on it as we as he is saying to Moe who is hitting him on his head): "Aaaah, Moe, don't!"
MRS. DE PEYSTER to MOE and LARRY: (As she is standing there fully covered with whipped cream as she is hopelessly trying to keep it off of her face is yelling in a petrified state): "Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, help, help, help, help, help, help'!"
MR. DE PEYSTER to MOE and LARRY: (As he is also standing there in a horrified state of panic as he is also hopelessly trying to keep whipped cream off of his kisser is yelling at Moe and Larry in panic)" "Why don't you turn......"
All the while that the whipped cream fiasco was taking place we now saw Ghost Shemp standing in the back ground 'Dancing The Hallelujah Chorus' in total glee knowing full well he has now reformed Moe and Larry.
We are now seeing Larry with a horrified look of pain and panic on his face as he is yelling painfully 'ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh, ooowh,' as he sis now being stabbed in the forehead with the writing tip of the fountain pen. Larry has now removed the fountain pen from his forehead.
GHOST SHEMP to UNCLE MORTIMER: (As he is standing there with a happy look of relief on his face as he is saying to Uncle Mortimer in a prayer fashion as he has his eyes closed and a really joyful look on his face): "Uncle Mortimer, it's working out, I think they'll turn honest!"
We now see one huge, grande finale of flying whipped cream just before the motor on the mixing machine has now fired and blown up.
We now see Ghost Shemp yelling in a state of panic and fear, 'help, help, help, help, help, help, help, help, help, help'. As we are now back at Shemp, Moe and Larry's flat quarters where we see Shemp laying on his fast asleep as he is having a nightmare and his bed is totally engulfed in flames.
SHEMP: (In his sleep as he is laying there in his nightmare state is yelling): "Help, ooooh, man, I'm burnin' up!"
Shemp has now totally awaken from his nightmare as he has noticed in a full blown state of panic that his bed is now ablaze.
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As he is shouting in a full blown state of panic as his bed is now totally ablaze): "Yeha, oh, Moe, ooooh, Larry, help me!"
We now see Larry and Moe sitting at their dining table as they are now finishing their supper and are not noticing at the time that Shemp's bed is now fully engulfed with flames.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now holding a pie and is looking at Moe with a serious look on his and is asking Moe in a kind tone of voice, at the time having no recollection of Shemp being on fire): "Want a piece of pie?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is looking at Larry in a state of dismay as he is pointing a finger at Shemp still not realizing why Shemp is screaming at the top of his lungs in a full blown state of fear and panic): "That guy's dreaming again!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is still finishing up his supper says to Shemp nonchalantly): "Hey, why don't you......"
We now see Moe looking over at Shemp as Moe is now jumping up in a horrible state of panic as he has now noticed Shemp's bed totally ablaze.
MOE to LARRY: (As he is looking at Larry in a full blown state of fear and panic yells to Larry): "Hey, Larry, he's been smoking in bed again, get the water and the axe!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is still laying there now with his trousers on fire as he is shouting in a full blown state of panic as he is twitching in total panic): "Put me out, I'm burning up!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is now getting the burning Shemp from his bed in panic is now shouting at him in a panicking tone of voice): "You, Nitwit, you, why you, you Brainless Idiot!"
Shemp is now shouting in a total state of fear and panic about being on fire, 'oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh.'
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is standing there with a pail labeled 'Fire Only', filled with water and is shouting at Moe in a full blown state of fear and panic): "Turn him around, turn him around, hurry up!"
We now see Larry tossing the water onto the burning Shemp but has totally missed Shemp and has hit Moe instead.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is standing there sopping wet as he is still holding onto the burning Shemp shouts to Larry in horrified panic): "Why you Nitwit, get some more water!"
Larry has now gone for another pail of water while Shemp is bouncing around on the floor trying to put out his burning backside and Moe is frantically beating at the burning bed with the axe putting out the flames.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry now has another pail of water and is shouting at Moe in panic just before Moe hits him on the head with the axe handle accidentally): "Okay, look out I'll......!"
We now see Larry staggering from the pain of being hit with the axe in his head. Moe is still frantically beating at the burning bed with the axe and Shemp is now pouring some water on the floor and is sitting in it extinguishing himself.
SHEMP: (As he is now totally happy and has put his fire out and is smiling gleefully as he states): "Oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, oooowh, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah, aaaah'."
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As he is sitting there with a devilish look on his face is saying in a devilish tone of voice, {not learning one single solitary lesson from his dream}: "What a dream, you know fellas, I just dreamt we invented 'A Fountain Pen That Writes Under Whipped Cream'!"
We now see Moe and Larry standing there looking at Shemp with horrified looks of madness on their faces.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has now hit Shemp in the face with a creamed pie and says to him in a mad tone of voice): "There's your whipped cream, and there's the fountain pen!"
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Larry is now handing Shemp a sheet of stationary paper says to him in a mean tone of voice): "Write yourself a letter!"
We see Shemp sitting on the floor with a creamed pie on his face as he is now taking the fountain pen and is dabbling it in the whipped cream on his face and he is now composing his letter:
{If you don't mind, I'd like to put in a personal closing thought here. Shemp did not learn one thing from his dream. He almost lost his soul to Satan in his dream. He has now woken up from his dream the same Shemp. To me I think he should of learned a lesson, to be able to live a better life in favor for God, this is my prayer for everyone, to live for our Lord}.
No trivia have been logged for this episode.
This was an okay remake. There are some strange cuts in this short as with most of these Shemp rehashes, especially the cutting of old footage, like when Moe asks Shemp to smash him on the chin & convince him. I also agree with the sentiments of black banana below who talked about missing Sam McDaniel from the original. That guy was a hoot.
5 pokes
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