Transcription by Stooge: 
[ The short opens inside of an office with a close-up of a
FOR PRESIDENTâ€. The camera pans over to a name stand on a
desk that reads “WM. ‘BILL’ WICK – CAMPAIGN MANAGERâ€. The
camera pans up and we see Wick sitting at his desk,
reading a report. Wick’s assistant is sitting next to
him. ]
WICK: I tell ya, Jim, we gotta do something about this
report. Three of our delegates smell a rat.
JIM: We’ll have to kick them out and get new ones! If
Egger isn’t elected president, we’ll never be able to make
that oil grab.
WICK: You’re right. We gotta get that oil by hook or
crook. What we need are three delegates who are too dumb
to think and will do what we tell them. Now, where do we
find such guys?
[ Suddenly, a knock is heard on the door ]
WICK: Come in.
[ The door opens and janitors Moe, Larry, and Shemp walk
in and walk over to Wick’s desk ]
MOE: Sorry to disturb ya, boss, but we gotta clean the
joint. I’ll only take a few minutes.
WICK: That’s alright, boys. You won’t disturb us.
MOE: Thank you.
LARRY: Right.
[ The Stooges salute and accidentally hit each other on
the head ]
MOE: [ pushing Moe and Larry off-camera ] Oh, c’mon!
[ The camera pans over closer to Wick and Jim as they look
at the Stooges ]
MOE: [ off-camera ] That’s the wall the boss wants
WICK: [ to Jim ] If they’re half as dumb as they look, I
think we found our men.
[ Cut over to Larry standing in front of a dirty wall with
Moe behind him ]
MOE: Wash the wall and don’t spare the water.
LARRY: Right.
[ Larry dips his sponge into a pail of water and throws
some water from the sponge onto the wall repeatedly.
After a few times, Larry accidentally gets some water on
Moe when reaching the sponge behind him. Then he
accidentally hits Moe on the face with the sponge. The
next time Larry reaches the sponge back, Moe grabs Larry’s
arm and pushes the sponge into Larry’s face ]
MOE: Get outta here! Get that squeegee and get busy, you
LARRY: Ahh...
[ As Moe wipes the water off of his face, Larry picks up a
squeegee and begins wiping the water off of the wall with
it. When he reaches the squeegee behind him, the end of
the squeegee handle hits Moe on the side of the face. ]
[ As Moe turns over to Larry, Larry reaches his squeegee
back again and the handle hits Moe on the chin ]
[ The handle taps on Moe’s nose repeatedly ]
MOE: NNNNN! [ to Larry ] Hey, you, I’ll...
[ The handle goes inside Moe’s mouth and gets stuck in
it ]
[ Moe kicks Larry back, causing the handle to get pulled
out of Moe’s mouth ]
LARRY: [ fearfully backing away ] Excuse me, Moe! I
didn’t mean it! Honestly, I...
MOE: Okay, okay, okay, kid. Relax. Nothin’s gonna
happen. Where’s the sponge?
LARRY: [ handing Moe the wet sponge ] Here it is.
MOE: Oh, thanks!
LARRY: Big one, ain’t it?
[ Moe throws the sponge towards Larry’s face, but Larry
ducks and the sponge ends up hitting Shemp, who’s busy
vacuuming, on back of the head ]
SHEMP: [ to Moe ] You...!
[ Shemp takes his vacuum and walks over towards Moe and
Larry. Moe is nosehonking Larry repeatedly ]
LARRY: Oh, Moe! Oh! Oh!
[ Shemp places his vacuum on a table and walks over to
Moe ]
SHEMP: Hey, what’s the idea of “spongin’†on me?
MOE: Why don’t you mind your own business?! [ reaches to
eyepoke Shemp ]
[ Shemp blocks Moe’s eyepoke with his hand. Moe punches
Shemp in the stomach ]
SHEMP: [ releasing his hand-block ] Ohh!
[ Moe now eyepokes Shemp successfully ]
SHEMP: OHH! [ holds his hand in front of Moe’s face ] See
MOE: Yeah.
SHEMP: [ gives Moe the hand movement ] There!
MOE: Why, you! [ reaches to eyepoke Shemp again ]
[ Shemp turns around, causing Moe to poke the back of
Shemp’s head instead ]
MOE: [ holding his eyepoking fingers in pain ] Ooh! Ooh!
SHEMP: Ha, ha! He broke it! He broke it! Ha...
[ Moe raises his “broken†eyepoking fingers and pokes
Shemp in the eyes with them ]
SHEMP: OHH! Hey, you got a hangnail, you know that?
MOE: Hangnail, eh? [ begins biting off his hangnail ]
SHEMP: Yeah.
[ Moe spits the hangnail in Shemp’s face ]
SHEMP: Ooh! [ looking at Moe’s finger ] You didn’t get it
all; there’s another! [ begins biting Moe’s finger ]
[ Moe tries to get Shemp off by biting his nose as Larry
tries to stop them ]
[ Cut over to Wick and Jim watching the Stooges. Wick is
watching in amusement ]
MOE: [ off-camera ] What do you want here?!
SHEMP: [ off-camera ] What are you buttin’ in for?!
[ Jim turns his attention over to Shemp’s vacuum on the
table by the Stooges, which is sucking up the papers next
to it ]
JIM: Hey! [ walks over to the arguing Stooges and breaks
up the fight ] Hey, your vacuum is sucking up all those
SHEMP: Oh, I’m sorry! [ picks up the vacuum and holds it
over his shoulder ]
JIM: [ to Moe and Larry ] You boys are gonna have to be
[ The vacuum over Shemp’s shoulder sucks Jim’s toupee
off ]
JIM: I... [ feeling the top of his head ] toup...
[ turns over to Shemp ] Hey! My toupee is in your
vacuum! You...
SHEMP: [ stands the vacuum down on the floor ] Oh, it is?
MOE: Look, you idiot, you scalped him!
JIM: Yeah!
SHEMP: I’ll get it for you! Don’t worry! [ opens the
vacuum bag and starts searching through it ]
[ Moe and Larry sit Jim down and try to calm him ]
JIM: I know, but... I know, but...
LARRY: Don’t worry about it!
JIM: But my...
LARRY: Shemp, hurry up!
SHEMP: [ pulling the dust-filled toupee out of the bag ] I
got it!
[ Shemp places the dirty toupee on top of Jim’s head,
getting dust all over Jim’s face and causing a coughing
fit ]
SHEMP: There it is, right there!
[ Larry walks off-camera ]
MOE: [ brushing the dust off of the toupee ] Take it easy,
now. Take it easy. [ looking at the toupee ] This
thing’ll never stay on!
[ Larry returns, with a hammer and nail ]
LARRY: Hold everything! I’ll fix it so he’ll never
lose it! [ holds the nail on top of Jim’s head and gets
ready to hammer it in ]
MOE: Okay... [ does a double-take ] Wait a minute!
[ Larry stops ]
MOE: Are you out of your mind?! [ a beat ] You wanna
punch a hole in this man’s toupee?!
[ Cut over to Shemp picking up a bottle of glue ]
JIM: [ off-camera ] You boys are gonna have to pay!
I’ve...I’ve no...I’ve never heard such a thing! Ohh!
[ Shemp reaches off-camera and takes Jim’s toupee ]
MOE: [ off-camera ] Take it nice and easy. Relax.
JIM: [ off-camera ] Never!! I’ll no... You...
[ Shemp pours glue inside of the toupee ]
JIM: OHHH! Never in my life have I had such...
SHEMP: [ holding the glue-filled toupee at Moe ] Here ya
are, Moe! Here ya are! Shine up that honeydew.
MOE: Okay. Okay, boy. [ dips a brush in the glue inside
the toupee, then brushes the glue on Jim’s head ]
SHEMP: That’s it.
JIM: Wh-What’s going on?! I tell you... Ohh! What is
SHEMP: [ places the toupee on Jim’s head ] There it is!
[ Glue from the toupee drips all down Jim’s face as the
Stooges try to straighten out the toupee on his head ]
JIM: Wait a minute! What’s going on here?! What are you
men doing?! You can’t do that!
[ Briefly cut over to Wick sitting at his desk, watching
the whole fiasco in amusement ]
WICK: Ha, ha, ha, ha!
SHEMP: There ya are! You look beautiful!
MOE: Your own mother wouldn’t recognize ya!
LARRY: To coin a phrase -- it''s your toupee, and
you’re “stuck†with it!
JIM: OHHHHH!!!! [ storms off-camera ]
LARRY: Ha, ha, ha, ha! [ to Moe ] Get it?
Toupee? “Stuck†with it?
MOE: [ sarcastically ] Ha, ha, ha, ha... [ slaps the glue-
covered brush on Larry’s mouth ] There! You idiot!
LARRY: [ trying to pull the brush off of his mouth ] MMM!
[ Cut over to Jim angrily walking up to Wick’s desk ]
JIM: Those stupid idiots!! Grr! How dumb can guys
WICK; Relax, Jim! Relax! [ whispering ] They’re just
what the doctor ordered!
JIM: Hmm?
WICK: [ to the Stooges ] Hey, boys, come here. Hurry!
[ The Stooges run over to Wick’s desk ]
WICK: How’d you boys like to make a lot of easy money?
MOE: You name it, we’ll do it.
WICK: Good. We’d like you boys to be delegates for the
presidential convention.
MOE: You’re a cinch, boss! We know all about presidential
conventions! We’ve seen them on the television! [ to
Shemp and Larry ] Show ‘em, boys!
[ The Stooges run over and grab several pickets with
campaign slogans for Hammond Egger ]
MOE: And perk it up like you’re at the convention now!
CONVENTION! The hall’s a bedlam!
MOE: The people are milling about and it’s
impossible to move!
LARRY: Everyone is shouting and talking hysterically!
MOE: You have to elbow your way through the crowd!
[ Wick has a confused expression on his face ]
SHEMP: We scream and holler and above the din and roar,
our voices blast out: “Vote for the one and only --
that fearless, that honest man! Of the people, by the
people, for the people, and against the
people!†So, let’s vote for... [ pause ] Moe, who
should we vote for???
MOE: Vote for that Ham...uh...Hammond Egger! [ bonks Shemp
on the head ]
LARRY: The place is a bedlam! Trumpets are blasting!
[ imitating a fanfare ] Dah-dah-dah dah-dah-dah,
dah-dah-dah, DAH-dah-dah-DAHHHHH!
SHEMP: [ pretending to look through binoculars ] They’re
off and runnin’ around the far turn. White Sox out in
front. Cardinals are runnin’ close by. The Giants are
comin’ up fast. He’s comin’ again...
MOE: [ stopping Shemp ] Hey, hey, hey, hey! You’re at the
wrong convention! [ imitating a drum roll ] Bdddddum!
ALL STOOGES: [ singing ] Hammond Egger wants your
Shout his praises from your throat
You’ll eat steak instead of stew
Five, Four, Three, Two
Three, Two
Three, Two...
SHEMP: Hold it! Hold it! [ with Italian accent ] I’m-a
demand-a a recount!
MOE: What’s the delegate’s name?
SHEMP: [ with Italian accent ] Geronimo Famarico Porto!
MOE: [ with Italian accent ] Ohh, ya tee benafoochi timi
SHEMP: [ with Italian accent ] Ah hum sula ta patula!
MOE: How many votes?
SHEMP: [ with Italian accent ] A-two!
MOE: [ holding up two fingers ] Two?
SHEMP: [ with Italian accent ] Yeah, two!
MOE: You got your recount! [ eyepokes Shemp ] Get outta
MOE: The convention is getting out of control! [
bangs hammer on desk like a gavel ] Will the sergeant-
at-arms please clear the aisle?
[ Larry moves his arms like he’s clearing away people ]
MOE: Order! Order!
LARRY: I’ll take a steak and French fries!
MOE: You’re “out of orderâ€! [ bangs the hammer on Larry’s
head ] Get outta here! We’re goin’ to this convention
like soldiers! Fall in!
[ The Stooges stand in a straight line, with Shemp on the
left end, Moe in the middle, and Larry on the right end ]
MOE: Right shoulder arms!
[ Shemp and Larry hold their pickets over their right
shoulders ]
MOE: About face!
[ Shemp and Larry turn towards the left, but their picket
signs smack Moe in the neck and the back of his head ]
MOE: OH! [ grabbing Shemp and Larry ] Get over here! Get
around here!
SHEMP Alright!
[ The Stooges stumble around trying to get in place ]
[ Cut to Wick and Jim watching the Stooges ]
WICK: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
SHEMP: [ off-camera ] Don’t spin me! Don’t spin me!
[ Cut back to the Stooges; Shemp and Larry are now
standing in opposite places ]
MOE: Now -- About face!
[ Shemp and Larry turn to the right and their picket signs
hit Moe again ]
MOE: OH! [ grabbing Shemp and Larry’s pickets ] Why, you!
[ Shemp and Larry run out the door ]
MOE: [ running after them ] I’ll murder you guys!
[ The picket signs get stuck in the door, causing Moe to
fall down on the floor. Shemp and Larry run back in the
room and help Moe up ]
[ Fade-out ]
[ Fade-in to a banner hanging outside that
[ Dissolve to the Stooges walking inside their hotel
room ]
SHEMP: Ohh, are my feet sore!
MOE: I’m all in. You know, a guy takes a terrible beatin’
at these conventions!
[ The Stooges throw their jackets off and Shemp walks off-
camera ]
LARRY: I’ll say! [ notices food and coffee on the table ]
Hey, I’m glad room service sent the food up; I’m dyin’ for
a cup of coffee.
MOE: Me, too.
[ Cut to Shemp in the bathroom, filling a bucket with
water from the bathtub ]
SHEMP: [ yelling to off-camera ] Pour me some coffee,
[ Shemp takes the bucket out of the tub, then walks out of
the bathroom and sits down next to a table ]
SHEMP: Oh, my foot is killin’ me!
[ Shemp takes his shoe off and smoke comes from his foot
and his foot begins whimpering like a dog ]
SHEMP: Be quiet! Fido, be quiet!
[ The whimpering continues ]
SHEMP: [ feeling his hot foot ] Oh, is that foot hot!
[ Shemp takes off his sock, then dips his foot into the
bucket of water. The water begins sizzling. ]
SHEMP: [ relieved ] Ahh! Ahh! Hahhhhhhhhh!!!
[ Cut to Larry pouring coffee in three cups. When he’s
done, he adds a whole bunch of spoons of sugar into one
cup of coffee, stirs it around, then takes a little sip
and quickly spits it back out in disgust ]
LARRY: [ handing the cup to Shemp ] Here’s your coffee,
SHEMP: Oh, thanks. Thanks, Larry.
[ Shemp takes one sip of the coffee, then shakes his head
in dissatisfaction. He adds in a few more spoons of sugar
into the coffee and stirs it around as Larry looks on in
surprise. After taking another sip, Shemp is still
dissatisfied with the taste. Shemp then takes only a
pinch of sugar with two fingers, adds it into the coffee,
stirs it around, tastes it again and is finally happy with
the taste. Larry shakes his head in the background in
disbelief ]
SHEMP: You know, Larry, I was just thinking -- it''s a
lucky thing we found out Hammond Egger is a crook before
we voted for him.
LARRY: Yeah, and won’t Wick burn when he finds out we’re
not gonna vote for his candidate!
[ Moe walks over to the table and takes his cup of
coffee ]
MOE: Say, boys, we’d better caucus.
SHEMP: Not me! All day long we had a rump session,
and now you want me to caucus?! I’m gonna have my coffee;
go caucus yourself!
MOE: [ waving his arm ] Ohh! [ walks away ]
[ Shemp brings his cup of coffee up to his mouth to take a
drink from it, but the spoon in the cup pokes him in the
right eye ]
SHEMP: [ rubbing his eye ] Well, I’ll fix that.
[ Shemp moves the spoon over to the other side, then
brings the cup up to his mouth to drink from it. The
spoon pokes him in the left eye this time and some coffee
gets into his eye ]
SHEMP: I got a hot eye! I heard of “hot feetâ€, but never
a “hot eyeâ€! [ puts the cup of coffee down on the
table ] Well, I’ll fix this, alright! I’ll fix this. [
bends the spoon handle backwards ] There we are! That’s
[ Shemp takes a drink from his coffee, then hiccups and
slaps himself in the back of the neck ]
[ Moe walks back up to the table ]
MOE: Hey, fellas, I finished my nomination speech.
Listen -- [ reading from a paper ] “Mr. Chairman, ladies
and gentlemen, fellow degenerates...†[ does a double-
take, then scribbles on the paper ] Uh, “...delegates. In
these sordid and morbid times when our national economy is
at stake -- and ‘steak’ is $3.00 a pound.†[ to Shemp and
Larry ] Heh, heh, heh! [ clears throat in embarrassment,
then continues reading ] “...there is a crying need for a
man of destiny to step forth. What our country needs it
tax reform and land reform. Instead, all we get is
chloroform! Shall we continue to remain asleep?†[
holds up an APPLAUD sign, then looks at Shemp and Larry
off-camera in shock ]
[ Cut to Shemp and Larry asleep on the table and snoring
loudly. Moe walks over to them and bonks their heads
together, waking them up ]
MOE: [ holding the APPLAUD sign up again ] Pay attention;
can’t you read the sign?
SHEMP: [ trying to read the sign ] Who’s smokin’?
MOE: [ hitting Shemp with the sign ] Get outta here!
SHEMP: [ holding his head ] Ohh!
MOE: [ reading from the paper ] “Washington freed the
country. Lincoln freed the slaves. Our candidate will
free the working man from work!†[ holds up the APPLAUD
sign ]
SHEMP AND LARRY: [ clapping ] Hooray!
MOE: Thank you. Thank you, gentlemen. [ reading from the
paper ] “From now on, there will be a two-hour week!†[
holds up the APPLAUD sign ]
SHEMP AND LARRY: [ standing up ] YAAAAY!!
[ Larry jumps up and down next to Moe as Shemp does
summersaults on the floor ]
CHA-CHA! HEY! [ tries to do another summersault but
accidentally sticks his head in the bucket of water ]
[ As Shemp takes his head out of the water, Moe and Larry
run over and help him up ]
MOE: What’s the matter with you?!
[ Shemp spits a mouthful of water in Moe’s face ]
SHEMP: Ohh! That two-hour week, that got me! That two-
hour week! That’s for me!
MOE: Don’t be a chump, ya chump! Ya can’t believe
all that stuff -- that’s a campaign promise! [
slaps Shemp ] Go on!
[ The Stooges walk back to the table, and Shemp and Larry
sit back down ]
SHEMP: Wait’ll I cool off this hot foot. [ dips his foot
back into the bucket of water ] [ to Moe ] Go ahead.
MOE: [ looking at his paper ] Now then --
SHEMP: Yeah?
MOE: Where was I? Oh, yeah! [ reading from the
paper ] “Therefore, delegates, it is my extreme honor to
nominate for our next president, Abel Lamb
[ Moe holds up a campaign poster that says: “DON’T BE A
the writing is a picture of Stewer, who’s face resembles
an actual lamb ]
[ Larry and Shemp stand up and the Stooges begin throwing
confetti from their pockets into the air, then in each
other’s faces ]
[ The Stooges throw all nearby objects like food and
jackets into the air ]
SHEMP: HA FOR STEWER! [ throws a pie in the air and it
lands in front of him ]
SHEMP: OH, STEWER! [ throws another pie in the air ]
[ As Shemp looks in the air, waiting for the pie to come
back down, it falls and splatters right in his face ]
MOE: [ angrily ] Now look at the mess ya made!
SHEMP: You made it, too!
MOE: Well, so I did. [ to Larry ] Hey, porcupine, c’mon!
Let’s clean the place up!
SHEMP: I’d better wash up! [ smacks himself in the
face several times ]
[ Dissolve to Moe and Larry cleaning up all the confetti
from the floor ]
MOE: Hey, it must’ve been an awful job to cut all these
little pieces of confetti out with a scissors.
LARRY: With a scissors?! They don’t use a scissors, ya
MOE: No???
LARRY: No, a razor blade!
MOE: Oh!
[ Cut over to a parrot flying inside the window of the
room and crawling around ]
MOE: [ off-camera ] How much money did Stewer’s manager
give you for your vote?
LARRY: [ off-camera ] $1,500.
MOE: [ off-camera ] Then we can buy a yacht.
LARRY: [ off-camera ] And go fishin’!
MOE: [ off-camera ] Hey, you got worms?
LARRY: [ off-camera ] Yeah, but I’m goin’ anyhow!
[ The parrot flies inside of a cooked turkey on the
table ]
MOE: [ off-camera ] Hey, somethin’ smells strong around
LARRY: [ off-camera ] Don’t look at me; I changed
my socks yesterday!
MOE: [ off-camera ] Well, congratulations!
[ Shemp walks out of the bathroom after cleaning his face
off ]
SHEMP: Hey, let’s eat! I’m hungry!
MOE: Me, too. I could eat a horse.
SHEMP: Don’t look at me!
MOE: I said a “horseâ€, not a “jackassâ€!
[ Shemp angrily waves his arm at Moe ]
MOE: [ to Larry ] Go on; get busy.
LARRY: Okay!
[ Shemp and Moe sit down. Larry takes a knife and
pitchfork and sticks the pitchfork in the turkey, causing
the parrot to squawk in pain. Larry twitches in
surprise ]
MOE: [ to Larry ] What are you screamin’ about?! Go on,
carve the turkey!
LARRY: I can’t! This thing isn’t cooked!
MOE: How do you know?!
LARRY: I jabbed it with a fork, and it hollered “Help!â€
MOE: [ standing up ] Stand aside, lamebrain! I’ll
carve it!
[ Moe sticks the pitchfork in the turkey, causing the
parrot to squawk again ]
MOE: NYAAAH-AAAAH! It’s haunted!
SHEMP: What are you tryin’ to do, starve me?! [
pushing Larry ] Get over here! [ to Moe ] Why don’t you
quit playin’ and carve that turkey?!
MOE: I’m scared to touch it!
SHEMP: Scared?! You’re crazy! [ rubbing the turkey ]
Look at that beautiful breast!
[ The parrot laughs and the Stooges jump in fear ]
SHEMP: No wonder you can’t carve it; it’s ticklish!
MOE: Hey, maybe a little seasoning will tenderize it. [
to Larry ] Pass me the black pepper.
[ Larry hands Moe the pepper shaker and Moe puts some of
the black pepper on the turkey ]
MOE: That oughta do it.
[ The parrot sneezes ]
MOE: [ to Shemp ] Gesundheit!
[ The parrot sneezes again and the Stooges do a double-
take ]
LARRY: Hey, fellas, I got an idea -- I''ll stuff the turkey
with crackers, let ‘im soak up the gravy, then we eat the
MOE: Smart thinking! [ to Shemp ] Hey, let me fix that [
pointing to the napkin under Shemp’s neck ]; you’re losin’
it. [ begins fixing Shemp’s napkin ]
[ Larry picks up a cracker and is about to put it inside
the turkey ]
LARRY: Hey, we’d better hurry because if we don’t get
there in time, we’ll miss the whole...
[ The parrot snatches the cracker out of Larry’s hand.
Larry scratches his head in confusion when he notices the
cracker is gone, then shrugs and takes out another
cracker ]
LARRY: That’s funny! I had a cracker in my hand, and
before I knew what happened...
[ The parrot snatches the cracker out of Larry’s hand
again, and Larry jumps in shock ]
MOE: Quit stallin’! How about those crackers?
LARRY: I can’t do anything! This turkey keeps grabbin’
the crackers outta my hand!
MOE: You’re crazy! Next thing you’ll tell me, it’s
[ The Stooges look at the table and watch in shock as the
parrot inside the turkey walks around the table ]
MOE: Nyaaah!
SHEMP: Eeb-eeb-eeb!
SHEMP: [ grabbing a ham ] Wait a minute! I’ll kill
[ Shemp swings the ham backwards and accidentally hits Moe
on the head, knocking him down to the floor ]
SHEMP: I’m sorry, Moe! [ to the turkey ] Why, you!
[ As Shemp tries to reach over to the table to hit the
turkey, he falls on top of the table, causing it to break
and fall to the ground. The parrot walks away. Moe and
Larry help Shemp up ]
SHEMP: Where’d he go???
LARRY: [ pointing off-camera ] He went that-a-way!
[ An alarm clock in the background suddenly rings ]
SHEMP: I’ll get it! [ pushing Moe and Larry away ] Look
[ Shemp runs over to the alarm clock and looks at the
time ]
SHEMP: Hey, fellas, we gotta rush back to the convention!
[ opens a drawer and puts the clock in there ] Choke it! [
closes the drawer on his hand by accident ] OHH! Ow!
MOE: C’mon, we’d better hurry up!
[ The Stooges quickly begin putting their hats and jackets
on. Moe puts his arm through one side of a jacket, and
Shemp puts his arm through the other ]
MOE: Let’s go.
SHEMP: Alright.
[ Moe and Shemp try to walk away but notice that they’re
stuck in the same jacket ]
MOE: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
SHEMP: Whaddaya doin’?
MOE: Whaddaya mean what am I doin’?!
[ Camera does a wipe-effect to Wick and Jim sitting at
home, watching a report on television ]
TV ANNOUNCER: And now, to recap the voting. It is the
65th ballot and the score is tied between Hammond Egger
and Abel Lamb Stewer. There’s some excitement on the
floor, ladies and gentlemen. Just a minute, please, until
I check on it.
WICK: Where are those three idiots?! Why don’t they cast
their votes? That’ll put us over.
TV ANNOUNCER: The three delegates from the 8th, 9th, and
10th district have just cast their vote.
WICK: Oh, boy, that’s us! We’re in the bag!
TV ANNOUNCER: A great upset! A great upset!
[ Wick begins drinking from a glass ]
TV ANNOUNCER: The three delegates who were committed to
Egger have just switched their votes in favor of Stewer!
[ As he hears this, Wick spits his drink out onto Jim in
surprise ]
TV ANNOUNCER: Stewer is the nominee for president!
WICK: Those dirty, double-crossin’ rats! [ to Jim ]
Come on!
[ Wick and Jim get up and begin to leave ]
[ Dissolve to the Stooges returning to their hotel room ]
MOE: Boy, oh boy! We sure put that over!
LARRY Yes, sir!
MOE: We’re gonna be set for life!
SHEMP: To say nothin’ but the dough we got!
LARRY: We’ll be members of the cabinet!
[ Wick and Jim appear from behind the curtains and sneak
over to behind the Stooges with bats in their hands ]
MOE: [ to Larry ] Yeah, I’ll make you Secretary of
LARRY: Thanks!
MOE: [ to Shemp ] And you -- Secretary of Inferior.
SHEMP: Thanks!
MOE: And I’ll be Toastmaster General!
WICK: If you live long enough!
MOE: [ to Shemp ] That’s a nice crack to make!
SHEMP: I didn’t say anything!
LARRY: Me, either!
WICK: But I did!
MOE: [ to Wick ] Why don’t you mind your own business?! [
to Shemp and Larry ] Then we’ll all get... [ does a double-
take ] NYAAAAAAAAH! [ eyepokes Wick and Jim ]
WICK AND JIM: [ holding their eyes in pain ] WHY...!
[ The Stooges run up to the bathroom door ]
[ The Stooges keep pushing each other out of the way while
trying to get to the door first ]
WICK: [ to Jim ] Come on!
[ Wick and Jim walk over to the fighting Stooges ]
WICK: Now I gotcha!
[ Wick and Jim swing their bats towards the Stooges, but
the Stooges jump out of the way, causing Wick and Jim to
hit each other on the head with their bats instead and
knock each other dizzy ]
[ The Stooges run inside the bathroom and hide behind the
door. Wick and Jim try to push open the door ]
WICK: C’mon! Open up that door! Open up! [ to Jim ] They
won’t open it. Let’s break it down.
[ Inside the bathroom, Moe silently motions Shemp and
Larry to move back ]
WICK: One...two...three!
[ As Wick and Jim run towards the door, Moe quickly pulls
it open, causing Wick and Jim to run inside the bathroom.
They bump their heads into a wall ]
[ Wick and Jim get knocked out and fall into an already-
filled bathtub. They look dazedly into blank space as we
hear birds chirping in the background ]
MOE: [ to Shemp and Larry ] We took care of them!
WICK AND JIM: [ coming back to ] Uhhh...
MOE: Dunk ‘em, boys!
[ The Stooges dunk Wick and Jim down further into the
water, then stand on top of them ]
MOE: Hey, it shouldn’t be a total loss; let’s take a bath!
SHEMP: Okay.
LARRY: Good idea!
[ The Stooges sit in the bathtub on top of Wick and Jim
and begin bathing, with their clothes still on ]
SHEMP: [ pointing at his back to Larry ] Here, will you
scrub my... [ handing Larry a brush ] Here, take this. [
pointing to his back ] Right here.
[ Larry picks up a bar of soap from the floor ]
SHEMP: [ pointing to his back ] Right here! Give it to
LARRY: Wait a minute.