Posted 2022-03-21 20:08:35 by JWF
Not as bad as most of the Besser shorts. The supporting cast, save for Emil Sitka, is pretty bad.
What is with Greta Thyssen's first scene? She is wide eyed and frozen faced, staring out at something off camera. She sits there motionless for a good minute or two.
Posted 2008-11-09 00:24:52 by The 4th Stooge
Oh, my god! This, as well as Flying Saucer Daffy, are my favorite Joe-era shorts. The whole smog-bag scam (and Moe's hysterical reaction to it), as well as Larry mentioning that the only reason Joe even won the contest was because the questions were about food (only to have Joe come in a short time later and begin making a huge sandwich.)Of course, the pure joy of watching Joe mention Havanas, and then instead of smoking it, had to eat it was genius. Gene Roth's looks of disgust were rather hysterical too.A couple of problems, though. Why in the world would Greta not see Moe with that yooge cake RIGHT AT HER FACE?! The same with Gene--Moe and Larry were right on top of them, and to make it even worse, while they were eavesdropping, the doors opened to the INSIDE of the room. You'd have to be blind not to see that. But then again, this IS the world of Stooge, and all is make well by the fact that they tear up the check, then try to put it together, complete with spit flying! Four-poker.
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2007-08-19 22:38:58 by FourthThird
Edited 2007-08-25 08:27:06 by FourthThird
Above-average Besser outing, not the worst or the best. Most of the funny stuff is at the beginning -- Moe describing the "missing" Joe while looking at him ("Color of hair? Skin!"), trying to grab Joe by the (nonexistent) hair, etc. It gets a lot less funny after that, although Joe does do some pretty good facial expressions while eating the cigar, and Larry looks hilarious in his wig.
BTW, this was one of two Stooge shorts I saw in the early '80s, some 25 years before I knew (or cared) much about the Stooges. (I think the other was "Sing A Song Of Six Pants", from which I only remembered one line.) After becoming a Stooge fan as an adult, I was a little surprised to find out that this had been one of the few Joe shorts; I had thought it must be a Curly one because that's what most of them were. My faulty memory had placed the "Montgomery's Wards" line in Curly's mouth and cast Larry as the cigar eater!
Does anyone else find it interesting that childish Joe is the one whose "adult" vices threaten to blow the Stooges' (nonexistent) cover?
And just what the heck is a "California Fujiama Smog Bag" anyway?
Posted 2000-12-31 13:49:00 by Uncle Mortimer
Edited 2006-03-23 20:33:02 by shemps#1
I can't stand Besser, but this is one that I'm actually looking forward to seeing again. If it's the one I think it is, it's got a scene where Besser(dressed as a child, like the original Curly version) is getting CIGARS shoved into his mouth. He starts to get sick and turn blue as more cigars are shoved in. God, would I love to do that to Joe Besser!
Posted 2003-06-26 02:07:00 by justplainbill
My Favorite Joe episode, just for getting to see his fat face pancake made-up to pure white after eating the cigars. "... Now eat the nice cigar Joey-Woey""But I don't waaa----, " {Cigar Jammed in Joe's Pie Hole}
Posted 2002-03-26 06:12:00 by black banana
Although I don't care for the Stooges as adopted childrenconcept, this still has funny moments. Highlights are theopening Smog Bag swindle sequence and Joe being forcedto digest cigars. Gene Roth is good as Montgomery M.Montgomery. About the fourth or fifth best of the Joe films.Rating 2 1/2 pokes...Review by Nick Barker & his 2 assistants
Posted 2002-02-26 20:38:00 by BeatleMoe
Finally, I have seen this, thus, making it all 190 Three Stooges films (a very special thanks to Jon Weaver, aka jonnyringo.) This is my fourth favorite Besser film. It never fails with the Stooges dressing as children, and the best part is in the middle, when Moe and Larry play blind man's bluff with the murderess female. Joe's a riot eating the cigars, turning white, and almost puking! Some slow parts, but all in all, very funny.Memorable scene: Moe and Larry's blind man's bluff game.Rating: 3 starsBeatleMoe